Hamas spiritual leader killed.

I'm hoping for some sort of shakeout in the Palestinian leadership that leads to sane people leading them, instead of jihadists.
I think now would not be a good time to be living in Israel. If there ever really was a good time that is. :(
RussSchultz said:
I'm hoping for some sort of shakeout in the Palestinian leadership that leads to sane people leading them, instead of jihadists.

That would be wonderful but somehow I just don't think it will happen. How could a relatively peaceful leader rise up in the aftermath of this? It would seem to be more polarizing towards violence and thus probably hurts the chances of a peacenik leader. Just imo.
RussSchultz said:
I'm hoping for some sort of shakeout in the Palestinian leadership that leads to sane people leading them, instead of jihadists.

I would love for this to happen, but it won't.
IST said:
RussSchultz said:
I'm hoping for some sort of shakeout in the Palestinian leadership that leads to sane people leading them, instead of jihadists.

I would love for this to happen, but it won't.

That won't happen until long after Arafat is dead.
I can't say I mourn the passing of that madman.

Having said that, it would probably have been a better idea to stick him in jail, instead of having hordes of raving psycopaths blowing up kindergardens in retaliation.

Most likely a calculated risk, still one questions the rationale of taking out such a key political figure.

One can only hope they target military compounds instead of civilians
Fred said:
I can't say I mourn the passing of that madman.

Having said that, it would probably have been a better idea to stick him in jail, instead of having hordes of raving psycopaths blowing up kindergardens in retaliation.

Most likely a calculated risk, still one questions the rationale of taking out such a key political figure.

One can only hope they target military compounds instead of civilians

Unfortunitly, that probably won't happen. :cry: Edit: To clarify what I meant, I meant that they'll just bomb civilians, as always.
IST said:
I don't think even his death would allow it to happen.
Yeah it would take the complete removal of his corrupt govermnent. Since the people cant do it, maybe a few [fill in] will do it. ;)

anyways, glad to see a hate monger finally get some justice.

killing people gives more power to extremists, always... if he was extreme the ones who are left will chose someone who is even worse than he was... people who are in the power for a long time usually start to understand things better than "new" enthousiastic folk who are ready to die tomorrow for their cause.
Druga Runda said:
killing people gives more power to extremists, always... if he was extreme the ones who are left will chose someone who is even worse than he was... people who are in the power for a long time usually start to understand things better than "new" enthousiastic folk who are ready to die tomorrow for their cause.
Interesting point, we will learn soon enough who will take over that leadership role.

All terrorists must get death but the best scenrio would be to make it look like natural, hamas leader was an old man, he could have suffered a "heart attack" and died.
I highly doubt Israel isn't aware of this. This may indeed be a "provocation" to get a bunch of ill-timed and ill-planned hasty retailiations thrown at them. Sometimes getting someone mad exposes their weaknesses. It also shakes up resistance when you kill a strong leader, since undoubtably, there are usually multiple people competiting for his job as next-in-line. Internal disagreements and infighting does exist in these kinds of groups.

Throwing the PA into chaos isn't a bad strategy.

The viewpoint that violence begets more retaliation and violence with respect to separatist movements is not historically accurate. It is only a recent development that such "rebellions" aren't put down. Human history is littered with examples of successful (but bloody) putdowns of resistance.

Suicide bombers are made by money. Their families are paid, their suicide belts are manufactured for them. They are a direct result of Syria, Iran, Iraq, and other Arab nations using the Palestinians to fight a proxy war against Israel. The idea that some teenager wakes up one day, and on his own, decided to make a suicide belt and committ murder is fallacious. Sure, it does happen, even here, like with school shooters or McVey, but the majority of terrorism is bought and paid for, just like Iran buying attacks on American soldiers in Iraq. The price lists for killed US soldiers are scrawed in Graffiti and on flyers in Iraq.