Japan Sales Thread *renamed

That is selling PS3's? :???:

Anyway, if anyone is wondering why we were stunned by the XB360's performance, it's because everyone was expecting numbers like we had this week. I guess we'll soon see if it's just a fleeting blip or something PS3 can sustain.

I walked by some PS3 pre-order boxes today at the train-station, and I couldn't resist them, as it's also the closest place to where I live where I can buy one and it's a shop that's open a lot more than most shops, being at the train station and all. So just like that I tossed my resolution to just get the first box I could find in any nearby shop out of the window, and I got me that pre-order box and it's standing right behind me now, waiting for the 23rd. I guess I was starting to get worried a little that all the recent Sony announcements are going to catch on here and make it hard to get one. I really and truly honestly doubt that - there seem to be a really large number of pre-orders available and much fewer people ready to jump in at 599 euros ...

I think it will have a much bigger effect to eventually see the machine in action, and/or when the press and advertising finally start kicking off seriously over here. I know a lot of people will be coming over to my place to check it out, and I'm fairly sure that this will sell more PS3s than just seeing the black little box standing out there. My pre-order comes with Black Hawk Down ... not the best of offers as there are other places that allow you to choose from a few more titles, but I can live with it. The place where I buy my machine is more important - availability for when something goes wrong or just to be able to pick it up easily and quickly when it gets here is more important to me. ;)

Im not sure if Black Hawk Down is a movie of your liking but it is stated to have one of the best pq in the blu ray library (rivaling Kingdom of Heaven). If you dont personally like the movie perhaps you can take solice in that.:cool:

Im not sure if Black Hawk Down is a movie of your liking but it is stated to have one of the best pq in the blu ray library (rivaling Kingdom of Heaven). If you dont personally like the movie perhaps you can take solice in that.:cool:

Ah, that is good to know. At least its a good show-off piece then ... ;) And we'll be getting that free copy of James Bond for the other half of the population ...
Blackhawkdown is very inconsistant due to the high level of grain used throughout the movie. Sure, some parts are great when they're shot clean but others would not be a good way to show off BR.

Crank would be my current pick. It's grain free, lots of outdoors and bright scenes that give you a real "looking out the window" effect.
Are you one of the grain haters Robert? ;)

IMO BHD looks awesome, and sounds even awesomer. But different strokes for different folks. Crank I agree looks clean, sharp, and lacks grain - but the movie itself is not as good (though entertaining).

Anyway - let's try to stick to gaming in this thread. Good week for PS3 in Japan on the back of Gundam Musou.
That is selling PS3's? :???:

Anyway, if anyone is wondering why we were stunned by the XB360's performance, it's because everyone was expecting numbers like we had this week. I guess we'll soon see if it's just a fleeting blip or something PS3 can sustain.
Gundam is huge is Japan. maybe not as big as FF, but its obviously very popular. i was quite shocked as well.

just imagine when games like FF, white knight story, GT and MGS get released in Japan.
Found this on vgcharts : (http://www.vgcharts.org/japweekly.php)
DS 106,500 (-6%) 15,715,000
PSP 52,000 (-25%) 5,331,000
Wii 50,000 (-17%) 1,855,250
PS3 22,250 (-51%) 777,250
PS2 16,750 (-3%) 22,080,500
XBOX360 3,250 (-7%) 361,250
GBA 1,750 (0%) 16,668,000
GC 250 (0%) 4,020,500

I don't know if these numbers are accurate.

I can' t believe the numbers of Japan DS Million sellers (or almost million selllers)

The numbers at the bottom of the page are amazing : half of the software sold are Nintendo's.
From the same place, for the week ending March 18th.
DS            118,750 (+8%)
Wii	       51,500 (+11%)
PSP	       41,500 (-30%)
PS3	       23,250 (-30%)
PS2	       16,000 (-3%)
Xbox 360	3,500 (0%)
GBA	        1,500 (0%)
GC	          250 (0%)

Software sales numbers are up too. No strong PS3 presence. Gundam Masou reached 228k in its third week and now rides off into the sunset. Power Smash 3 (=Virtua Tennis?) was a tremendous flop at 16500 units in its first two weeks. And thus the software chart ends with no further PS3 game.

PS3 hardware sales aren't pretty. Going at almost half the rate of the Wii might seem impressive, but the Wii could probably do much bigger numbers if it weren't for supply constraints. The PS3 needs more game releases asap.
but the Wii could probably do much bigger numbers if it weren't for supply constraints. The PS3 needs more game releases asap.
Consoles in glass houses should not throw stones. I'm already seeing the glow is off for many Wii owners on some forums. Even the dreaded phrase "dust collector" has started to appear. Sooner or later the penny will drop more widely, and the true state of affairs with the Wii release pipeline will reign back sales of this console. IMO they mayaswell have loaded Wii Sports into ROM ...
IMO they mayaswell have loaded Wii Sports into ROM ...

From the looks of it should be able to fit a very small area. Anyone have an idea on how big this game actually is? I'd guess less than 50mb.

Regarding future software releases for Wii: The nice thing about it is devs can crank out compelling titles cheaply and quickly in comparison to a "AAA" next gen title on ps3 or xb360. I expect Nintendo to own this e3.
Consoles in glass houses should not throw stones. I'm already seeing the glow is off for many Wii owners on some forums. Even the dreaded phrase "dust collector" has started to appear. Sooner or later the penny will drop more widely, and the true state of affairs with the Wii release pipeline will reign back sales of this console. IMO they mayaswell have loaded Wii Sports into ROM ...

*cough* http://forum.beyond3d.com/showthread.php?t=39763

Consoles in glass houses should not throw stones. I'm already seeing the glow is off for many Wii owners on some forums. Even the dreaded phrase "dust collector" has started to appear. Sooner or later the penny will drop more widely, and the true state of affairs with the Wii release pipeline will reign back sales of this console. IMO they mayaswell have loaded Wii Sports into ROM ...

Well yeah obviously Wii will need top games in the future to help it keep selling (who knows when that need will actually occur). But the point is PS3 needs top games to help it sell NOW, in fact its needed them for months. Get it?...
From Magic Box:

Here are the latest Japanese console hardware sales for the week of March 5 - 11.

1. NDS Lite - 111,814 [1,488,376] units
2. PSP - 66,156 [503,984] units
3. Wii - 57,972 [803,474] units
4. PlayStation 3 - 44,000 [262,725] units
5. PlayStation 2 - 15,364 [196,047] units
6. Xbox 360 - 3,379 [65,389] units
7. GB Micro - 805 [12,910] units
8. GBA SP - 738 [10,752] units
9. GameCube - 303 [4,432] units
10. NDS - 112 [958] units
11. GBA - 25 [452] units

PSP kick Wii!!!!

At least two weeks ago....
From Magic Box:

3. Wii - 57,972 [803,474] units
4. PlayStation 3 - 44,000 [262,725] units
5. PlayStation 2 - 15,364 [196,047] units
6. Xbox 360 - 3,379 [65,389] units

Based on those numbers, Wii is the one needing title help. Their ongoing sales do not support their advantage in installed base, and, worse, combined PS2+PS3 sales are exceeding Wii, and PS3 ongoing sales are healthy considering the lack of next-gen titles. When the pipeline starts to kick them out, PS3 ongoing will exceed Wii ongoing.

Meanwhile nobody japanese trusts the 360 to deliver, and they are stuck at 5 digits installed base.
Based on those numbers, Wii is the one needing title help. Their ongoing sales do not support their advantage in installed base, and, worse, combined PS2+PS3 sales are exceeding Wii, and PS3 ongoing sales are healthy considering the lack of next-gen titles. When the pipeline starts to kick them out, PS3 ongoing will exceed Wii ongoing.

Meanwhile nobody japanese trusts the 360 to deliver, and they are stuck at 5 digits installed base.

Uh, the PS3 sales from that week are reflecting the influence of Gundam Mosou's release which gave the PS3 a little kick. Since then they are back to selling ~22,000 a week again. And secondly the second number isn't total install base, it's year to date sales. The 360's install base is over 300,000 in Japan, quite a bit more than 5 digits. Still well behind both of it's competitors, of course.
Uh, the PS3 sales from that week are reflecting the influence of Gundam Mosou's release which gave the PS3 a little kick. Since then they are back to selling ~22,000 a week again. And secondly the second number isn't total install base, it's year to date sales. The 360's install base is over 300,000 in Japan, quite a bit more than 5 digits. Still well behind both of it's competitors, of course.
actually, the 44,000 is a reflection of the week of feb 26th - mar 4th. i don't think there have been any official media create sales numbers since then.

the numbers at vgcharts are usually inaccurate.

edit: nm, the numbers for March 5th - March 11th - 32,115 (Wii - 44,495):

Hardware - This Week | Last Week | YTD | LTD
1. NDS - 108,631 | 111,926 | 1,597,965 | 15,603,644
2. PSP - 56,175 | 66,156 | 560,159 | 5,092,288
3. WII - 44,495 | 57,972 | 848,069 | 1,767,712
4. PS3 - 32,115 | 44,000 | 294,840 | 752,398
5. PS2 - 14,585 | 15,364 | 210,632 | 20,365,491
6. 360 - 3,333 | 3,379 | 68,722 | 333,424
7. GBA - 1,504 | 1,568 | 25,618 | 15,323,697
8. NGC - 240 | 303 | 4,672 | 4,174,140
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