Tracks cut from Forza 2 due to disc space? *debunked

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50 mb.. wow, did they stream the track?

I just looked again, each track folder is around 50mb, within that are a number of files, all of them are undr 1mb except 2, Flythrough.bik which is usually ~20mb, and Quickpreview1.xb2 which is usually around 30mb.

Not sure where the track data actually is, the total the tracks folder is 1.6gb/3.03, so it actually takes up over half the game size...
So they never said:

Quote: "Yes, tracks will be made available after the release of Forza 2, the ones they couldn’t fit on the disc initially."

Nope. Somehow this (the actual pit pass report)....
Quote: "A final thought to keep in mind, and it's something I've already mentioned on the forums earlier this week, is that with reams of track reference data for much more than just these 12 environments, our track artists will continue to be working and cranking out content even after our game ships. In other words, expect downloadable content in the form of both tracks and cars in the months following FM2's release."

Gets turned into this (xboxic interpretation)....
Quote: "Chou also states that the team collected a hell of a lot of data for all the tracks, so that the tracks will be more true to the real tracks, and make for a much better overall experience for race fans. So much data in fact that they wouldn’t be able to squeeze it all onto one disc. This leads us on to DLC content. Yes, tracks will be made available after the release of Forza 2, the ones they couldn’t fit on the disc initially."
I just looked again, each track folder is around 50mb, within that are a number of files, all of them are undr 1mb except 2, Flythrough.bik which is usually ~20mb, and Quickpreview1.xb2 which is usually around 30mb.

Not sure where the track data actually is, the total the tracks folder is 1.6gb/3.03, so it actually takes up over half the game size...

BIK files are Bink vidoes, so they don't really count.
Nope. Somehow this (the actual pit pass report)....
Quote: "A final thought to keep in mind, and it's something I've already mentioned on the forums earlier this week, is that with reams of track reference data for much more than just these 12 environments, our track artists will continue to be working and cranking out content even after our game ships. In other words, expect downloadable content in the form of both tracks and cars in the months following FM2's release."

Gets turned into this (xboxic interpretation)....
Quote: "Chou also states that the team collected a hell of a lot of data for all the tracks, so that the tracks will be more true to the real tracks, and make for a much better overall experience for race fans. So much data in fact that they wouldn’t be able to squeeze it all onto one disc. This leads us on to DLC content. Yes, tracks will be made available after the release of Forza 2, the ones they couldn’t fit on the disc initially."

Case dismissed, thanks...
I can't beleive I have to explain this. If the track folder size is 50MB and 20 of that MB is FMV of a Flythrough, then the track size is actually 20 MB smaller since the Flythrough is not needed while actually driving on the track and obviously not needed to be loaded into memory. Hence my comment that the BIK files don't really count.
Not trying to be difficult or anything, I just got confused how you were gonna get flytrough of the tracks if the flytrough file weren't there. :-/

Is the flytrough bonus material perhaps?
Not trying to be difficult or anything, I just got confused how you were gonna get flytrough of the tracks if the flytrough file weren't there. :-/

Is the flytrough bonus material perhaps?

AFAIK, the fly-through is usually done when choosing the track (the movie of the track in the background). It could also be used right before the start of the race where they do a fly over of the track right before you race. Since I don't have Forza I am not sure which one they do.
Believe what you want to hear. Writing is on the wall.. GT4 was pushing the limit of DVD9 already.

I just stuck my GT4 DVD into my drive and it reports that it is 2.51GB That is not even close to the DVD9 limit. Let's say that Sony hid a bunch of files on the DVD it is still a single layer DVD still not close to reaching the limit of DVD9.
I just stuck my GT4 DVD into my drive and it reports that it is 2.51GB That is not even close to the DVD9 limit. Let's say that Sony hid a bunch of files on the DVD it is still a single layer DVD still not close to reaching the limit of DVD9.

Then your drive doesn't read the DVD correctly, because it is a DVD9.
It doesn't matter, GT4 does NOT use up a full DVD 9 disk! it doesn't even use half that. I don't see why you are still arguing this point.

GT4 uses DVD9. By logic, it would mean that it uses over half of the full size of a DVD9. If you want to be specific, then the North American GT4 uses 4.94GB, which is 60% of the full size on a DVD9, which is 8.5GB.
What debunked? That tracks arent cut or that the disk doesnt have anything to do with tracks being cut??

Anyways I put the GT4 disk in my labtop. It says 3.09GB

I am sure though it's in a DVD9 because I remember a long time ago in an interview that they needed to put it in such a disk. The reason to this I dont know though
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