If I'm wrong, then teach me. I'm not going to argue you if you have the facts layed out for me. But I'm itching to to why.
AMD's Firestream GPGPU performs many times faster than the triditional CPU when doing many of the same task, while at the same time, opening new frontiers in many other aspects.
But I want to know exactly what Cell specificly dose better than that of a GPGPU can't do better than Cell. The 7 SPE units in Cell are very simialar to that of a shader unit found in a GPU. The one main difference is that the SPE unit is made with flexibility in mind. The shaders found in today's gpu's are much more efficient in handling vector proscessing among other things as well.
Cell means a few things:
* A high performance, low power architecture.
* As an implementation, the chip used in PS3
* In extended form, Sony also invested in the R&D of hi-speed Cell network.
MS has not marketed Xenos as a platform, but Cell is designed to be one from day 1.
* It exists independently outside PS3
* It supports virtualization via the hypervisor
* You can run general purpose OSes on it to solve a large variety of problems, some of them faster than other CPUs on the market.
* It can run a large library of open source software
* It is supposed to scale up/down (by increasing/decreasing # of SPUs and PPUs).
* It revives supercomputing concepts from the 80s and 90s
So for what I can uderstand, the PPE in Cell can be related to the performance of a 800mhz pentium III (and in some cases worse). The difference is that this PPE(which from what I understand is essentally based from a IMB power PC), has a satilite of 7 SPE units with a additional SPU unit attached to each clocked at 3.2ghz.
A complete cell has 1 PPE (PPU) and 8 SPEs (SPUs).
Again, I only see Sony, IBM, and Toshiba using Cell and that's perfectly understandable considering they have invested over 400 million into the project. But no one else out side this group called "STI" is investing into it.
Mercury Interactive, Yellow Dog Linux and most of the game publishers/devs for a start. Their customers (e.g., Barcelona Supercomputing Center) also invested time and resorces in Cell (buying Cell hardware, developing applications, training their people, etc...).