Is Gears of War worth purchasing an X360 for? *fixed


Just curious as to the responses, I've been tempted by a few games on the 360 but GoW is definitely the one that grabs me most and has actually made me think of picking up a console just to be able to play it.

I have a 42" plasma, is it worth it to buy a 360 just for the experience of playing GoW on? Any other games that would make it worth it?
Gears of War?

I think a 360 is worth purchasing as long as you don't play too many games in one genre (all RPG, all racing, etc.) but isn't there supposed to be a price drop in spring?
I'm sorry digitalwanderer, but the thread title is hilarious (even if a honest mistake). :LOL:
/me laughs on irc. ;)
In any possible combination of how you got that all mixed up the answer is: No, not even close for either game.
If you have someone to play co-op with you, then yes, I'd say it's worth a purchase. It's a pretty good game (and I was very skeptical because I don't like 3rd person shooters).

I wouldn't advise anyone to buy a console for just one game, but there are other interesting games coming to the 360 soon, so if you have the money, go for it.
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:LOL: heh

Anyways No single game is probably worth that much money, but X360 has pretty solid lineup and many great games coming out this year. You probably won't regret if you purchase it. Gears of War is pretty awesome too. It takes about 1h to get really confortable with the controls, but after that it's a blast. Co-op in that game is implemented better than anywhere I've seen.
If you mean, is one game worth the money? No - no game is.

However, there's usually a single game which will push you over the edge. For me, that game was Gears, and I've not had a regret yet. The overall library to date has had me buy about a dozen games.

I'd actually say the 360 is my 2nd favourite console to date, after the Dreamcast.

Hey, Digi, your kids will love you for Viva Pinata ;) Why hold back?
If you mean, is one game worth the money? No - no game is.

However, there's usually a single game which will push you over the edge. For me, that game was Gears, and I've not had a regret yet. The overall library to date has had me buy about a dozen games

Same here, Gears is what ended up pushing me to buy a 360. Oddly enough, out of all the games I have bought for said 360 Gears is the game dislike most. Still glad I bought it though, all the other games I picked up have been a lot of fun.
Same here, Gears is what ended up pushing me to buy a 360. Oddly enough, out of all the games I have bought for said 360 Gears is the game dislike most. Still glad I bought it though, all the other games I picked up have been a lot of fun.

I was actually in the same position as you until about a week ago. I'd
finished GoW on casual, and thought it was good fun, but I was far more impressed with the rest of my library - especially VP. But I went back to it on Hardcore and got into it again after about fifteen minutes. After doing some reading on the net, I found a lot of people in the same spot - after initial disappointment vs the hype, they fell in love with the game after a few weeks haitus.

Also make sure you jump on co-op... working with a friend is hard to beat in any game.
I was actually in the same position as you until about a week ago. I'd
finished GoW on casual, and thought it was good fun, but I was far more impressed with the rest of my library - especially VP. But I went back to it on Hardcore and got into it again after about fifteen minutes. After doing some reading on the net, I found a lot of people in the same spot - after initial disappointment vs the hype, they fell in love with the game after a few weeks haitus.

Also make sure you jump on co-op... working with a friend is hard to beat in any game.

Yes :) I was tempted to return it after strolling through most of the game on 'hardcore' - although some parts drove me utterly nuts, as they didn't work with my play style. Coop was certainly a lot more fun though, however it still wasn't exactly 'insane'. We defeated ramm first go practically before he even got down to us.
I'm starting to enjoy the multiplayer more and more too. You can have a lot of fun if no-one in the game is taking it too seriously. (ohh and there aren't any 12 year olds whining about god knows what... urhg. Funnily enough every time I mute one they seem to end up sending a friend request.. odd)

The same can't be said for R6:Vegas, that game starts out great, goes for a while, then just sorta fizzles out.
You should definitely get an Xbox360 as soon as you can afford one.

It has a strong library of games and a lot to look forward to this year and nearly every 3rd party game will come to the system.

On it's own I don't think Gears of War is that great a system seller. The single player campaign is too short and lacks replay value.

If you play a lot of online, it will make up for that fact.

Online co-op is great.

I would recommend GOW as a rent unless you play a lot online.

You should still get a 360, there is easily enough titles across different genres for variety.

You can demo most games.

Personnelly I don't rate most of the big system sellars on the 360. Stuff like Dead Rising, Lost Planet, Saint's Row and Crackdown do little for me. In my opinion some mediocre games get a lot of unwarranted hype on the 360 due to ****** insecurities.

Games I did like: Gears of War for co-op play, Oblivion, Table Tennis, Condemned, Call of Duty 2, Kameo.
Gears of War
Lost Planet
Heavy Weapon (Arcade)
Crackdown (wow demo is amazing, this game just does so much)
Rainbow 6
NBA 2k7 (if you like sports, this is the NBA in a box)
Viva Pinata
Forza 2

plus many more unique and or enhanced vintage Arcade games and lots of downloadable demos from many developers as well as downloadable TV shows and HD movies
For me, a console sells itself to me usually if it has one must-buy. Of course, the result is also that a game has to meet some pretty harsh criteria before it becomes a must buy. ;) But once a game reaches that status, I'm also willing to invest. Tekken has for a long time for me been the reason to own a PS1 as well as a PS2. Gran Turismo took over as the main reason around when the PS2 arrived. It doesn't mean that I don't love a tonne of other games as well, but certain games are worth hundreds of euros to me. There are only three machines I bought before I felt any must-have games had arrived, which are the Atari Falcon (yep), the Xbox, and the PSP. For the Xbox, I thought PGR2 might have been a must-have game, but I was ultimately disappointed by lack of wheel support - or rather, wheel support on GT4 was so outstanding that it crushed all benefits of the Xbox experience, never mind the accurate Nurburgring, 60fps and other stuff. As for the PSP, I definitely got my money's worth out of it, as I've been using it daily since the Japanese launch and have had plenty of great games. But the Atari Falcon and Xbox weren't so hot in my book - the latter was mostly good for playing multi-platform games a little more conveniently (HDD and such).

The PS3 is already a must-buy for me, with GT and Tekken/Virtua Fighter covered on day one, even if GT is only a demo without force feedback - you wouldn't believe how many hours I can put into perfecting laps on just one track, and this demo has one track, reverse, 20 cars, a drift mode, online leaderboards, etc. As long as the core gameplay experience is as good as GTs, then see the hours stack themselves

The 360 may become a must-buy for me if Forza 2 turns out to be a must-buy. Forza 2 can allow itself to be a tiny bit less hot also if Microsoft decides to support the Driving Force Pro, or even the Logitech G25 - in that case, the threshold for Forza 2 becoming a must-have becomes lower. ;)

As of now, though, it's wait-and-see.

Anyway, this is just a long way of disagreeing with PARANOiA ... ;) Yes, one game can sell a console. As long as it is one of those games that you can keep playing for years, sure.