Halo 4

New Pictures on gaf.

New zombie design
Can't wait to see how they approach next-gen. :p (H4 BC with high res rendering would be nice too for starters *ahem*)

It's really quite a shame (in general) when console exclusives will never make it to PC.



I guess that confirms custom models for co-op campaign players (besides Chief).
This is from the multiplayer, the Flood won't appear in the single player campaign though. At least for now, they should make a comeback eventually ;)

And yeah, I've been just thinking about how much 343i might be architecting H4's engine with the next Xbox in mind...
Displacement maps? :p Gimme back the grunt spiny limbs. :3

I'm not sure about the usefulness of displacement mapping, people seem to generally believe these current models to have far more polygons than the actual value. In fact looking at just these screenshots it seems that higher AA quality would contribute a lot more to the visuals, unless they moved the cameras twice as close to the characters.

I mean just look at the image with Chief, Lasky and the female Spartan, what element would you improve first - and if it was using only FXAA and not the current oversampling?

So with regards to next gen, I was thinking more about the lighting... but if H4 isn't deferred than it'd involve a lot of significant rewrites to reintroduce this approach...
Hmm, what is that Grunt lit by, isn't it the plasma shot?

Probably a plasma grenade.

I'm not sure about the usefulness of displacement mapping, people seem to generally believe these current models to have far more polygons than the actual value. In fact looking at just these screenshots it seems that higher AA quality would contribute a lot more to the visuals, unless they moved the cameras twice as close to the characters.

I mean just look at the image with Chief, Lasky and the female Spartan, what element would you improve first - and if it was using only FXAA and not the current oversampling?

So with regards to next gen, I was thinking more about the lighting... but if H4 isn't deferred than it'd involve a lot of significant rewrites to reintroduce this approach...

mm.. fair enough. I was thinking they could jack up the skin rendering too. ;)

At least for the Flood, I was thinking more in terms of next-gen morph targets (for transformation & infection). They tried that with Halo 3, but I was wondering about how they would do that with more advanced tessellation techniques available (there's that word again :3). Generally though, I was thinking the grunts, jackals, and Flood that could use more poly's for organic details.

Sure, Human/Elite armours are already hitting diminishing returns for what you'd see during gameplay.
The art in Halo 4 just gives the impression of higher polys...


Reach was no slouch. But geez... Look at the fidelity on The Flood.

Actually AlStrong... I wonder how dynamic mutations for The Flood would look next gen.
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Funnily enough, it could easily be that the Reach characters use higher polygon counts and more texture space... that's how far efficiency and art direction can go on a limited system.
I really like the 'lens flare' like effect (as seen also in Dead Space 1 I think). The shadows still 'pop in' (a character moves into a lit area and the shadow gradually fades in. Also the number of lights, or the lights in general from explosions and weapons look toned down, numbers as well as intensity and duration.

But it gives a really clean image, plus you can see they really improved the shadow draw distance.
Even without the epic halo music, this already looks theatrical, so I believe we are all in for a treat :D
I'm not sure about the usefulness of displacement mapping, people seem to generally believe these current models to have far more polygons than the actual value. In fact looking at just these screenshots it seems that higher AA quality would contribute a lot more to the visuals, unless they moved the cameras twice as close to the characters.
I mean just look at the image with Chief, Lasky and the female Spartan, what element would you improve first - and if it was using only FXAA and not the current oversampling?

How about her whole armour? Bringing back all that nice depth lost from the High-poly conversion. And while at it, they could actually make the base model lower poly, thus reducing memory footprint.
People get fooled by flat normalmaps because model are designed around them, give artists proper displacement and let them get used to it, and they will be doing newer, more interesting things, including bringing the camera closer as you mentioned.
Don't worry much about AA, FXAA is going to be the bare minimum next gen, and is going to be cheap enough no game is going to ship with less then that.
Hard surface stuff with sharp edges is the most difficult to do with displacement mapping. Trust me on this one, we've done a lot of testing with this kind of stuff. Even with normal maps it always looked bad.

And yeah, part of the reason Halo4's armors work so well is because they're designed around the limitations of normal mapping. But honestly, it works very well and looks pretty good, so what's the problem?

Also, what I was trying to say is that compared to current gen and current assets, just adding the kind of AA we see on these bullshots is almost worth the price of upgrading. Coupled with higher fidelity assets and more dynamic lights it'd make me quite content :)