Halo day! (Halo 3 new pic, open beta and teaser info)

With some specular maps. But the frame rate is already nice which is a good sign.

It obviously looks far better than PDZ. I wasn't going to dignify that with a response. I guess you are saying that because of the certain shiny look, but it's much more subtle here, and everything else is far better.

I think it's in the running for best looking game now.

They put the usual disclaimer that these are early graphics. I'd be surprised if it gets a lot better looking, because it's already pretty good.
Does it really need to be said that off-screen pics and youtube footage, well, aren't exactly representative of what something really looks like?

I hope this dont get out anytime soon, I dont want to be so induced to buy a 360 so early and at a so high price:LOL: .

BTW I personally think it looks great althought is not such a big jump as we saw in the past, probably because of art and diminished returns.
BTW I personally think it looks great althought is not such a big jump as we saw in the past, probably because of art and diminished returns.

Diminished returns? WHAT?!?! The game isn't even out yet. I seen things in that video that the Xbox 1 could wish it could do.

Let's wait for the game to be finished and played on a 720p HDTV before we scream diminished returns.
The main problem with the visual style of the game is something that cannot be explained away by youtube quality, and possibly even pre-alpha status: this game seems to be about detailed, well textured characters in a low-poly, low-texture, ultra-clean and sterile environment. Same goes for Mass Effect, btw. I like the densely and evenly detailed look of Gears much more.
With some specular maps. But the frame rate is already nice which is a good sign.

you should see it running on your HDTV on the 720p download from XBL Marketplace on your Xbox 360.

looks great even for Pre-alpha (placeholder) build and already better than PDZ. :D
looks great even for Pre-alpha (placeholder) build and already better than PDZ. :D

They even remove the placeholders at times for textures and leave you with greyscaled models with normals (and AO maps?). As mentioned a while back for some tech demo, I like the greyscale thing (call me silly). But yeah, while some potential here obviously still an early WIP. Curious how their dev process works. Obviously with UE3 you can start art early. Halo 3 was shown with a lot of features and complete art at E3 2006, so I am wondering if that was very specialized and their tools for art are still in the works and they scrapped some of the engine or what.
They even remove the placeholders at times for textures and leave you with greyscaled models with normals (and AO maps?). As mentioned a while back for some tech demo, I like the greyscale thing (call me silly). But yeah, while some potential here obviously still an early WIP. Curious how their dev process works. Obviously with UE3 you can start art early. Halo 3 was shown with a lot of features and complete art at E3 2006, so I am wondering if that was very specialized and their tools for art are still in the works and they scrapped some of the engine or what.

Yeah, the (is 'detail' the correct term?) textureless views were pretty interesting.

They definitely made some attempt to produce "almost finished" art for E3 2006, but I don't think anything has been scrapped since then, engine wise (Have you noticed anything really specific missing [ed.], outside possibly lighting?). Some art, such as for the chief, has been tweaked but supposedly is mostly the same.

But, it does seem that certain objects aren't set to cast shadows, and like most of the game, there's probably only been a simple lightmap pass so far. Thought I saw a shadow appearing on the floor below as well, though that might have been my imagination. The shadows are fairly clean, though. We should never have to go back to such low-res shadow maps as the ones we had in the launch-period titles.
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A little dissapointing imo, I was really hoping to get a feel of the new large scale battles, these were all farily constrained, the character models for the brutes looks pretty great.
It's sad to see people on the internet rag on this game's graphics today. WHY? Why must people rag on the graphics for a game when it's not even close to coming out? I noticed the samething happened with MGS4 months ago.

So far it looks like MS has another hit on their hands. The animation was unreal.
quote by Stinkles (Frankie at Bungie)

We have to keep reiterating it a) Because it's true and b) Because discussions like these continue to happen.

But that's fine. Showing early stuff is risky and causes these kinds of argument, but worthwhile IMHO. The final game will more than make up for the interweb drama, and this stuff is purely for fans anyway. Wireframe and Gouraud shaded iterations of an obscure villain - which is why it's on Marketplace and not MTV. Hopefully folks will enjoy seeing the game evolve in this manner. And we'll continue to put in those disclaimers.
I am glad they are evolving the Brutes as they were not really fun/interesting to fight against with in Halo 2. I hope the Elites will continue to play a big role however as they are so awesome. (but I don't want to play as the Arbiter again pls).
There does not seem to be any occlusion, but there's some enviroment-based ambient light that can also interact with normal maps.
I've yet to see it in HD but so far it seems that both texture resolution and detail are notiveably lower than Gears; I hope the world's scale will make up for that.

I'm not sure about the animations - it's nice to see an artistic approach ie. no mocap, but there's only so much that a handful of keyframe animators can do on a limited schedule.
Frankie responds to some questions about the new trailer


for example

2. Four grenades in the HUD! Is that fourth one the Shield Grenade from the TV ad?
No. And like anything you see in the Vidoc, it’s based on early dev work, often months-old. I can tell you that the HUD shown in the Vidoc isn’t like the one in the current build. There may be more or less items in that “grenade” bar now. It may be gone entirely. I’m not saying this to simply distract you from the question, but rather truthfully point out that things can, do and will change. Don’t get too attached to, or too upset by anything you see here. It’s likely that almost every single element shown will look entirely different by the time the game ships.