how the enthusiasts feel about ati/nvidia


I really dlike to know your oppinion about how the enthusiasts feel about ati/nvidia, if there even are some special sentiments in more than 10 percent of the users, or if the current price performance king always rules.

what i like about the nvidia/ati bundle as investment is that together, they dont seem to have any competition at all, not in any way. And except for the risk of loosing big to nvidia, ati seems completly undervalued.

in contrast we only have to look how in all the gaming consoles will be ibms processors ( how much of a threat could that actually be to amd/intel?, well i think we should see such a shift early enough if it actually comes ; - )

oh .. back to topic.. what are the "personal" feelings towards the two graphic cards manufacturers? generally.

thank you very much in advance and i hope you dont condemn me for seeking some good investments.
hmmm... then.. as long as one of them brings out the better card or the lower prices, they get the sales.

there is no "bad" past hunting one of the two?

thank you anyway and feel free to write your opinion ;-)
I resent ATI and Nvidia equally, they aren't to be loved or hated, they are corporations whose primary interest is in your money.
Well I dislike ati less than i dislike nvidia.
While both are primarily interested in your money, nvidia has a history of driver "cheats" that make me not like them and the whole NV30 thing still makes me wonder about them.
But even so this time around I got a 7800GT this time around (in jan) since it was the logical choice for someone on a budget.
So my personal feelings for nvidia did not cloud my judgement ;)

both chip designers do an equally bad job at telling you the truth and both of them don't have a be all end all piece of hardware.
booomups said:
what are the "personal" feelings towards the two graphic cards manufacturers? generally.

No "personal" feelings whatsoever. Why should there be any, it's just business as always...
Nvidia seems to better support niches such as Opengl and Linux and for that, they get extra props from me compared to Ati.

Neither firm seem very honest though and both seem to resort to secret optimizations. Both also seem to limit user choice for no valid reason (to me) Ati is a bit worse in this respect with no customizable crossfire profiles and no user selectable SSAA bar the small amounts in some crossfire AA modes. Their user selectable higher quality AF pretty much forgives them in this respect though relative to Nvidia.

Ati has currently the fastest non sli/xf card with good image quality and features like HDR+AA too so therefore my money is with them. In the end, what matters is the best product.
rwolf said:
This sort of question keeps cropping up at rag3d on and off over months.

Both ATi and nvidia go through cycles or being dull or shiny and peoples comments in forums reflect this. In the past Ati was very shiny and nvidia was very very dull, now Ati are less shny and nvidia are less dull.

I doubt ATi will lose much more shine and nvidia will gain much more in the coming months
thanks for the answers, its just too interesting to look at how the market reacts to the good abailable information about graphiccards and cpus, and now i am looking foor good reasons regarding the valuation of ati/nvidia. You might have seen other post from me regarding this, and i just now came back from an online free week, so...

so.. such sentiments dont seem to play any significant role, good to know.
Yes they want our money, but 3dgfx has evolved as a positieve tradeoff ;)
Image walking through the Far Cry world with your Vesa gfx ;)
morally and marketing/BS/cheating wise, ATI is bad, but nvidia is a little worse. hence ATI is the lesser fo two evils for me, at least for now.
[company X] is the hero of all that's right and holy.

[company Y] is pond scum.

Take your pick.

I mean, really, why is this blatant flamebait of a thread allowed to even get past the first post?
I can't really speak much for resentment but the word from dealers is that ATI stock just isn't moving.

I have been told by a dealer that he won't order any amount of highend X1900 cards untill he sees some major demand since he's stuck with x1800 stock. I have also been told the 6XXX midrange series is still selling in high volumes, and that most 7xxx product has also been sold pretty quickly.

I expect these trends should change since ATI's X1900 sure whooped some major buns, but that will take time. In terms of sales I think sticking to PS2.0+ has hurt ATi in the past year.

I sincerly wanted an X1800 model for my current upgrade but due to low demand the pricing is just awfull...

BTW, someone also implied 7900 launch is march 6, can anyone verify that?