Minimize grenade spamming? Have they not played any Halo games ?
Might as well remove grenades entirely since they're already fucking useless for anything except sticking. A paint grenade would be more effective; at least that could blind those visors.
Reach had a fairly nasty combination of slow movement and beefy grenades which made it problematic.HTF can you spam grenades when you've only got two per slot?
I disagree. Reach had it right. Grenades should own people. In H4, all the enemy has to do is jump and their pretty safe. If they have the explosives perk (which decreases damage received by grenades rather than increasing damage done by grenades), you might as well not even bother throwing grenades because as Al says, they're useless. I'm not sure where this idea that "Oh, grenades are too powerful!" or "Oh, there's too much grenade spam!" came from, but 343 bought into it hook, line, and sinker.
I don't see why grenades as a "get people to move" tool is problematic. In Reach team slayer, gunfights regularly open up with several grenades going in each direction, each one able to take out more than half your health, and detonating so fast that you can't react given their blast radius. It's more chaotic death than promoting of interesting gunplay.I disagree. Reach had it right. Grenades should own people. In H4, all the enemy has to do is jump and their pretty safe.
I disagree. Reach had it right. Grenades should own people. In H4, all the enemy has to do is jump and their pretty safe. If they have the explosives perk (which decreases damage received by grenades rather than increasing damage done by grenades), you might as well not even bother throwing grenades because as Al says, they're useless. I'm not sure where this idea that "Oh, grenades are too powerful!" or "Oh, there's too much grenade spam!" came from, but 343 bought into it hook, line, and sinker.
Played more Halo slayer last night. Grenades seem to be killing me just fine. The only difference I notice over the previous ones, from what I played, is you see the hammer and sword being used a lot less. Overall, it's pretty much the same as it always was with some tweaks. People call out COD for being more of the same every time. If anything, that's the problem here. The core gameplay still feels like a slower-for-consoles version of the old UT and Quake type shooters. I'm not very good at it right now, because I have to get back into the "jumping around corners" mentality of those days. I've gotten used to stop-and-pop firing mechanics from games like Battlefield, where you have to manage your accuracy. If they didn't have the player customization I'd feel like I was playing a shooter from 1999. Oh, and there are vehicles I guess, which aren't that fun. It's not too bad of a game, but overall I've never understood the fondness for any Halo multiplayer, past or present. The guns have never been very interesting in Halo, which was kind of the great thing about those arena shooters.
The only real problem I see is the obvious lag issues. They obviously try to hide the lag, but it becomes obvious really quickly when you shoot a guy in the feet and get a head shot. Some of the kill cams I've seen are really really confusing. If the lag is that bad in co-op, that'll definitely be a big negative for me. I pretty much bought it for the campaign co-op.
I wonder how well the DLC is selling? Personally, I have no interest in it because the only BTB map looks kinda lame, and I don't want to have to play the DLC playlist just to get it.
The great thing about Halo mp is its a military arena shooter that takes alot of skill to get good at and the weapons have always been interesting.Needler, Plasma Pistol, Plasma Rifle, Beam Rifle etc.Each iteration of Halo mp over the years has played differently from each other and its something I easily recognize since I've been playing the series since 2001.
I disagree. Reach had it right. Grenades should own people. In H4, all the enemy has to do is jump and their pretty safe. If they have the explosives perk (which decreases damage received by grenades rather than increasing damage done by grenades), you might as well not even bother throwing grenades because as Al says, they're useless. I'm not sure where this idea that "Oh, grenades are too powerful!" or "Oh, there's too much grenade spam!" came from, but 343 bought into it hook, line, and sinker.
Supposedly, the effects of the explosives perk are a decrease in grenade damage done to you and an increase in the blast radius of your grenades. So, your grenades should be expected to be easier to hit people with.Well damn, is that true? I've found myself getting much more kills with grenades with that perk enabled. I've been placebo'd.
Vehicle balance is awful in a couple of the maps. It's not really "balance" for one side to have easy access to the single Tank, Gauss Hog, or Wraith available.It may take a bit of time to get the right power weapon from ordnance, so... what do you do? You just die over and over hoping to get kills or throw your pathetic plastic balls hoping to make them laugh themselves to death.