IE7 Search


What is up with IE7 having the same old and terribly useless search system as IE4+, where you need to type CTRL+F + the whole word + click FIND to find it, in a different popup window? I can't see this fitting with Office 2007, WMP11, desktop search, and not even think of Vista. Shouldn't we have something 'ala' firefox by now?
Just before New Year I downloaded plugin that added "Opera-style" searching.
If Firefox is using some goodies created by Opera guys, that does not make these "created by FF" :p
Just before New Year I downloaded plugin that added "Opera-style" searching.
If Firefox is using some goodies created by Opera guys, that does not make these "created by FF" :p
Not the point. He didnt even say "created by FF" Yeah ie7 blows on search. Hell MSN blows on search thats why we have Yahoo and Google, you have to install there tool bar, heck IE with out yahoo or Google tool bar blows.
What is up with IE7 having the same old and terribly useless search system as IE4+
Considering it took MS only like half a decade if not more to move from IE6 to 7 what do you really expect? You cabn't ask for miracles! :cool:

Seriously. IE7 is only meant to be "good enough" to stop the majoriyy from switching to another browser. MS doesn't really car ewether it's 100% competetive or not.

If they did they would have made it so that the favorites menu was a proper menu and not the annoying piece of junk it is now or so that you got booted back to the original tab when you close a new tab created by the original and not the tab immediately to the right of the original tab etc.

Hell MSN blows on search thats why we have Yahoo and Google, you have to install there tool bar, heck IE with out yahoo or Google tool bar blows.
I've been using the original "toolbar" of IE7 with Google as the default search provider and it works fine.. in fact I like IE7 very much, and although it misses some new features of the competition (spell checking, plugin or add-on wide support, etc), I find the search "feature" a disaster, that's why I made this post. Is there anyway to make it better?
It works like a charm!! thank you very much ;) If someone from outside was able to code it for FREE (without taking credit for the authors, of course) I'm pretty sure the bizillion budget for IE7 could've achieved this :)
What is up with IE7 having the same old and terribly useless search system as IE4+, where you need to type CTRL+F + the whole word + click FIND to find it, in a different popup window? I can't see this fitting with Office 2007, WMP11, desktop search, and not even think of Vista. Shouldn't we have something 'ala' firefox by now?

click find?
I never used IE7 but if it's like the old search from notepad and all why not just press enter.
click find?
I never used IE7 but if it's like the old search from notepad and all why not just press enter.

I was just trying to make a point that you need to do something (click, enter, etc) after you've written down what you want to find, which is not the way new (and not so new) search engines/UI behave.