Mazinger said:
Yep, it's running sub HD, but not without a reason.
I believe it is mostly due to the 10MB EDRAM limit, as 3 RTs of Crysis 2's deferred renderer would require 3 tiles to fit in with 22MB G-buffer size. (too much loss in performance) 1152 x 720 res will yield 19.9 MB G-buffer. (2 tiles) It'll be interesting to see how PS3 version turns out.
The math logic is fuzzy unless he were assuming FP16 render targets or that it was 2xMSAA'd. The whole point is to avoid tiling.
EDRAM strikes again

This is why I've never been a huge fan, though I'm too technically ignorant to be informed about that.
It's a fairly small compromise when you've got pixel fillrate and shading to consider as well. It helps maintain a frame render time under 33ms total, and you'll be dealing with fewer drops to 20fps.
So if we know the PS3 version is subHD (from presentation shot), could it have been 720P if there existed no 360 version? In other words was PS3 version just subHD because it's basically multiplatform?
Could the framerate have been worse? Could they have dialed down the effects even more because of the higher demands of a higher resolution? Would textures be affected because of the increased RAM requirements.
Could Call of Duty look what it does now if they didn't have a lower target resolution that just fits in the eDRAM?
Could... Could... could... Please. We have no idea what state the PS3 version is in, so this is just silly and pointless. Resolution isn't everything, and yet it affects a whole bunch of other factors you are completely ignoring.
I guess we can just forget about the compromise already being made for the light propagation volumes for their SSGI on PS3...
I also think ten steps was not enough to get a precise reading, although it's going to be subHD either way.
You'd need at least 72 steps to discern (with certainty) the difference between 1120 & 1152 for example.
Anyways as long as games are "720" vertical they seem to get a pass, at least Halo Reach did. A weird mental thing I guess.
This isn't a bloody contest. It is what it is. Or maybe people don't care enough to discern the difference between 1280x720 upscaled versus 1152x720 upscaled (to 1360x768, 1920x1080 etc). Can you

The temporal AA blending isn't going to help in motion clarity either.
This is getting rather silly.