Heavy Rain [PS3]

Damn at times like this I am seriously wishing i had a tv and I had brought my PS3 back with me. :( *sobs uncontrollably*
Well, you're not alone. Chances are I can't play this until this Sunday at best. Too many important things on hand to clear now.

I'll try to sneak in some time. May have to reserve one whole night for it.
My copy probably won't arrive until early March. Dammit. I'll have to be careful to avoid spoilers. Anyway, luckily enough, Bioshock 2, Bayonetta and Darksiders turned up this morning.
My copy probably won't arrive until early March. Dammit. I'll have to be careful to avoid spoilers. Anyway, luckily enough, Bioshock 2, Bayonetta and Darksiders turned up this morning.

Ooh tough choice...get ready to find some space on your HDD. Finished BioShock 2 and now on Bayonetta...definately play it with the install. Playing it on the PS3 after Dante's Inferno...wow, the difference. Bayonetta is miles ahead in combat, level design and enemy AI.
I got it. The pre-order bonus code is on a separate sheet of pamphlet. My GameStop guy forgot to give it to me when I went to claim mine. Remember to ask ! It's a $4.99 DLC.
Freakin hell I am sick of mofos trying to spoil other's Heavy Rain experience.
The latest trailer I saw was full of comments telling who the origami killer is...I thought its just a random comment made for fun. But then I just opened up a news article which talked about Sony's Arc motion controller & even there I saw that the two topmost comments were the same spoilers.

These guys should just die !! o_O

My experience is spoiled *cries like a baby* :(
This game appears to be glitchy.

Our initial playthrough had us stuck in the very early opening home scene wandering around wondering what to do because the kids never gave us the option to play with them. We spent maybe 30 minutes wandering around the house and garden looking for action items before deciding something was wrong. After doing a quick Google search it became apparent that others have had this happen and that exiting the game and restarting fixes things.


Upon loading via the PS button the system menu and selecting exit, there was a pause and then a hard reset occured (i.e. controller got turned off followed by the PS3 logo and full normal startup sequence). So not a clean exit. 40GB pre-slim PS3, latest OS.

After the restart finished we restarted Heavy Rain and this time the game let us get out of the house and on with the plot. . .

Pretty weak that the game falls over in the first in 10 minutes. It also requires a 228MB patch plus an initial install before you can play. And the initial origami folding instructions during the install menu are partially wrong (they do not match the printed square included with the game).

Wasting a bunch of time pointlessly trying to find action items over and over definitely destroys the immersion. Initial impression definitely marred by the poor quality control here.

Played for about 2 hours or so last night. So far it's a little slow, and walking/moving anywhere can be very frustrating at times. I know it's still very early, so I'm not going to comment criticize anything on the game front, but so far the screen tearing and pop in is pretty bad so far. There was a 226mb patch upon first launch of the game as well.

I'm very intrigued so far and look forward to being able to do the QTE as if they were second nature, and really curious to start feeling 'part' of the story.
really curious to start feeling 'part' of the story.

I have only tried the demo, but I felt a "part" of the story and quite immersed when the fight that Shelby got into.

As for the other part of the demo, not so much, but maybe because I wanted more of the same stuff you got to experience in the first part of the demo.
There was a 226mb patch upon first launch of the game as well.
That's worrying. What about the ~50% of PS3's that haven't been online? You can't launch buggy disc-based games with the expectation of patching them unless you are sure everyone potential buyer is capable of and informed to patch.

I played about an hour and saw 3 tearings. The walking takes some practice but nothing like say, the R3 targeting in Demon's Souls.

The story is indeed slow (I stopped at the slow part and went home because I was not feeling well). I already feel very bad for Ethan because I have a son too. I can totally relate to his experience coz we nearly lost our son in SF. It was a terrible/traumatizing experience that no one should be subjected to.

The only real complain I have is that the save file is locked. So I can't take it home to continue my game.
Daymm, that sucks.
I wonder why they do this :|

Yap, apart from that, the game feels very different from other titles. I like it when they start to show more and more and more buttons. ^_^

The game has been kind to me (No lock-up or pop-in so far, no uncanny valley yet).

In general, it's more emotionally charged compared to Heavenly Sword, Demon's Souls, Bioshock, etc. Some parts are tedious, but that's because you're doing a mundane task. I can imagine the control scheme kicks up a few notches (e.g., quick time events, finger "Twister") when the action picks up.
Never before have my emotions been so divided over a video game. I find myself loving some aspects of Heavy Rain and completely respecting the game, and then the next moment questioning some design decisions. Some scenes have left me smiling without even realizing until the event was over. Heck, in one particular scene I found myself leaning back in my chair contemplating my own future in relation to the events that just had transpired. No seriously! But certainly there have been moments where I was left holding my controller thinking "Hey wait a second, I want to be more involved here!"

When I played the game at E3 last year I thought it was an interesting concept but, frankly, didn’t find it very much fun to play. Then I played the demo about a week ago which took place in a completely different section of the game and I found it much more engaging. The funny thing is, now that I'm playing the full release, I'm feeling a mixture of those two experiences.

First I want to start out saying that I love Quantric Dreams ambitious with this title. The adventure genre--one that I love--sure does need a good shot in the arm, and despite some of the issues I might have with the game I mostly find it's overall experience exciting and compelling. It's a huge step in the right direction and, overall, a fun game. I always find myself looking forward to finding out what's around the corner.

I think most of us can agree that--its spirit--it's a game that harkens back to the older point & click adventure games. They've brilliantly crafted an experience for the (sadly) shrinking genre by luring you in with its contemporary interface. Gone are the points and the click click clicks and now we have gestures or Quick Time Events (QTEs).

The atmosphere in most sections--with a combination of Silence of The Lambs inspired scores and stunning David Fincher emboldened visuals---is frankly stunning. I find myself walking around starting at the…well items that I can't interact with unfortunately. But it all does its part in immediately drawing you in to its compelling narrative. A story that (for me so far) is chopped up into 4 different stories running parallel, a la Pulp fiction style, where I suspect will collide in some fashion.

But I do have an issue, that was immediately apparent to me within the first 10 minutes of the game, that consistently bothers me--interaction. Yes the game has it, and uses a mostly interesting mechanic to do so, but I want to do more than hear 5 thoughts floating around in my head. I want to do more than interact 3 things in a room. In addition, I want to look and examine much more in the environment. These people I'm controlling do have interesting thoughts, feelings and opinions on things--I want to hear what they have to say, even if it's "It's just a old brown shirt my brother use to wear". It allows me to get closer to them. Know them. Establish more of a relationship. By not allowing the player to examine his surroundings beyond a few of those predetermined thoughts or actions it forces the experience to feel more contrived.

Even some of my first adventure games--like the Kings Quest series--seemingly allowed us to examine about the same amount of items in the environment. Why does it bother me? Frankly, I think it makes some of this "reality" that Heavy Rain is trying to establish feel like plastic. For a game that devotes an incredible amount of its resources into its detail (graphics, narrative and dialog) it just boggles my mind that we're left with a beautifully crafted world that (seemly) 75% is off limits.

I don’t think I'm even 50% of the way through the game so my feelings could still go either way. These are just my thoughts and I have a feeling they're not going to be popular.
Where are you in the game now ?

I am still early (4th loading screen, if I remember correctly).

I also hoped that more props in the game can be interacted with. But for the actions, I think the only way to make it more open ended is via some sort of keyboard input (like the old text adventure games). Or voice input.

That way I can type in my desired actions or hints, and let the characters perform the closest action.
My better half's main complaint (well beyond the frustrating "stuck in the house" start) was that the characters seemed to either be thinking nothing or a million things at once and that this was stressful for her. I can understand using this as a game mechanic at times but there were definitely some unnecessary clumping of decision tree branches that we came across in our initial play last night.

I am also not a huge fan so far of how event triggers have been implemented, it seems pretty easy to get stuck having to randomly walk into everything looking for a non-obvious trigger for a trivial action.

At Ethan's apartment you need to make his kid dinner at one point. First we let him watch tv while we looked around the house. We opened the fridge and drank some juice, clearly seeing pizza and other foodstuffs (OK, food is in fridge).

At 7PM you are supposed to make the kid dinner (based on the posted list of things to do). So we try to open the fridge again but now it has no action option (arrgh). So we mess about in the pantry, try bumping into all the cupboards to find an action item, etc. but no go. Eventually it turned out we had to look at a specific clock and trigger a thought before it would then let us go back and open the fridge and feed the kid, this despite the fact we can clearly see the clock already, know where the food is and know what we are supposed to do at 7PM.

Is Ethan is supposed to have a head injury?

