The Blam engine was supposed to be tossed in favour of a new engine for Halo 2. But it didn't happen. They've been modifying Blam since. Slipspace is the first time they've ever named an engine. I'm pretty sure this is new.There's really no excuses for what was shown. 343i has been working with its inhouse engine for more than 15 years now (and unless they are a bunch of idiots, which I hope they aren't, this one is a evolution of the previous one. "build form the ground up" is literal PR BS 99% of the time). Their engine is quite capable as seen in Halo 4 but the shit-tier offering that was Halo 5 (outside of the cinematics) with its shadow LOD making them disappear 2 meters in-front of the player, 1:2 & 1:4 rate animations LOD, horrendous mipmapping, shitty animations etc all this in a fully static environment with baked lighting is quite an achievement in terms of crappyness even on a toaster like the Xbox One. RDR2 on base Xbox One, even if only 30fps, looks like something from another universe. The only good thing that came out of Halo 5 is the pretty good dynamic resolution.
I think the scaling issues they are suffering, and with respect to seeing the growing pains that Destiny team has had with this engine in supporting new content; I suspect this is actually a real ground up new engine if they want this to be a proper open world supported game with lots of different types of content.
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