Haze : The official game thread

Which doesn't answer the question "Why was PS3 chosen as the lead platform in the first place? Despite having a lower install base?"...follow that logic to it's end and you'll probably arrive at my conclusion as well ;)

Free Radical are Sony platform developers going way back, and Haze has been in development dating back to a time before the current market trends were as clear, I'd expect.

I imagine Sony did something to lock Haze into their platform nonetheless, though.
Is this post a joke?

No joke. Link

Today, Ubisoft amended its statement, saying that currently only the PS3 version of Free Radical's shooter is in development. The France-based publisher also noted that it was still leaving the door open in the future for "new partnerships," but currently the game is indeed only planned for the PS3.

The Web sites of both Free Radical and the official Haze site now only list the PS3 version of the game.
Which doesn't answer the question "Why was PS3 chosen as the lead platform in the first place? Despite having a lower install base?"...follow that logic to it's end and you'll probably arrive at my conclusion as well ;)

We've been down this road before.

"That logic" is faulty.

If it was all about installed user base most every time the way you think it is then there would be no exclusive 3rd party PS3 games. But there are. Several of them. I will not apply your logic!!!

I'll stick the the simple "PS3 is the lead platform and they are not ready to port". I can offer an irefutable anthropic argument as to why the PS3 is the lead platform: Because if it where not the lead platform, the game would be in development exclusivly or concurrently on another platform as well.

So it is what it is. PS3 is the lead platform and we don't really know why. Could it be that Haze can only stay affloat in the PS3's aweful mockery of a game library? Sure. But it could also be that Free Radical would not like to see Haze on the same shelves with the 360's pathetic and embarrasing game library. Neither are arguments i'd be willing to make or lend an ear to.
I'd just go with the fact that Free Radical have always been Sony devs, that HAZE will have a bigger impact on the PS3 than on the 360, and that with the quality of games coming out within the next few months it will be first amongst equals.

Also by dropping the PC they don't have to go through endless comparisons with Crysis.
Are they going to release any demo ?

EDIT: Some rep answered it in PAX. They have not decided on a demo yet.

Very detailed description and playthrough of Haze here:
78:44 @ http://www.gamespot.com/video/933103/6177615/pax-2007-day-1-live-show

You can see...
* Overdose effects
* Play dead
* Nectar knife throwing
* 4P co-op vehicle

They should do a demo because while the concept sounds interesting, most people won't be able to absorb the implications without hands on.
At this point, the game could swing either way. I wish the cross platform developer luck.

Your right about it needing a demo.

Just watched this and the gamevideo's walkthrough of the same level. And I have to say this game just feels sooo bland! Nothing really stands out. The game's writer on the gamespot video talks a good game about the 2 play styles. But seeing the game in action; the AI seems weak, the graphics look average for this genre and the whole nectar thing really is not coming across. The mantel trooper nectar enhancement stuff just feels like its a extra HUD option and the cheap kills for resistence fighters really feel.....cheap.
We've been down this road before.

"That logic" is faulty.

If it was all about installed user base most every time the way you think it is then there would be no exclusive 3rd party PS3 games. But there are. Several of them. I will not apply your logic!!!.

Not faulty, you just aren't understanding it.

This is the big fish in a little pond strategy, see DOA on Xbox for example, or Ninja Gaiden.

I never said it was ALL about install base, so not really sure where you're getting that from.

But that's fine, if you want to believe the delay (if you think these have been cancelled you're dreaming) of the X360 and PC versions has nothing to Halo, COD4 or UT2003 all coming out this fall, then feel free.

Personally, I would wager that if Halo were not releasing soon, Haze would be releasing this holiday on the 360 without a doubt. But as it stands, the pond is simply too big for a new IP like Haze to make a splash. They are much better off to make it a PS3 exclusive, hope that it reaches both critical and commercial success during the holiday season, make a name for the IP, and then release the PC and 360 versions this spring to captialize on the slow spring period.
Free Radical are Sony platform developers going way back

Well, they are multiplatform developers going way back, if that is what you ment. e.g. Timepsplitters 2/3 were on all 3 consoles (the first appearing in 2000, hence PS2 only).

I imagine Sony did something to lock Haze into their platform nonetheless, though.

Because they say no other versions are currently under development or planned? Kind of ironic because PC/360 versions were already announced, said to be coming in Q1/Q2 2008... and have already been played.

Classic example of timed exclusive. Sure, Sony may have snagged an exclusive... but we aren't reading the magic words: "Haze will never appear on another console. It is a PS3 exclusive". Until you see words like that on any game, don't count your chickens before they hatch.
I didn't see this Developer Diary Blog entry from August posted, so, I'm adding it now. It illustrates the difference 4 of the graphical effects used have on the overall visual quality of the game. I thought it was quite interesting seeing the difference between Diffuse Color -> Diffuse Color + Radiosity Lighting as well as from Diffuse Color + Radiosity + Normal Map -> All Previous + Normal Map. Hearing about these techniques is one thing (they're thrown around all the time), but actually seeing the difference in a real application is another. Enjoy.

I have the utmost confidence in Free Radical, but I did in Factor 5 as well. IGN last preview wasn't exactly flattering, either. However, I still remain hopefully optimistic, and look forward to seeing how the game turns.
I didn't see this Developer Diary Blog entry from August posted, so, I'm adding it now. It illustrates the difference 4 of the graphical effects used have on the overall visual quality of the game. I thought it was quite interesting seeing the difference between Diffuse Color -> Diffuse Color + Radiosity Lighting as well as from Diffuse Color + Radiosity + Normal Map -> All Previous + Normal Map. Hearing about these techniques is one thing (they're thrown around all the time), but actually seeing the difference in a real application is another. Enjoy.

I have the utmost confidence in Free Radical, but I did in Factor 5 as well. IGN last preview wasn't exactly flattering, either. However, I still remain hopefully optimistic, and look forward to seeing how the game turns.

Thanks Gradthrawn.
Another game I got to play today... this was a total mess! Running at about 20fps (ie, sketchy and less than 30) the scene I played was an outdoors standard FPS setup. Geometry was very poor, with the ultimate insult being non-organic trees - they were almost as bad as octagons. Textures were also quite poor and blurry.

Shooting was definitely like any other FPS... run, shoot with a machine gun, keep it going. Nice bullet trails, though.

Apparently it's also been confirmed as a 360 title for early next year, too. I wouldn't be putting your pennies away unless this game looks a lot better in the more closed bits, or the city-scape sections.
Another game I got to play today... this was a total mess! Running at about 20fps (ie, sketchy and less than 30) the scene I played was an outdoors standard FPS setup. Geometry was very poor, with the ultimate insult being non-organic trees - they were almost as bad as octagons. Textures were also quite poor and blurry.

Shooting was definitely like any other FPS... run, shoot with a machine gun, keep it going. Nice bullet trails, though.

Apparently it's also been confirmed as a 360 title for early next year, too. I wouldn't be putting your pennies away unless this game looks a lot better in the more closed bits, or the city-scape sections.

I have a bad feeling about this game.
Another game I got to play today... this was a total mess! Running at about 20fps (ie, sketchy and less than 30) the scene I played was an outdoors standard FPS setup. Geometry was very poor, with the ultimate insult being non-organic trees - they were almost as bad as octagons. Textures were also quite poor and blurry.

Shooting was definitely like any other FPS... run, shoot with a machine gun, keep it going. Nice bullet trails, though.

Apparently it's also been confirmed as a 360 title for early next year, too. I wouldn't be putting your pennies away unless this game looks a lot better in the more closed bits, or the city-scape sections.

Thanks for the hands on.

You wouldn't happen to know how early or late the build you were playing was, would you? Although your comments sound all too familiar, from others who have played apparently recent builds.

Some of the things you mentioned may be fixed in the final game. But bad geometry is concerning, unless they were using a lot of placeholders. Could you expand on that, give some examples?
Thanks for the hands on.

You wouldn't happen to know how early or late the build you were playing was, would you? Although your comments sound all too familiar, from others who have played apparently recent builds.

Some of the things you mentioned may be fixed in the final game. But bad geometry is concerning, unless they were using a lot of placeholders. Could you expand on that, give some examples?

Sure, happy to help where I can. It's not too often we get to play pre-releases in Australia ;)

There were no informed reps there to comment on which build was being played - potentially it was an early build. This would be surprising though, since there were a lot of hot-looking games across all systems that have not been released being played that were running smoothly - eg, UT3, DarkSector, Link's Crossbow Training, WipeoutHD, etc. None of these had noticeable framerate problems.

As for geometry, the most standout was the trees as I've mentioned. It had the same jarring effect on me like when you see driving games (and the occasional driving sequence in an action game) with non-round wheels - it just sticks out like a sore thumb. The grass reminded me of Oblivion's grass. Otherwise, there's not a lot to comment on - it was an outdoor scene. I didn't get too good a look at the character models since it was in first person, and most of the baddies were taken down at a distance.

Don't know if that's at all enlightening, but it's all I've got. Cheers.