Is Crysis max'd out the benchmark for Xbox3 and PS4?

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Have you actually seen Crysis at v.high in high resolution? It really is in a league of its own. Screenshots don't come close to doing it justice.

that's true. but next-generation consoles (X720, PS4) will output realtime graphics that are far superior to the highest quality settings for Crysis.

The Dreamcast was released in 1999. The PS2 was released in 2000 I think?

Dreamcast's technology was revealed in 1997, and was released in 1998 (Japan).
PS2 technology was revealed in 1999, released in 2000.

Do any of you guys have this gen consoles? I can't quite decide if this thread is PC gamers stealth-trolling the console forum, or if there is a serious contention that a 3-5 year old game will max out the next generation of consoles (and, yeah, I think it's time to stop using "next gen" re those consoles currently on sale).

Now, it is true that Crysis is kicking the PC's ass right now. However, a year (18mos, tops) from now top-end PC's will be kicking its ass handily, and 2-2.5 years from now midrange PCs will be as well. And, historically, new gen consoles launch with performance above mainstream (at least) PCs. So, to answer the question of the thread subject --no, Crysis will not be the benchmark for PS4 and XBNext.

very much agreed, thank you.

we have not even seen the technology that next generation consoles will have. CPUs with *more* than 10 cores. GPUs with shaders that are probably 2 shader model generations beyond 4.0/4.1

think of the leap from the original Far Cry to Crysis. think of that same leap over again.
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Good animation for a main character and a 5-10 opponents is a matter of developer competence, not CPU power. The way Nate reacts to the environment in Drake's Fortune is impressive, without a doubt took many months of close cooperation between a programmer and an animator, and also without a doubt can be made to work equally well on a Wii (with less vertices in the characters, of course).

The wii has enough power to layer 12 animations on top of each other @ 30fps?.
This topic is embarrasing for Beyond 3d. With all the "technical" knowledge supposedly here, people are not using logic.

Do you think you can run Crysis on a PC 3-5 years from now with everything maxed at 1080p\60fps? Considering there is probably going to be 2 more GPU generations before next gen materializes, Crysis will be OLLLLLD and ugly.

Nextgen (Ps4\Xbox 3) consoles will match or best a midrange PC when they come out around 2010. And a Midrange pc from 2010, will completely and utterly whoop crysis ass. Hard

The X360 launched in 2005,when the best PC GPU out there was a 7900GTX\X1900XTX. We can all agree that the X360 gpu, while a tad slower than these gpu's, is still very comparable to them. Now, take a rig with a 7900GTX. Play something released 3 years earier than nov 2005. Meaning 2002-2003. I dunno what the best looking game in 2002 was, but in 2003, the best looking game was Call Of Duty 1. Do you think a 7900GTX rig can play CoD1 maxed?

Seriously. My laptop can play any game from 2-3 years ago completely maxed at 800p, a next gen console released in 2010 certainly will whipe the floor with crysis, aspecially considered that they dont have to deal with the tremendous Vista OS overhead.
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a next gen console released in 2010 certainly will whipe the floor with crysis, aspecially considered that they dont have to deal with the tremendous Vista OS overhead.

Yep and considering that it's not very unlikely that the first next gen console might arrive as late as at the end of 2011, it kind of makes this thread ridiculous. I mean Crysis is pretty but come on!
Just dont forget that Crytek has said that Crysis will recieve graphical updates over-time that are not really possible to run on todays PC hardware satisfactory!

...and seeing killzone2 demo footage im willing to say its definetly in crysis' league. the deffered lighting is simply somefin representative of nextgen.

Well we all have different views but I myself after seeing proper ss dont see the supposed "magic". IMO STALKER beasts it in many areas graphically. :)

On very high, Crysis is a very clear step above any other game available IMO and the fact that it brings a GTX to its knees on those settings obviously shows that its at least down to its technical requirements. Its not like anyones going to be able to puill of Crysis at very high on a console just by using good artists.

To say that the art is what makes Crysis shine mainly must be seen as pure rubbish. But I say that that is what holds up Uncharted for example and makes everything blend in together nicely even though trunks/objects are low poly. I also find it funny how many said that Crysis has no art becouse it aims to look realistic...ROFL!

...I also disagree that there is any problem with the animation, looks excellent to me and I certainly don't recall playing any game/demo on my 360 that had better

There is still some small bugs but otherwise it looks brilliant, everything from face animations to movement, jump over fence, going out of car by opening door etc. Also holding the soldiers by the neck and they still move, the face changes animation. Anyone denying this have clearly not played the game or even seen proper videos of it or they are just in denial to fit their "alliance", how sad really that people would have to make up stuff to BS a game that is far above what their favorite platform can do. leaving them only the option to trash talk it down with false statements...tsss.
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The wii has enough power to layer 12 animations on top of each other @ 30fps?.

Yes, certainly. Blending 12 animations involves the same amount of work as playback of 12 animations (interpolation of several splines per bone) plus blending the results per-bone, which, no matter what your bone representation is (matrix or quaternion) is no more than several dozens of FP operations. Typical bone counts range for high-end human characters in the mid-to-high double digits. All of this is inexpensive compared to the other work you have to do for the character per-frame - e.g. skinning, which is per-vertex rather than per-bone, at least one order of magnitude (which the Wii can't do on the GPU, so it will tax the CPU again).
Well we all have diffeent views but I myself after seeing proper ss dont see the supposed "magic". IMO STALKER beasts it in many areas graphically. :)

Not trying to detract from the thread, but in what areas do you think Stalker bests KZ2?, KZ2 looks amazing in screenshots, let alone in motion imo.
Not trying to detract from the thread, but in what areas do you think Stalker bests KZ2?, KZ2 looks amazing in screenshots, let alone in motion imo.

All lights are dynamic + destructible, parallax mapping is used heavily and the textures look really detailed upclose. All muzzle flashes + grenades + weather/unnatural phenomenas (thunder etc) + dynamic lights. cant say so much for other stuff but 1-2m/polys frame, nice dynamic daytime. But so far one of them is WIP the other one is going throguh patchy patchy period!
There is still some small bugs but otherwise it looks brilliant, everything from face animations to movement, jump over fence, going out of car by opening door etc. Also holding the soldiers by the neck and they still move, the face changes animation. Anyone denying this have clearly not played the game or even seen proper videos of it or they are just in denial to fit their "alliance", how sad really that people would have to make up stuff to BS a game that is far above what their favorite platform can do. leaving them only the option to trash talk it down with false statements...tsss.
You need to calm down. If there are better vids that show better animation, link to them to argue your case, rather than dismiss opinions as denial. Not everyone is a raving fan of this title following it feverishly and knowing every bit of media released. Some of us only check a relatively small amount of media and that linked to, and if there's better examples out there you can't expect us to have gone looking for them.

Just dont forget that Crytek has said that Crysis will recieve graphical updates over-time that are not really possible to run on todays PC hardware satisfactory!
this is a moving target which makes the original question redundant. You can't measure a platform by performance of a title at current levels and then say Crysis will be improving over time so the consoles will be playing catch up.

As a moderator, donning my modhat, I don't see the point of this thread. There's no real discussion here. There are those saying Crysis is brilliant, and those saying it's not, and little presentation of supporting evidence for either side. If someone wants to counter a claim that Crysis has simple animation, provide real material to that effect rather than just crying foul that someone disagrees with you. If someone wants to claim such-and-such a console game isn't challenging such-and-such other game on a technical level, provide some technical details.

The technical case for next-gen consoles to whoop Crysis' heinie is simple. Take the polygon counts and shader ops Crysis consumes, look at how rendering technology is increasing each year, extrapolate a relative performance probable for a high-end console referencing historical precedent, and next-gen specs will happily accommodate Crysis (sans perhaps some AA or AF or similar sundry niceties). Add to that improvements in software that will introduce new and far better systems such as destructible materials, behavioural animation, global illumination, superior volumetric terrain modelling, procedural variance, silhouette shaping, and who knows what else may be invented, and that outcome is clear. The next-gen consoles will have more power than a current high-end Crysis rig, in a closed box which allows far better utilisation, with advances in algorithms allowing for far better effects.

If you disagree with that argument, present a logical case rationally argued. What will limit next-gen consoles? What is Crysis doing in other departments that cannot be improved upon over time?

Thanks to peoplessi at another forum.
Umm it's not same level to begin with. Second upping the sun specular + darkening the image + running in DX10 mode with occlusion light(correct name?) (light through leafs), and motion-blur for objects is which is available through DX10 mode.

Cant say for the ground but looks very similar at some places in the demo at v.high (leafs look 3D). Hehe i find it satisfactory that the looks of the first image is almost completly achievable in full DX10 mode and with editor, 4-5 years hehe. ;)

The second image looks like med/high settings.

This is the game at very high settings (DX9) with 2 parameters changed for lighting and sun specular, no perfomance hit for it. of course not same place but and I did it in 1 min just for testing...
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"peoplessi at another forum" is lying ;) That's not the best Crysis has to offer, by a long shot.

I just credited the source. I am not here to argue about anything. Instead of attacking someone who isn't here to defend themselves, why don't you show us how we get those shadows on the leaves.
I just credited the source. I am not here to argue about anything. Instead of attacking someone who isn't here to defend themselves, why don't you show us how we get those shadows on the leaves.

Why don't you look at the pics in the post above mine and see that even DX9 mode w/high settings look better than the SS you provided?
I just credited the source. I am not here to argue about anything. Instead of attacking someone who isn't here to defend themselves, why don't you show us how we get those shadows on the leaves.

You mean the light passing through the leafs/blades and one object infront shadowing the light?

found this old ss which has the feature on for the leafs/blades.
Betanumerical: still doesn't look as good as the foliage shadowing in the top screenshot of the image I posted. The leaves are too opaque.

Edit: posted before Nebula replied. Yes, that looks better. I see no "pre-release demo" text so I assume it is not in the demo.
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