I didn't say it was better, I just said it was a bar setter like KZ2 and UC2. There was just something missing from H3 that made it reach out and grab me like those games have.
I said I wasn't excited, I never said I wasn't interested. I'm not going to bother with ODST or whatever but I am interested in seeing what happens to MC. It's just that after H3 I find little reason to get excited with a new installment. I realise that you are jumping for joy and already have, in your mind, labeled it as the game with the best graphics ever and that it's going to be far ahead of everything ever made. I just think that the topology of the market has changed, we have MW 1&2, GoW 1&2, UC 1&2, R 1&2, and KZ 2 (I'll leave 1 out, it was cool but, IMO, Project Snowblind was better... and Black for that matter?).
There's competition where there was none before and all of it is quality. I hope, I really do, that it has that original H1 pulling power because that would be cool. I'd be buying it straight away. But Bungie are in a different place, and the market is so different, that I have doubts.