It drop to the teen frame/second often when i play on V.high but i can't help but i love playing on v.high because it looks very great, don't get me wrong i lvoe the look of this game but to me it looks like Id tech % will do much more running at twice the frame rate.
You actually think Tech5 is going to be doing technically more than Crysis? Let me apply a very big dose of sceptisism to that.
Id are great, but they aren't going to get the PS3 doing more work at 60fps than the 8800GTX can do at 20fps. Its a simple matter of hardware capability.
The fact of the matter is, great graphics don't come for free. Crysis is the best looking thing out there right now by a good margin and so of course its going to be a performance killer. If you want better performance, you have to settle for something with lesser graphics