High Res Ninja Gaiden Sigma Pics = wow

Well i think that only makes my point stronger. By the time those 2 came out, there were 3 Tekkens, 2 Virtua Fighters and 1 Soul Calibur on PS2 alone. That's 6 fighters, 8 with Tekken5 and SC3!!! Campared to DOA3 which was all alone for more than a year. Unless you count one or two silly fighting games Xbox got that we shouldn't mention here or our IQ would go down of a few points.

I'm not surprised that T5 and SC3 sold so poorly.

Personally i think the reason is that the platform was already flooded with so many fighting games that people just weren't interested anymore.

Which makes my point stronger, that if DOA was on PS2, it would not sell as well as on a console where it would be the only fighter for a long time (until SC2 came out on Xbox).

If i'm wrong, i'm wrong, but i just think that strong sales of DOA3 (whatever the figures are) and low sales of all the fighters on PS2 is quite strong evidence to my theory.

DOA2:Harcore proves your theory wrong.

#1. It was on the PS2
#2. It was a US launch title and released 2 days before Tekken Tag.
#3. It sold like complete crap on the PS2, despite only having a single fighter to compete against.
As Itagaki explains, only XB360 has the power to realise his visions. If they were to create a PS3 version, they'd need to go to so much effort to downgrade all the art assets to fit onto that under-powered hardware that it'd cost a lot and just look a mess by comparison. PS3's okay for spruced up ports of last-gen games, but can't handle real next-gen games.


LOL Itagaki seems to be a MS ****** at heart lolz

Xbox360 and the PS3 are pretty similiar just that ******s want to ignore that

P.s I aint implying your a FB Geezer m8

Why is F-a-n-b-o-y bleeped out ????
That's a bit silly... But it's politics so i understand.

It would be much easier to just have one game in development, one set of artistic resources, and developing it for both consoles at the same time, than having 2 different games.

Well the idea is he can let his protoge, or whatever, work on the PS3 project, letting hi work 100% on this new project.

I actually think it's pretty ingenious, as it's a cheap way to get many new fans of his franchise. If NG Sigma is a big smash on PS3, than NG2 on Xbox 360 is going to be MUCH more appealing to those people who would probably never have played a NG game otherwise.

I must say, I'm jealous this isn't coming to 360, the real NG2 better kick some serious ass, and I hope it doesn't take too long to come out.
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DOA2:Harcore proves your theory wrong.

#1. It was on the PS2
#2. It was a US launch title and released 2 days before Tekken Tag.
#3. It sold like complete crap on the PS2, despite only having a single fighter to compete against.

So why do you think it sold so poorly then? It certainly wasn't because "people who liked Tecmo games associate them with MS" as you say because at that time there was no MS in the console business.

There are obiously other variables to be taken into consideration.
Because the word was abused to call each other names.
I thought it was to increase the IQ of board members in a sort of DS Brain Training way. How many different means can you come up with to call someone a f@nboy/fanboi/fanb0y/etc. without just typing it out? The only reason they chose to star out phanboy was because it's the most common word in a gaming forum, so would be the most taxing one for members to work with.
Around 1.7 million.

Not bad for a single system exclusive with 1/5th the userbase of the PS2, eh?

Peter Moore presented Itagaki with an award thanking him for his commitment and congradulating him on 2 million DOA3 games sold on Xbox. This was right before DOA4 came out at some press conference somewhere...
So why do you think it sold so poorly then? It certainly wasn't because "people who liked Tecmo games associate them with MS" as you say because at that time there was no MS in the console business.

There are obiously other variables to be taken into consideration.

I never said people who like Techmo games associate them with anything.

I said MS fans have been the most supported of Team Ninja games. Sega was a close second, but they don't make consoles anymore.

Sony fans have shunned Team Ninja. They call the DOA games crap even though very few have ever played one, they bad mouth Itagaki, and they didn't buy DOA when they had the chance. As for their reasons, I'll leave that to you to decide, but really it's irrelevent. Fact is they didn't buy DOA when it was one of only 2 major fighters for the system for over a year, and DOA (And every other Team Ninja game) sold very very well on MS's system.

MS fans have made them rich, Sony fans made them lose money. Thus, MS gets the nod when it comes to future support.
Fact is they didn't buy DOA when it was one of only 2 major fighters for the system for over a year, and DOA (And every other Team Ninja game) sold very very well on MS's system.

MS fans have made them rich, Sony fans made them lose money. Thus, MS gets the nod when it comes to future support.

Conversely, that other major fighter you mentioned, was truly a major fighter. One of the very fighters London brings up as being competition for DOA were it to arrive on the PS2. The fact that it didn't sell well when facing competition only from Tekken (no Soul Caliper, or Virtua Fighter) would actually seem to bode well for London's argument that it couldn't compete commercially where it on the PS2.

I would like to make it clear that I'm agreeing with anyone's argument, here. Just making a (related) point. Although, I'm not even sure I understand what London's argument is after his last few post. :D

Hmmm... we still don't have actual sales data. At least, no verified data. I can throw out numbers too, doesn't make them right.

Rumble Rose sold 5 million copies!!! :D
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Looks good, crazy the game is only 20%. Anyways, I'd rather play NG any day of the week over DOA so I'm glad it's NG they are porting over.
I recall Kojima saying something similar about the PS2 compared to the Xbox in a way he was right. The PS2 allowed him to make the game he wanted the way he wanted to. Same thing with Itagaki, because of the shaders, the Xbox allowed him to produce the games he wanted to.

I suspected that Team Ninja would make something on the PS3 since it has Nvidia hardware which ,if what he says about using the Xbox to its fullest extent is true, they had to become very comfortable with and Nvidia specific extentions to do so. DOAU and DOAX1 are probably as close to Nvidia hardware as can be. I'm betting he would have perfered sticking with Nvidia hardware this round just like Sega(The Chihiro board. You could basically call the new board Chihiro 2). Maybe it is the fans that are the reason Itagaki is sticking to the Xbox brand or maybe it's something else.
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I don't fully understand what effect that would have on the data. :?: DOA2 Hardcore sales only, not all of DOA2 sales. Or is there some other element you're eluding to?

Well DOA2 had gotten all of it's sales on the DC obviously. by the time it hit PS2 with no new content it was old news.
It's as deep as you need to get when balancing the budget and planning for the future. You go with the system that earns you the most money. So far that's been the Xbox.

We're getting the timelines mixed up. I was talking about why DOA3 wouldn't have sold 2M copies on PS2, while you're talking about why Tecmo wants to focus on MS today and in the future...
We're getting the timelines mixed up. I was talking about why DOA3 wouldn't have sold 2M copies on PS2, while you're talking about why Tecmo wants to focus on MS today and in the future...
Team Ninja, not Tecmo. (Though granted Team Ninja produces their most visible titles.) Tecmo overall supported the PS2 over Xbox as both developer and publisher, and to my knowledge as a whole company they haven't said anything one way or another about this gen.
Any truth to this? ninja gaiden sigma headed to Xbox 360?


"NINJA GAIDEN sigma which was announced at Tokyo game Show 2006 as a Playstation 3 exclusive title. According to the article of Xboxfront, accompanying Nobuuzi Itagaki of the producer, after the PS3 edition is complete, he made his intentions to port this game to Xbox 360 clear. At what specific time it is not known yet, but if true, it means that it will be the Hayabusa debut for the first time in Xbox 360."
Any truth to this? ninja gaiden sigma headed to Xbox 360?


If demand is high enough maybe but that contradicts what he said earlier in at least 2 interviews about the game being Ninja Gaiden for people who likely haven't played either game on the Xbox.

I'm surprised that you guys who have played Ninja Gaiden wouldn't rather wait for Ninja Gaiden 2. I've played Ninja Gaiden at least 14 times (Master Ninja Tourney included) and I can say that I'm pretty much tired of Ninja Gaiden 1/Black. It is time for a new and hopefully more compelling story.
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