Honestly I don't care about the sales numbers, I was more interested in the statement. I thought these companies had a friendly rivalry and didn't talk trash. It was also highly ironic considering MS's Japan numbers, if Nintendo had said it it would make much more sense.
I'd like these PR guys much more if they didn't act like people running for a political office and were a bit more friendly and honest.
Well I'm not sure what you've been following, but these companies trash talk eachother all the time. Comparing the guy to Tony Snow is pretty ridiculous, especially when it's a fairly accurate statement.
Sure it's spin, but at the same time he's right. MS has been answering that same question for the last year and a half, it's about time someone started asking Sony the same thing.
Shifty - Currently in JPN Wii is outselling PS3 6:1, which was the number I was getting at.