Horizon Zero Dawn [PS4, PC]

I noticed that with my BD version. It's disappointing they didn't at least speed it up. Though it looks like the last PS4 version patch was back in 2018 so I suppose they consider it done.

Really though I didn't have any complaints with its performance on the PS4 Pro. I didn't even see a need to switch it to performance render mode.
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sorry got this confused with Ghost of Tsushima. Which I think got the 60fps patch. Or at least one of these exclusives did!
You confused robot dinosaurs...and Samurai? :oops:

Maybe for some crossover.. Ghost HorizonTsushima :runaway:
Just finished repaying this on PC. The increase in particle effects, the extra weather effects, it's one fine looking game. Guerilla seem to have hit the nail on the head for an engine that scales well. They should offer to license this to EA so that Bioware have access to a decent engine that's not primarily built for FPS. But now I am all set for the next iteration. Well I will be once my dualshocks both come back from being repaired.
Just finished repaying this on PC. The increase in particle effects, the extra weather effects, it's one fine looking game. Guerilla seem to have hit the nail on the head for an engine that scales well. They should offer to license this to EA so that Bioware have access to a decent engine that's not primarily built for FPS. But now I am all set for the next iteration. Well I will be once my dualshocks both come back from being repaired.
I had no idea they added extra weather effects
I originally bought the original version on disk (the DLC not included)
So I downloaded the complete edition from Play at Home and it doesnt recognize my saves.
Anyone else having the same issue?

I bought the disc version and grabbed the free digital version yesterday and I can see all of my saves from 2017!
Was the disk version also the complete edition?