Is Crysis max'd out the benchmark for Xbox3 and PS4?

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Dont PC gpu's like double in power in 6 months??

Not lately, no. 8800GTX has been the high end for a year (November 06-today), with no immediate end to it's reign in sight.

Sure, Nvidia just released a card 90% as good for $250, but the high end hasn't moved in a year regardless. I'm pretty sure it was about 1.5 years before that. 7800GTX came out in early 2005. Nvidia bumped the clockspeed a few times (7900 series), but they didn't come out with a major new architecture until 8800GTX.

Too me, it's still too early to get a good handle on next gen consoles. Moore's law seems to be really struggling these days. They haven't even been able to cost reduce the current consoles to near a reasonable standard yet, let alone a next gen console. I also expect the we will not see a new generation until 2011 or 12, which would mean the cycle lengthened as well, which would be partly another consequence of the difficulty facing Moore's law. It takes longer to reach hardware profitability today. Also, the Wii has somewhat thrown expectations of power on it's ear. What if one of Sony or MS decide they dont want to go with a extremely powerful console next time around, but rather just a mid-specced one? It's possible.
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Robert: I have no doubt that Crysis will look very dated when next-gen consoles arrive.

There's no doubt in my mind that first generation Xbox3/PS4 games will be visually well beyond that of Crysis' highest quality settings. Also, Crysis is meant to scale 2 years into the future with better & better hardware. so lets say Crysis is actually maxxed out by PC hardware of 2009. Still, next-gen consoles will still be ahead of PC hardware of 2009 by a year or more. Next-gen consoles aren't coming out for another 3 to 5 years.

Even though the full potential of DX10 Crysis at 60fps is well beyond what X360 and PS3 will ever do, I don't think Crysis gives us any idea of what next-gen console games will look like. next-gen consoles are supposed to use 30 or more cores, and graphics processors that are well beyond even the highend cards coming out next year.

Also, I totally disagree about diminishing returns. games can and will look leaps and bounds beyond Crysis.

Some people thought games wouldn't look much better than Doom3. they were wrong. the difference between Crysis and highend offline rendered CG is still huge, so if GPUs can keep advancing at the rate they have, realtime graphics will get a lot better than the most you will see from Crysis.
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Megadrive, we're going to have so much fun around here in a year or so. Hell, in someways it has already begun.
personally, i think crysis's situation will be the same as farcry is now to the "big2" ditching the wii. so when ps4, 720 come, crysis would look rather poor compared to the launch titles. to me it certainly looked the best atm, but not by a wide margin compared to some heavyweights like killzone2 or ff13. even uncharted and lair arent too much far off. and we're only in the infancy stage of nextgen consoles, the end stage titles would come even closer to crysis if not matching it. and since both ps4 & 720 should and would provide a milestone in processing power, i call it a joke for crysis to be a benchmark for them. ma 2cents.
Shortsightedness is certainly a problem with some folks. :)

If we look at previous console generations and how they paralleled PC technology, I think you can expect both platforms be rather similar at the launch of the new consoles. The difference in capabilities between the hardware on each platform has been lessening with each new release. In 3 years, a PC will tear Crysis apart. So should the new consoles.

But I think you can bet on the PCs having way more RAM again than the next consoles. Consoles have to be affordable, and that requires cuts over would be in a $1500+ PC. Crysis could be a benchmark for the new consoles to reach for with regards to RAM size. The PS3 and 360 are badly underequipped in this regard (relative to current PCs). Obviously 360 and PS3 having 4x more RAM than even Xbox 1 is a major improvement for their generation though, if you only look at the state of affairs from the console perspective.

IMO, if launch titles for the new consoles can do something like Crysis's huge environments and "Very High Quality" graphics at 1080p 60 fps, they would be in good shape. I think if they have 2 GB (4x current) total RAM they will be able to that.
Shortsightedness is certainly a problem with some folks. :)

If we look at previous console generations and how they paralleled PC technology, I think you can expect both platforms be rather similar at the launch of the new consoles. The difference in capabilities between the hardware on each platform has been lessening with each new release. In 3 years, a PC will tear Crysis apart. So should the new consoles.

But I think you can bet on the PCs having way more RAM again than the next consoles. Consoles have to be affordable, and that requires cuts over would be in a $1500+ PC. Crysis could be a benchmark for the new consoles to reach for with regards to RAM size. The PS3 and 360 are badly underequipped in this regard (relative to current PCs). Obviously 360 and PS3 having 4x more RAM than even Xbox 1 is a major improvement for their generation though, if you only look at the state of affairs from the console perspective.

IMO, if launch titles for the new consoles can do something like Crysis's huge environments and "Very High Quality" graphics at 1080p 60 fps, they would be in good shape. I think if they have 2 GB (4x current) total RAM they will be able to that.

I think you're underestimating consoles somewhat. They don't have to match pc specs to outperform them because they are on a closed platform with less overhead.
My bet :We'll see more impressive games than crysis this gen,and on consoles....( it's not like it's a very optimised whore)
Have the devs dropped some teasers on what they mean when they say unlocking more graphics and effects as the hardware becomes available?
Have the devs dropped some teasers on what they mean when they say unlocking more graphics and effects as the hardware becomes available?

There is some information in an interview but I know that the effects to be added over-time requires so far more GPU perfomance than what a G80 can give you (that must be some tasty effects)!

My bet :We'll see more impressive games than crysis this gen,and on consoles....( it's not like it's a very optimised whore)

Heh, I completly disagree, not even with good artwork and faked effects will they be able to come close. Aint got the RAM to hold the "juice" and aint got the perfomance to fill the "glass" either! ;) me it certainly looked the best atm, but not by a wide margin compared to some heavyweights like killzone2 or ff13. even uncharted and lair arent too much far off.

Crysis at very high is leagues ahead compared to those games. You have to understand that the BS images and hype released for those games never have represented the final quality which is true for all those games. When you critically investigate the graphics in Lair, Uncharted, KZ2 with true screengrabs/non BS images then they fall flat compare to Crysis in all respects. And that is only about graphics, when talking about physics, AI then oh my Crysis leaps around them with ease aswell as in teh graphics department.
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I'd start worrying if we cross 4Gb memory for next gen (PS4/X720). That would mean going to 64bit address space and I know there will be some serious pains with that. Just look what happened when PS3 was originally going to use 64bit pointers.
Arent Ps3 and XB both 64bit already?
Also, I totally disagree about diminishing returns. games can and will look leaps and bounds beyond Crysis.

Some people thought games wouldn't look much better than Doom3. they were wrong.

I would have to disagree with that. Doom 3 actually does stand up pretty well to current next gen games today which would not have been the case with a 3 year old game 3 years ago. I think graphics have reached a stage now (and in many ways had already done so on the PC in 2004) were they will continue to look good for a much longer period of time.

HL2 for example. EP2 doesn;t look that much different from what the PC was running in 2004 and yet it stands up very well to current generation games IMO.

As for the Farcry parallel, I think Farcry more than stood up to the launch titles of the current next gen consoles when it launched. Hell, one of the 360's launch titles was Farcry Instincts Preditor which arguably looked worse than the original.

On a technical level the next gen consoles should easily be able to run Crysis and much more, but I don;t think you will see anything much beyond Crysis's level from their launch titles. Similarly, I don;t expect the next gen launch titles to be significantly beyond the current gen end of life titles. Aside from the higher resolution the 360 launch titles weren't far in excess of xbox end of life titles.

Over the consoles life the graphics will get much better to match the hardware capabilities but I think diminishing returns will ensure that no game in the next gen will make Crysis look like trash. Dated perhaps but still good enough to play without being distracted by poor graphics. Just as Doom 3 is today.
personally, i think crysis's situation will be the same as farcry is now to the "big2" ditching the wii. so when ps4, 720 come, crysis would look rather poor compared to the launch titles. to me it certainly looked the best atm, but not by a wide margin compared to some heavyweights like killzone2 or ff13. even uncharted and lair arent too much far off. and we're only in the infancy stage of nextgen consoles, the end stage titles would come even closer to crysis if not matching it. and since both ps4 & 720 should and would provide a milestone in processing power, i call it a joke for crysis to be a benchmark for them. ma 2cents.

Have you actually seen Crysis at v.high in high resolution? It really is in a league of its own. Screenshots don't come close to doing it justice.
Shortsightedness is certainly a problem with some folks. :)

If we look at previous console generations and how they paralleled PC technology, I think you can expect both platforms be rather similar at the launch of the new consoles. The difference in capabilities between the hardware on each platform has been lessening with each new release. In 3 years, a PC will tear Crysis apart. So should the new consoles.

But I think you can bet on the PCs having way more RAM again than the next consoles. Consoles have to be affordable, and that requires cuts over would be in a $1500+ PC. Crysis could be a benchmark for the new consoles to reach for with regards to RAM size. The PS3 and 360 are badly underequipped in this regard (relative to current PCs). Obviously 360 and PS3 having 4x more RAM than even Xbox 1 is a major improvement for their generation though, if you only look at the state of affairs from the console perspective.

IMO, if launch titles for the new consoles can do something like Crysis's huge environments and "Very High Quality" graphics at 1080p 60 fps, they would be in good shape. I think if they have 2 GB (4x current) total RAM they will be able to that.

Current consoles have 8x the memory of last gen, not 4 x. Actually its 16x if your looking at the PS2/3. I expect next gen consoles to sport 8GB.
My bet :We'll see more impressive games than crysis this gen,and on consoles....( it's not like it's a very optimised whore)

I'd take that bet. Nothing I have seen, existing or upcoming looks close to Crysis when set to v.high at high resolution.

The 360 has been with us 2 years now, devs should be getting a good portion of its power now and yet the best examples of graphics on that system don't even come close. There would have to be a fairly big leap in order to match Crysis at v.high and I don't see that coming 2 years into the life of a console.

PS3 is unlikely to fare any better since its hardware is roughly equivilent to the 360.
Better, I should sincerely hope. We're talking about systems coming in 4 or 5 years.

(And I know just how great it looks at Very High :) It's not a knock on the game!)

I also wouldn't count out this generation for producting something that is as impressive, or even more impressive in some respects, if not completely technically as accomplished in every area Crysis is. For example, Crysis uses lots of memory and that is seen evidently in some of the characteristics of the game. But I could see games on the consoles that, say, use lots of processing power toward other characteristics that are just as impressive, just in different ways. But we'll see :) I'm optimistic about software scaling in this generation.
Sorry, a bit OT but...

Dual core @3.2Ghz.
7800 GTX.
1 Gig of Ram.

Would that sort of system allow Crysis to run at decent settings? Would it do it justice?

Rangers vid is the straw that broke the camels back. :(
Sorry, a bit OT but...

Dual core @3.2Ghz.
7800 GTX.
1 Gig of Ram.

Would that sort of system allow Crysis to run at decent settings? Would it do it justice?

Rangers vid is the straw that broke the camels back. :(

It will run but its not going to have the performance you are most likely looking for.

As far as consoles having 4gig or 8gig of ram in 3 years, well Im not completely sure. Consoles need to keep within an acceptable price parameter (history suggests 300-400usd) and there is simply a limit to the amount of hardware that can be contained within this given amount. I dont particularly expect ram to be "that" affordable in the next few years (seeing as how it isnt scalable as other hardware). If anything I think we can expect 2 gig in consoles.

As far as other hardware, I dont doubt that we can expect well performing cpus and gpus given the time-frame of the next release of consoles. Im willing to bet that they will boast HDD as standard (across the board) as well and most likely all will have some sort of high def optical drive format.
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