incest: how far should the law go?

right / wrong / I don't care

  • Absolutely, totally, wrong.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wrong if its with immediate family, aunt/uncle/cousin is okay.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Incest is Best!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
london-boy said:
YEAH ALRIGHT!!! Don't need details here, u never know the catholic fundies around here might jump at your throat :LOL: Just kidding!!
Catholic fundies are furry little bunnies to me. remember, I live surrounded by a horde of stuck-in-the-18th-century Puritan (aka Baptist) fundies......
Sage said:
Catholic fundies are furry little bunnies to me. remember, I live surrounded by a horde of stuck-in-the-18th-century Puritan (aka Baptist) fundies......

YAY Lucky u!!! It must be super fun!! One day, i'd love to have a religious-fundies-kicking-the-shit-out-of-me of my very own...
london-boy said:
YAY Lucky u!!! It must be super fun!! One day, i'd love to have a religious-fundies-kicking-the-shit-out-of-me of my very own...

lol, nah. I do manage to stay out of too much troubble. Some places are almost pure fundies, but some places are just a bunch of rednecks, and a few are just full of white trailor-trash hopped up on meth. You just have to know what you can say/ do around who.
Sage said:
london-boy said:
YAY Lucky u!!! It must be super fun!! One day, i'd love to have a religious-fundies-kicking-the-shit-out-of-me of my very own...

lol, nah. I do manage to stay out of too much troubble. Some places are almost pure fundies, but some places are just a bunch of rednecks, and a few are just full of white trailor-trash hopped up on meth. You just have to know what you can say/ do around who.

Yeah i guess... I mean i could never live in a place where i can't be myself. Now, don't think i'm a Jack-from-Will&Grace-kind-of-guy, still i'm sure the gay factor makes my and other's lives more fun, especially at work... I mean we've had so much fun ever since i "came out" in the office, it's really cool...

errrmm wasn't this thread about incest? :oops:
Sage said:
london-boy said:
YAY Lucky u!!! It must be super fun!! One day, i'd love to have a religious-fundies-kicking-the-shit-out-of-me of my very own...

lol, nah. I do manage to stay out of too much troubble. Some places are almost pure fundies, but some places are just a bunch of rednecks, and a few are just full of white trailor-trash hopped up on meth. You just have to know what you can say/ do around who.

Would be amusing if you undertook your whole change among such a community...
Tagrineth said:
Would be amusing if you undertook your whole change among such a community...
actuallu I do know of two people who have done so.......
Tagrineth said:
Sage said:
Tagrineth said:
Would be amusing if you undertook your whole change among such a community...
actuallu I do know of two people who have done so.......

Hah. What's the general reaction then?
most people apparently don't know. I dont even know who they are, just that they exist. How people dont know is beyond me...
ByteMe said:
So who here has "hooked" up with a relative?

And do you got pix?
PERV! :p :LOL:

anyhow, someone else on these boards has informed me that they have the same gender identity problems as I, but they don't want others to know. Anyone have something that they would like to say?
Sage said:
anyhow, someone else on these boards has informed me that they have the same gender identity problems as I, but they don't want others to know. Anyone have something that they would like to say?
Incestuous Activities.

I think that incestuous activities are far more common than most anyone would care to admit. I believe that is true because everyone has more frequent contact with, and already has, a bond in place with a relative.

Incest is just an extension of the expression of love for your relatives be it a brother/sister, mother/son, father/daughter physical relationship. Or any other relationship like Uncle/niece or Aunt/nephew activities. The love is already in place and is easily built up into a physical relationship.

Although I have described mostly heterosexual relationships, I'd guess that homosexual activities are even more common because same sex relatives are not supervised as closely as opposite sex relatives. Also, I'd guess that lesbian relationships flourish moreso than same sex male activities. I say that because girls very often share the same bed when sleeping over with relatives. It just isn't "Macho" for one guy to sleep in the same bed with another guy.

I believe same-sex twins are even more susceptable to enjoying incest because the other twin is almost an extension of self. Throughout their early lives same-sex twins are often bathed together and usually share the same room and often a bed. They often dress together and feel comfortable being nude together because their bodies are the same. That physical closeness and sameness very often extend past puberty and of course, that easily leads to mutual masturbation even very early in life.

I knew a set of identical male twins in High School who often exchanged places without teachers or administrators knowing of the switch because few could tell them apart. They were very private about their incestous relationship but it was there. I and others who knew them well were aware that they were sexually involved with each other. It's just the way things were for them.

At least that's the way I see it.
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It's easy to spot what incest does, check this out:

oh no, let's not get into a "who can post the ugliest picture they can find" battle, because I will most certainly spank you all... I collect pictures of really really really ugly people (i know, i'm really really wierd sometime ;) )
YeuEmMaiMai said:
as society degrades more and more this will become commonplace
who said it's a bad thing? back in ancient roman times it was perfectly normal, along with homosexuality and even transsexuality was recognised and such people were actually considered very important and desireable. In fact, many great rulers had transsexual lovers that were more than just physical companions. It is only since the spread of desert religions that human sexual nature has been opressed.
Who says Incest is Degenerative?

Incest is as old as mankind. If it weren't for incest none of us would be here.

Afterall, it all started with one male and one female. Their offspring must have mated with each other, or even their parents, to start things off.

Chew on that for a while and then explain how incest is degrading society.

Comments anyone?????
Re: Who says Incest is Degenerative?

JustMarv said:
Chew on that for a while and then explain how incest is degrading society.
it's true that brother-sister and parent-sibling relationships that develop offspring are likely to have genetic "flaws." Also, any incest will develope genetically "flawed" people after enough generations. However, if someone is going to try to suggest that handicapped people degrade society then I will personally kick their arse. Also, I have to admit that some people abuse their family members- this is not incest, it is abuse. But, the number of people who abuse family members is not going to increase disproportionately to the increase in population. So, what is it that is so degrading to society?
Almost My Point Exactly

Sage, I agree with you with one exception. It is only with many repetitive generations of inbreading that genetic problems occur. A single instance of incest resulting in offspring, even by closely related individuals like siblings or parent and child, very rarely results in any type of increased risk of a physical defect.

If you look at aristocratic families or royalty, where close inbreeding has taken place for generations or even hundreds or thousands of years, genetic abberations rarely manifest themselves.

Also, it is a commonly known fact that physical characteristics tend to skip generations. That alone could be an indication that our genetic makeup has made an allowance for offspring of closely related individuals.

By that I mean, individuals of the same generation would not have the same dominant defective marker in their genetic makeup. Also, individuals of differing generations would have a recessive marker for the same defective gene. Hence, very rarely would such a genetic defect marker become dominant and manifest itself in a physical defect in the offspring of very closely related individuals.

Yes I understand that there are some dominant defective genetic markers that always show up in EVERY GENERATION, like hemophelia or color blindness. But because those defects show up in every generation of offspring of all carriers of the defective gene, those types of defects must be excluded.

Incest has been part of our species since time began and I believe it will continue to be a part of it forever. As I have said before, incest is a natural progression of the expression of love between closely related individuals. The keyword here is Natural.