Simon F said:
As has been said before, DC development dried up before it even began to scratch the surface of what was possible...or do you honestly believe that game developers use 100% of the features of a system from day one?
One of the most difficult areas of trying to discuss what the DC was capable of (and how it would be competing in this day and age against Xbox, PS2 and GC) is that many people seem to be under the impression that the DC was "maxxed out" by games like Shenmue 1 & 2 (mostly done around 98-99, first generation titles if you will). Matters aren't helped by the entrenched arguments between the DC and PS2 fans about textures, image quality and progressive scan.
My opinion is that as better and better performance was obtained from the DC, and developers became more familiar working with features beyond bilinear filtering, it would have paid off greatly to put more rendering time into using the PVR2DC's more advanced features.
Even assuming the chip was only 75% efficient (I think I read in a press release somewhere stating that it was into the nineties), rendering the 307,200 pixels for a 640 x 480 screen would have taken around 4.096 ms. At 30fps you have 33.3 ms to draw a frame, meaning that dependant upon T&L, AI, physics, data transfer etc you potentially have time for more than one pass for each pixel (infact I remember some 60fps games using multitexturing).
Or as an example, take a polygon count (and all other calculations) you might normally have expected to see at 60fps, but run at 30fps and use 3, 4 or 5 passes instead of 1. Or some other balance. It would be interesting to see what talented developers with todays experience (both technical
and artistic) could have done with the DC.
My figures were done in a hurry BTW, so if anyone spots a mistake please correct it.
I know "bump mapping" is considered evil by many here (quite unjustifiably so IMO), but this along with other multi-texturing effects, forms of AA such as MS and aniso, and more accurate lighting/shading would surely have lead to a far bigger increase in viusal quality than simply nudging up the polygon count - an area where the DC couldn't hope to compete with the industry leader, the PS2.
A couple of questions on the DC, to anyone with the technical knowledge to answer!
1) Shouldn't the PVR tile based arcitechure have made MSAA relatively cheap in terms of bandwidth and memory (only a standard size frame buffer needed)?
2) From what I've seen, dot3 seems to show the best results when used with point or spot lighting. How much would the DC's CPU have held back the graphics chip from really showing it's stuff?
P.S. and unrelated, I'm hardly around a PC at the moment, so missing all the GC sales and Xbox 2 revelations has been killing me!