Ok watched the longer Warzone vid.
Honestly, the gameplay looks pretty bland. Nothing really new. And I hate those goddamn useless Promethean weapons! There wasn't a damn DMR or BR in sight. It's like they want you to run around with pissant weapons, spraying and praying.
You know I just realized that the folks that enjoyed PvE/Firefight (SpOps lol) won't even get to see their customized Spartan colours. You're all just red or blue. :|
I want to see more of the boss fights, but it doesn't look too exciting. I don't know if they're tweaking the AI or just making them spongier like typical MMO bosses etc.
I'd have liked to see oversized units that make it a little goofy - imagine a Grunt that's like 3x the size stomping around with fuel rods, or even that Brute character from Odd One Out (Halo Legends) could return shooting lasers out of his maw, pounding with his fists with the strength of brute hammers.
I mean, great, we get coloured Hunters like ODST, but... how about weapon variety for them? More worms in the colony making them bigger etc. One with the typical fuel rod for med-long range firing. Second one with a stupidly rapid firing plasma or needler for closer range (no splash damage) while they cover one another from all ends of the range spectrum. As a boss character set, you'd kind of recognize that these pair of hunters thought out their attack/defense strategy a little more than the typical hunters who just have fairly simple routines - shoot if target is far enough, melee when target is too close. I don't know if that'd really work in practise, but it's different.
No sign of a scarab boss either...
I thought it looked rather hectic and fun, but at the same time it feels like a half-baked attempt if they're just going to be bullet sponge bosses with different colours and Unique names.
Oh yeah, ALL of the sound effects - weapons, no shields, melees, mech walking, warthog - are terrible. Weak and tinny, not full and punchy. I hope they improve that before launch.
I'd say the chances are highly unlikely. They still brought back the flapping Storm Rifle.
The assault rifle is a weird one. I kinda didn't mind the H2A MP sound (Certain Affinity).