Haze : The official game thread

Sounds like Chimeran traits :) If coupled with a fast weapon and grenade, Mantels will be hard to beat.

I think the Rebels' attributes are more difficult/unusual (Play dead, improvisation of weapons with nectar).
I'm not sure about that. If, for example, faking death is easy Rebels can have a big advantage. Hopefully they will well-balance the classes.

Anyway, thanks for the update, this game just became a contestant for my holiday FPS multiplayer needs along with COD4 and UT3.

There is also Quake Wars which at some point claimed to bring two-class team deathmatches to the table :LOL: .

Is there vehicles in this game ?
Yes there are, at least for SP.
I'm not sure about that. If, for example, faking death is easy Rebels can have a big advantage. Hopefully they will well-balance the classes.

Definitely need to spend ton's of time balancing the game. These rebel features are all "one-time" only. They may be hard to use during a team FPS game. Other rebel features like duck/roll is also useful only for a split second (and the rebel loses the ability to fire during ducking ?). The diving rebel is still vulnerable to continuous targeting by enemies. I suspect they may need to power up the improvised weapons (with nectar) somehow to overcome the Mantel advantages... or perhaps overcome some of these via level design.

Anyway, thanks for the update, this game just became a contestant for my holiday FPS multiplayer needs along with COD4 and UT3.

There is also Quake Wars which at some point claimed to bring two-class team deathmatches to the table :LOL: .

Yes there are, at least for SP.

I am very happy to see the developer evolving gameplay ideas. I hope they can bring something fresh to the genre.

Haze X360 cancelled ?.. eXp.de says so ;
GC 07: Doch keine 360-Version

Wie wir soeben bei einer Präsentation des Shooters aus erster Hand erfahren haben, wird es keine Xbox-360-Version von Haze geben. Der Titel ist dieses Jahr noch PS3-exklusiv und wird voraussichtlich im November erscheinen, 2008 wird eine PC-Fassung folgen. Weitere Informationen zur Präsentation folgen heute Abend.

Translation ;

How we learned just now in a presentation of the Shooters out of first hand, there will be no XBox 360 Version of Haze. The title is this year yet PS3 exclusive and will appear presumably in November, 2008 will follow a PC version. Further information to the presentation follows tonight.
[ http://www.exp.de/shownews.php?id=24424&aid=multi ]

I can't say anything about the credibility of the site , I just want to share ...
I'm not sure about that. If, for example, faking death is easy Rebels can have a big advantage. Hopefully they will well-balance the classes.

Anyway, thanks for the update, this game just became a contestant for my holiday FPS multiplayer needs along with COD4 and UT3.

betan, just to answer my own questions and re-evaluate your points. According to recent Haze articles (I will try to post them later)

* The Nectar advantages come with side-effects. Essentially, prolonged use will cause vision blur.

* Overdosed Mantel soldiers cannot see dead bodies (so Playing Dead is a viable tactics if timed).

With these modifiers, I can see how the rebels stand a reasonable chance against Mantel.

Now, the only question -- from gameplay perspective -- is:
* Can anyone tell whether a Mantel soldier is overdosed by observation ? There may be interesting teamplay and sabotage elements here.
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Now, the only question -- from gameplay perspective -- is:
* Can anyone tell whether a Mantel soldier is overdosed by observation ? There may be interesting teamplay and sobatage elements here.
Afaik, their "visors" turns red.
Are they going to release any demo ?

EDIT: Some rep answered it in PAX. They have not decided on a demo yet.

Very detailed description and playthrough of Haze here:
78:44 @ http://www.gamespot.com/video/933103/6177615/pax-2007-day-1-live-show

You can see...
* Overdose effects
* Play dead
* Nectar knife throwing
* 4P co-op vehicle

They should do a demo because while the concept sounds interesting, most people won't be able to absorb the implications without hands on.
At this point, the game could swing either way. I wish the cross platform developer luck.
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No PC or 360 version in development or planned.

There must be some sort of deal for this game, there previous games have been well received and critically acclaimed so going against Halo (which would've been a 6 month old game by the time it shipped on 360) isn't going to be the reason for it being dropped from the UBI schedule.
sounds like typical PR :LOL:

Today, Ubisoft said that currently no other versions in development, and although it was still leaving the door open in the future for "new partnerships," currently the game is indeed only planned for the PS3. A spokesperson said, "The official statement on PC and Xbox 360 is that these platforms are not confirmed."
that's what they said about Assassins Creed when they were trying to seek a deal from Sony regarding it's exclusivity too. :LOL:

Still, I can see this staying PS3 only for a while as Free Radical Design seem to prefer Playstation as a platform.
that's what they said about Assassins Creed when they were trying to seek a deal from Sony regarding it's exclusivity too. :LOL:

Still, I can see this staying PS3 only for a while as Free Radical Design seem to prefer Playstation as a platform.

I would think this is just a ploy to get some extra hype on the forum boards, other versions are planned, but little sense in releasing it this holiday, where you got competition from established and\or very hyped games like Halo 3, UT3, Crysis etc..
I only live about 5 miles away from them, I might pop round and ask them (not that they'd tell me :LOL: )
There must be some sort of deal for this game, there previous games have been well received and critically acclaimed so going against Halo (which would've been a 6 month old game by the time it shipped on 360) isn't going to be the reason for it being dropped from the UBI schedule.

No, it's just a smary marketing move.

Halo 3 and COD4 will dominate 360 FPS sales this year.

COD4 and UT3 will dominate PC FPS sales this year.

So what's a game like Haze to do?

Make yourself PS3 exclusives, which immediately boosts the hype of fanboys everywhere, and allows you to be a big fish in a small pond, rather than the other way around.
but PS3 has cod4 and ut3 this year too.

COD4 will be a big hit I'm sure, but I'll be surprised if UT3 really does huge numbers on PS3.

And at the end of the day, Haze does not want to go up against Halo on 360, I think that's the most obvious explanation.
but PS3 has cod4 and ut3 this year too.

Indeed, but the UT series isn't a very well known franchise for Playstation owners, and scooby also left out Crysis and Far Cry 2 for the PC. I don't see how Haze can compete with Crysis (which features alot of the same, jungle scenario, vechicles, bla bla bla), unless its very very very very good.

On the X360 there is so many titles coming this fall i reckon a lot of devs\publishers are going to tactically delay a few titles. Aspecially anything competing against Halo 3, and the largest marketing budget known in video gaming history.
No, it's just a smary marketing move.

Halo 3 and COD4 will dominate 360 FPS sales this year.

COD4 and UT3 will dominate PC FPS sales this year.
There are many others triple and double A FPSes this Fall on all platforms (for example Orange Box, brothers in Arms 3), following you logic Ubi could as well not release Haze at all this year. Though I guess the 3 most important (Halo 3, Bioshock and Crysis) will not be on PS3 this year, so there might be something to your words.

Make yourself PS3 exclusives, which immediately boosts the hype of fanboys everywhere, and allows you to be a big fish in a small pond, rather than the other way around.
This boost of hype of fanboys you're talking about isn't that impactful as some people believe. For whatever reason Ubi signed the deal with Sony, they have to pretend other versions do not exist so that people don't wait for them.