IGN Motostorm review:

I played one race online and came in 7/12. AS with all online games I can't stand to hear idiots talk and breath into their mics.
I haven't seen anything notable from the AI, but I don't have any complaints either. Of course more tracks would be cool, but all the different vehicle classes and multiple routes make for a lot of variety in the 8 we get, and the difference between the tracks make for a pretty wide selection of gameplay as well.
7.5 Presentation
Aside from the basic one-player run and online modes there’s little else to explore, although the ticket system introduces the different elements of the game well.
9.0 Graphics
Whether you’re gawping at the superbly-realised tracks or drooling over the insane detail of the cars, MotorStorm’s sharp visuals will make your jaw hit the floor.
9.0 Sound
The ‘live’ versions of rock classics that pound away in the background match the action perfectly, while the guttural grunt of your mud-buster is suitably meaty.
8.5 Gameplay
This is off-roading at its most visceral, a high-octane racing epic that really does push your driving skills to the limit. The AI can be a bit much sometimes, though.
8.0 Lasting Appeal
Grabbing gold in all 21 tickets will take some doing, then there’s the brilliantly simple but infinitely enjoyable online mode to get stuck into. No split-screen is disappointing.
Outstanding OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)
A slightly different outake from IGN's UK review.
Pretty much what I expected, around 8-9's across the board and www.metacritic.com and www.gamerankings.com averages show that. I picked it up on release day and it's been great fun. Visceral game play I haven't experienced for a long while. Not sure any other game can compare to the fun I've had. But it's like a Road Rash mixed with Colin McRae mixed with Burnout 2. The features are definitely missing, which is disappointing. I think that because the different vehicles all have different game play styles it's easier to get over the lack of features. Every vehicle is different on every track.

Online is a blast, theres no doubt about that. Though I wish evolution took some notes from Resistance in the online features. It's kinda hard to meet up with a friend unlike R:FoM. But once you do it's really fun. Theres a few of options when your the server mod, like changing vehicles allowed, and even the time of day can have an effect on game play. But it would of been nice to mute a player's mic like mentioned above.

I'm interested in the new stuff they plan to add. Though I'll be disappointed if they charge for new modes, which I feel should be free. I have no problem paying for tracks and maybe new vehicles but modes that should of been included in the game should definitely be free. They never specified what they are going to do, just that some things will be free, and others will be payable. And if the immersion stuff they talked about on the PSINext podcast comes through, I'll have to finally get that G25 Logitech wheel. Which should be crazy if that works out.
Friends list, invite friend and join friend are all ESSENTIAL functions that should have been included in the online mode, instead of making sure these things are addressed, interviewers are still obsessed with things like "time trials", "split screen", "1080p", and ignoring the one thing that is hurting the experience the most. FIX THIS, EVOLUTION.
The number of tracks I don't think is that big of a deal, if they are good and you can replay them differenctly and so on that is OK, the feature that really surprized me that they left out, and I thought was as standard as a feature could be in a racing game is the splitscreen mutliplayer. So to me these scores seem very positive concidering such an important feature was left out...
Nope. Publishers should be punished for releasing incomplete games, punished by way of lower revies and sales. It's the only way they'll ever learn, not that I think they ever will...

They will not learn, we will adjust, or maybe the industry will crash, we will see...

5:45pm Was out getting dinner with friends and mentioned motorstorm came out. Friend A is delighted and Friend B says he'd prefer to play F1 for the umpteenth time. I decide to pick the game up so we can check it out when we get back home.

8:45pm I sell back Motorstorm for a loss of 37 dollars and purchase Formula 1.

What happened in those three hours? I attempted to playonline for 30 minutes to not avail. I played the single player mode for about 1 hour. That was enough to uncover a bevy of glaring faults. As in, "oh you did not just charge me 60 dollars for this horse shit" faults. The saddest part is that at it's core, Motorstorm has some really excellent gamplay.

On the upside, F1 is amazing.
Just wondering, what kind of faults did you experience while playing? I can understand the lack of modes, which I have a problem with as well. But I have been having a blast with the single player and unlocking cars to play in multiplayer. The lack of tracks is not that big of a deal since I've put in plenty of hours into the game and still have not mastered one track; except maybe for the track we got back in the November demo. I definitely feel I got my 60 dollars worth. Hopefully those new modes they have planned are free.

I find it interesting since Motorstorm seems to have been getting better reviews than F1. I plan on getting both but I'm putting off F1 for a few weeks until I save up for the G25.
OT: Some of the F1 reviews I read seem to be suggesting that purists will love this F1 game but they still gave it mediocre scores. :???:
OT: Some of the F1 reviews I read seem to be suggesting that purists will love this F1 game but they still gave it mediocre scores. :???:
Yeah thats what I'm hearing from the people who have played it. Some reviewers seemed to have never turned the assists off or never turned them on.

Anyways..I saw this was worth posting, from gaf:

painey@gaf said:
I just watched the UK gamer.tv special on motorstorm.. looked fantastic, they showed the game, developers gave hints on how to use each car/bike, told how the guys wifes who had never played a game before got hooked using the SIXAXIS control and then a dev even proved that it is possible to play using only motion (gamer.tv were sceptical :lol)

they also announced new modes and stuff, not sure if it is exclusive info but here is what they said;

New Tracks: Enclosed Arenas (think demolition derby) and all tracks available in reserve (ala ridge racer)
New Mode: Barrels of Fun - an arena full of explosive barrels.. try and survive
New Mode: Bring down the Rig - 11 Humans on motorbikes vs 1 Human in a Big Rig. The bikes have to blow up the Big Rig before it finishes the race/time limit runs out.
New Mode: WIP [Unnamed] - Opposite of Bring Down the Rig, 1 human in a Big Rig must eliminate 11 Humans on motorbikes before they finish the race.

They also said they would support Motorstorm with new cars, tracks, modes, etc for 12 months after its release.
Additional to that are the new modes we knew about already that are coming soon. (Time Trials & Elimination). Some videos of those modes are already on Gamespot.

Hopefully these items are priced well and/or free. :)
On another forum, someone is complaining that the chat is piped into the sound track of the game and there is no way to shut it off.

This is despite not having a headset attached.

Why would they do that and not give you the ability to mute some or all other players in an online race?
The chat is piped into the soundtrack only if you don't have a headset attached, if you are using a headset it only comes though that. As for why they didn't give the option to mute, likely the same reason they didn't give the option to change the track between races or even the vehicle class selection or the time of day; sheer stupidity, and the fact that they are talking about adding more tracks and cars and stuff without any word of fixing such basic functionality issues only further confirms that speculation.
Sounds like 3 more months of development could have made this title go from a good title to a great / system selling title. The core mechanics are great, too bad it wasn't fleshed out. I really hate the rushing of potentially great software. :(