How would you react when the PSX3 spec reads 240~480 GFLOPS?

Paul said:
Go buy it, sorry I don't have a scanner.

They have an entire feature on next gen consoles including a whole page on PS3.
I looked for it last week, its not on news stands . Besides if the cell chip in the ps3 is not 1tflop there are alot of posters here that will look like fools.
Yea, they have the new issue out now. This one is like a month old.

If PS3 Cell isn't 1TFLOPS I really won't care. But if the total system is 1TFLOPS that would be just as good.

I'm really thinking it could be the total system now and not just the CPU, as Okamoto said.
Besides if the cell chip in the ps3 is not 1tflop there are alot of posters here that will look like fools.

It depends... if it exceeds it...

Before the PlayStation 2 had been released, Shin'ichi Okamoto, Sony's senior vice president of R&D, was already talking up its successor ...
"We are working to create the PlayStation 3 game machine," said Okamoto. "It will have 1,000 times the performance of the PlayStation 2."
... back then .1micron was all the talk...

Re: How would you react when the PSX3 spec reads 240~480 GFL

DeadmeatGA said:
At this point, it is 99% certain that the PSX3 will not reach 1 TFLOPS, that honor is reserved for upcoming quad-core CELL server chip costing a couple thousand dollars a piece as clearly stated in Suzuoki's patent application. What you will see in your PSX3 is a single or dual-core EE3 and GS3 that will claim 240~480 GFLOPS in theoretical peak performance, much much less in real life.

So what would be your reaction when the actual PSX3 spec sheet read 240~480 GFLOPS instead of 1 TFLOPS as you are currently expecting?

I respect Sony because no one can match their hardware design standards at the time their console is released (and of course at around the same price). They smashed Saturn and came up with a brilliant architecture with PS2, forcing MS and Nintendo to wait respectively 20 and 18 months to release their consoles. I really don't crae how many teraflops PS3 will have. What I'll be interested in is how it will compare to Xbox2, if it will really be released around the same time. I think that MS cannot match Sony if they release Xbox2 together with PS3 (at least if they don't count on losing 300 hundred dollars per console). If MS can come up with a better console hardware-wise, then they'll gain my respect.
But of course it's all about the games, so i know that PS3 will be a must have nonetheless.
She's pretty creepy, actually... o_O Get it awayyyyy, get it awayyyyy!

I rather figure the PS3 will reach "1TFLOP" in some randomly creative fashion, but that still doesn't change that "it doesn't matter." The PS2 doesn't reflect its performance numbers on a 1:1 basis in games, nor does the Xbox. (Not so sure about the Gamecube, as they weren't as concerned with tossing out performance numbers to hoot and holler.)

It's all WYSIWYG. And until we see what we get, numbers seem to only be something to start flamewars online for years before anything physical shows up.
Man, why can't we have more members here with such an objective approach to things like yours?! ...or better yet, why can't those few members with radically less objectivity than you just leave? ;)
randycat99 said:
Man, why can't we have more members here with such an objective approach to things like yours?! ...or better yet, why can't those few members with radically less objectivity than you just leave? ;)
You should ponder that yourself randy .
Pffffft! As if that means anything coming from you. :rolleyes:

Basically, I'm agreeing with somebody who has expressed a moderate point of view, and then you insinuate me as suffering from a radical point of view (as if there aren't a few other people here that your comment would be better directed at). That's f*cking rich! :oops:
Good, then we won't have any concerns with you not taking it to heart, as well. :? Cheers!

(Also duely note how our dear moderator saw fit to bring up again those mythical "diehard Sony fans" supposedly at every corner waiting to ruin things... No other diehard fans for other consoles around here. Just those rift-raft Sony troublemakers. :rolleyes: )
randycat99 said:
Good, then we won't have any concerns with you not taking it to heart, as well. :? Cheers!
I don't take anything to heart. I can call out any company when i believe they are lieing or making false claims and the same goes for thier fan base. I don't have stock in any of these companys so there is no reason for me to care. On this board i try to give another view. That is why most of you sony die hards don't care for me .

As i've said untill its in an offical press release of the sony console on launch day i will not believe one spec of the ps3 nor the psp . Same goes with the xbox 2 or gc2 . There are others that have claimed the cell chip would be 1tflop. I have links to every message they posted saying that . So when its announced that it will in fact not be 1 tflop i'd be intrested in what they say. Just like when the nvidia fans claimed the nv30 would kill the r300. I love watching people try to get outta things they said.
You should ponder that yourself randy .
With all due respect you should not be the one saying this, moderator or not. I see that you tried to wiggle out of it in your previous post, but your stance has always been veeeeery much anti-Sony and neutral towards everything else. I don't see why you even try to disagree with it, really, it's kinda too obvious.

Randycat is at least pro-something and very mild-minded at that. I really don't see how is that in any way a bad thing or worse than being against something...
As well as being a moderator jvd can have an opinion - everyone here was given an equal chance to mod and I didn't see to many of you hopping up and down to do it. From what I've seen jvd has largely kept his opinion out of modding, so the issues people have with his opinion should be kept apart from the fact he's a mod - he doesn't have to do it, and he doesn't have to take stick for it.

And, having not really paid a great deal of attention to this forum myself until recently, it does seem there is a disproportionate amount of Sony/CELL discussion going on - to the point where many threads that weren't even about that, end up as being so.
To jvd:

Yes, you are the lone purveyor of justice and truth. All others have been judged into simple categories who can be conveniently dismissed by you when convenient. Everybody dislikes you and is out to get you, because they are threatened by your blinding sense of truth. I see. None of that makes you sound just a bit full of yourself, does it?

How's about a bit of advice. Be courteous. Voice your viewpoints in a more informative stance, rather than adversarial. Be considerate and conscientious when approaching matters which may offend others (don't just blurt it out in as blunt a manner as possible and feel perfectly justified because it is the "truth", afterall.) Be sure to keep yourself in check before you have a pack of angry people railing on you to do so. Maybe people will like you more then? At the very least, you'll get more people to listen to you. That is the point of posting on a forum, no? So people will be intrigued to listen to what you have to say (not to show off how intellectually "superior "and "refined" you are to weed out the "truth" where others cannot)? Well, I'm sure some people have picked up on that...
DaveBaumann said:
And, having not really paid a great deal of attention to this forum myself until recently, it does seem there is a disproportionate amount of Sony/CELL discussion going on - to the point where many threads that weren't even about that, end up as being so.
  • We know.
  • There is also a disproportionate amount of ATI discussion on this site as a whole. To the point where many a threads that weren't even about that, end up being so - I've even had a mod comment to me about that before.
  • If we wanted to talk about XBox2 or GameCube's Graphics's; we can go to the PC Forums.
As i've said untill its in an offical press release of the sony console on launch day i will not believe one spec of the ps3 nor the psp . Same goes with the xbox 2 or gc2 . There are others that have claimed the cell chip would be 1tflop. I have links to every message they posted saying that . So when its announced that it will in fact not be 1 tflop i'd be intrested in what they say.

Hopefully they'll say "Hey zidane's perf estimates were right!!!"...