I want us men to be a lot more united


Us men are strong, powerful and highly intelligent being, so it is VERY important that we stay strong, united and care for each other like brothers:smile: . My biggest dream is, to build many school, colleges and organization for men and young men only. I think we should start an organization for men only, discuss political issue, bussiness, and the well being of young men.

I know if I work hard I can achieve my goal. Your thought? Who here with me? I want to see some brotherhood:smile:
Would never work, we're competitive by nature, thus there will never be perfect altruism among men.
Us men are strong, powerful and highly intelligent being, so it is VERY important that we stay strong, united and care for each other like brothers:smile: . My biggest dream is, to build many school, colleges and organization for men and young men only. I think we should start an organization for men only, discuss political issue, bussiness, and the well being of young men.

I know if I work hard I can achieve my goal. Your thought? Who here with me? I want to see some brotherhood:smile:

Going to a school without women would be the most horrible existence ever.
"Would never work, we're competitive by nature, thus there will never be perfect altruism among men."

And women are not?
Seriously I find this topic not worth a reply... But I'm doing it in case the OP was just joking and I didn't get it...
So, you were joking, right?
I mean, schools and colleges for men only?
It kind of sounds funy...
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Are you.....proposing a world without women?

Thank God this forum harbors none. Otherwise this thread has potential to get ugly....
"Would never work, we're competitive by nature, thus there will never be perfect altruism among men."

And women are not?
Seriously I find this topic not worth a reply... But I'm doing it in case the OP was just joking and I didn't get it...
So, you were joking, right?
I mean, schools and colleges for men only?
It kind of sounds funy...

It wasn't that long ago when there were a lot of private schools that kept boys and girls seperated, and it also wasn't that long ago when families didn't send their daughters to college because they expected them to marry and be house wives. I'm glad things have changed for the better.
It wasn't that long ago when there were a lot of private schools that kept boys and girls seperated, and it also wasn't that long ago when families didn't send their daughters to college because they expected them to marry and be house wives. I'm glad things have changed for the better.

Yes, I know...
But times DID change. For the better as you said.
Anyway, IMO without women, life would be very boring. It seems that some people weight the problems that come with them more than the joys. I guess I’m not one of them.

And what is even funnier is that, most people who say that we’d be better without them are exactly those people that cannot stop themselves from wanting to be with them.
99% of the time it’s their inability to cope, understand or even approach them that puts them in this state of (IMO) denial.
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Yes, I know...
But times DID change. For the better as you said.
Anyway, IMO without women, life would be very boring. It seems that some people weight the problems that come with them more than the joys. I guess I’m not one of them.

And what is even funnier is that, most people who say that we’d be better without them are exactly those people that cannot stop themselves from wanting to be with them.
99% of the time it’s their inability to cope, understand or even approach them that puts them in this state of (IMO) denial.

I agree completely.
"Let us put men and women together
and see which one is smarter.
Some say man but I say "no",
womans got the man like a puppet show

It ain't me, it's the people that say
men are leading the women astray;
but I say, it's the women today
are smarter than the man in every way.

That's right the women are smarter,
that's right the women are smarter,
that's right the women are smarter;
smarter than the man in everyway."
A world where men are forced to live, study, and shower together, with no female interaction whatsoever? Intriguing. I think I'll be a hermit.
Us men are strong, powerful and highly intelligent being, so it is VERY important that we stay strong, united and care for each other like brothers:smile: . My biggest dream is, to build many school, colleges and organization for men and young men only. I think we should start an organization for men only, discuss political issue, bussiness, and the well being of young men.

Hasn't this been tried before?
A world where men are forced to live, study, and shower together, with no female interaction whatsoever? Intriguing. I think I'll be a hermit.

Are you.....proposing a world without women?

No No, you guys miss my point:smile: . I'm not saying we should get rid of all the women:smile:

My dream is to start an organization and build schools, colleges, university for men only. I want to built a place where us men can get together, learn together, and discuss many issue. Also, to teaches many subject that men are good at(math, science, technologies, etc...etc..) And most of all to teach young boys how to men.

Us men are highly intelligent being, I love to see us a lot more united and further advance ourself

Going to a school without women would be the most horrible existence ever.

That's the problem right there, women distract men, we can't allow that to happen.
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No No, you guys miss my point:smile: . I'm not saying we should get rid of all the women:smile:

My dream is to start an organization and build schools, colleges, university for men only. I want to built a place where us men can get together, learn together, and discuss many issue. Also, to teaches many subject that men are good at(math, science, technologies, etc...etc..) And most of all to teach young boys how to men.

Us men are highly intelligent being, I love to see us a lot more united and further advance ourself

That's the problem right there, women distract men, we can't allow that to happen.

Once again, this is sounding very greek. In the "little boys are better students AND lovers than women" way.

Not to mention, I feel like you're understating the accomplishments and abilities of women. I'll agree that there is a larger percentage of men interested in the hard sciences, but there are many women who are just as capable as men with viewpoints that are equally valid. I wouldn't be so quick to cut women out of the science picture when they've only recently developed a major prescence in the various fields.Education, science, and math were almost entirely male dominated up until this past century, and had the culture you dream of.
I'm saying NOT saying women dumb, guys:LOL: . I just want us men to be a lot more united that's all.

I hope there aren't any feminize male on this board:LOL:
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