I was aware of KZ2's resolution and anti-aliasing type; I was just curious as to why it wasnt listed in the mentioned thread...
I was aware of KZ2's resolution and anti-aliasing type; I was just curious as to why it wasnt listed in the mentioned thread...
Yes 960x1080p is there, but the fps suffer a lot of dips on my personal experience. Stay away of this resolution if you can, imho.Also is Killzone 2 960*1080 in 1080i mode ?
I remember that the devs used to say "we have 1080i native support" & it was then when someone asked the devs that how exactly will they run this game in 1080 native which the they replied that they are using a resolution that is slightly above 720p but still below 1080.
White Knight Chronicles 720p No AA? Too many jaggies.
Talking only of personal perception, its seems more QAA than MSAA but I could Heavy Rain all 720p + 2XAA? because some scene looks cleaner than the others, or is it due to the post processing effects.