So, exactly when did this no standard HDD in the PS3 announcement happen last month, when in June, SCEI is saying they are still undecided...?
Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but Sony Online Entertainment is a dev house, are they not? The DC MMORPG they are developing has been announced for the PS3. So I guess there are some dev houses that would...(SOE is not owned in anyway by SCEI, so they're not really first party, since they are owned by Sony Pictures Entertainment)
1) If your a company your not going to invest millions on a mabye . Oblivion will already be over 6 months old by the time the ps3 comes out . If the hardrive isn't standard the market for the game will only shrink on that system .
2) Soe is a pc developer . The pc will allways be thier primary platform because lets face it , mmorpgs are still infinitly more popular on the system . Anything they do will be an after thought port to the ps3 .