Killzone review (IGN)

Well, Killzone is the game that finally got me to buy a Network Adaptor and go online with PS2. (I've had Xbox Live for two years.)

After about three hours of online play last night, I'm here to tell you that this is the most fun I've had online since my first week of Counter-Strike on Xbox, or perhaps Team Fortress (the Half-Life mod) or the original Unreal Tournament on PC.

Online performance is solid. Just jump into a game and go. So far, I actually have more fun with this than the online component of Halo 2. *Dons fire-retardant suit and waits for flames.*
Damn... I can't believe my stats for the game and I haven't even completed it yet. :oops:


It doesn't seem like I've racked up nearly 30hrs in 3 1/2 weeks since I got the PAL version.

"Time flies when you're having fun" :p
:oops: My god... What's that screen from? An evil video tape?
We're all gonna die in 7 days right...

I knew i had to stop coming to B3D....
london-boy said:
:oops: My god... What's that screen from? An evil video tape?
We're all gonna die in 7 days right...

I knew i had to stop coming to B3D....

From my web cam. :oops: I think I'll invest in a digi-cam one of these days...

What makes it more fun? For me? Well, I really like playing in Killzone's bleak, war-torn environs. The art direction and sound design really pull me into each battle.

I also dig the weapons. All bullets and grenades, no lasers - unless you count the laser-guided rockets. ;)

The Helghast look cool, too, and I enjoy killing them or killing as them.

Then there's level design. I totally love that slums level! The others are interesting as well.

Maybe it's just me, but the whole Killzone universe just trips my trigger. It's fresh, I guess, and exactly what I needed.
Kolgar said:
Maybe it's just me, but the whole Killzone universe just trips my trigger. It's fresh, I guess, and exactly what I needed.

Are you going on the record to recommend this over Halo 2 (at the moment at least)? Or is it just too much Halo and time for something different?
I finally got it. I am playing on Normal setting, I am impressed by it. I must say that it didn't dissapoint me considering I had high hopes from it, despite a few shortcomings here and there. IMO, it is the best FPS on PS2 without doubt. First positives, Graphics, sound and weapons are top notch. You actually feel like you are in a real war. There is destruction everywhere, buildings are torn apart, debris lying everywhere. Weapons are awesome, they feel heavy, PS2 vibrates violently when weapons are used, weapon animation is superb. Another good thing is that it loads only at the begining of the level and there are no loading inbetween. Levels are hugh. It is not a storm-everything kind of shooter, you have to move slowly and tactically. Even a single guy can pin your team down. It is like war in Iraq. Surprisingly DS controller is not bad, it is easy to play.
Now negetives, I wish framerate was stable. Draw distance is not big, screen looks a bit washed out at places. There is too dark at places. AI is a mixed bag, at places it is absolutely brilliant and sometimes it is found wanting.
But +ves overwhelme -ves easily. A worth playing game IMO.
*grrr* I might have to swollow my pride on this one and give it a go regardless. I must say, I just watched a 15 minute direct feed of the game in pretty much excellent quality / minor compression and I was pretty damn impressed by the little things in this game. Despite the framerate, the attention to detail is astonishing from what I've seen. I think I might just have to give it a go... just for the art and the sound. (Not to mention that I myself prefer realistic and accurate guns over the sci-fi attempt anyday).

PS: Kolgar - I believe there's still a PM waiting for you! ;)
Most of weapons can be zoomed in slightly using R3, it is pretty handy, whenever the enemy is far away you can use it. And also a head shot kills enemy almost instantly, otherwise they take quite a few shots to be be killed (a good thing IMO), there is a bald guy (who appears sometimes) who consumes quite a bit of firing before going down.

OT, I think KZ is the proof that PS2 has aged and we need PS3 now. BTW, HL2 got 9.7 (IGN) and 9.2 (GS) whereas MP2:E got 9.5 and 9.1 resp. I am now waiting for MGS3:SE.
Phil said:
*grrr* I might have to swollow my pride on this one and give it a go regardless. I must say, I just watched a 15 minute direct feed of the game in pretty much excellent quality / minor compression and I was pretty damn impressed by the little things in this game. Despite the framerate, the attention to detail is astonishing from what I've seen. I think I might just have to give it a go... just for the art and the sound. (Not to mention that I myself prefer realistic and accurate guns over the sci-fi attempt anyday).

PS: Kolgar - I believe there's still a PM waiting for you! ;)

Phil, sometimes you need to make sacrifices and try to play unstable-30fps games. I know it's hard, but we're here for you. With time i promise it will get better. Everything's gonna be fine.
^^ Yeah I know. I suppose I'm just very bitter on the framerate issue. I've played Halo2 and I can't get past its framerate (consistent though at least) - so I really doubt I could get into Killzone if its even worse.

But yeah, I'll give it a go. :devilish:
Are you going on the record to recommend this over Halo 2 (at the moment at least)? Or is it just too much Halo and time for something different?

Wow, Jov, you really know how to pin a guy down!

Seriously, because everyone’s likes and dislikes are so different, I probably couldn’t in good conscience recommend Killzone over Halo 2, or vice versa. I think they’re both must-plays for FPS fans. People can make up their own minds from there.

That said, I myself prefer Killzone to Halo 2, despite the fact that KZ runs on less powerful hardware and probably lacks the overall polish of Bungie’s big game.

I know I’m in the minority, but something about the Halo games just doesn’t satisfy me. Maybe it’s the level design (repetitive in places) or the enemies (I really don’t like the Flood)… Or maybe it’s just that when I play those games, it feels like I’m playing a video game. For some reason, I’m not immersed in the game world like I was with Medal of Honor: Frontline and now, Killzone.
Kolgar said:
Wow, Jov, you really know how to pin a guy down!

For some reason, I’m not immersed in the game world like I was with Medal of Honor: Frontline and now, Killzone.

:LOL: I am just kidding with ya. I am glad some people still have preference in overall immersion of a game other then just graphics and/or sound, and also not swept away by hype.

Personally, I was never too keen on KZ, but might pick it up around Xmas when I have some time to play... and maybe even Halo 2 just to see what improvements were made.
KZ is first game in years which has forced me to cut down my sleep. Right now I am at snowy mountains. So there so many different levels, dunes, beaches, trenches, jungles, rains, indoor, is impressive. Only thing is that it doesn't tell you how many level you have completed.

Regarding AI (I am playing "Normal"), I think if AI is tweaked up then the game may become harder/easier(?) to beat. Even on Normal setting, at many places, a single enemy pinns down your entire team. If enemy AI is tweaked up then it would become even more challanging, on other hand if friendly AI is tweaked up then the game may also become easier.
Yow, Deepak. Can’t say the guy was very kind to the game. Ah, well... to each his own.

However, I flat-out disagree with his assessment of Killzone’s online play. I’ve played a good bit all this week, on full servers, and the game hasn’t lagged for me at all. What’s more, I’ve found the online modes tons of fun. They’re fast and furious, and they really get my heart pumping.

As for the “technological glitches,†hey – we all know PS2 is no spring chicken. I’m just glad to see someone pushing the hardware with software as gripping as Killzone. :p