Halo 3 Announcement trailer on Marketplace!

!eVo!-X Ant UK said:
Its just not the leap i was expecting given the games profile and the money it will no dout have at its disposal...

i couldn't disagree more....

the character detail, the environmental detail, the particle effects with dust and smoke, the lighting, the large scope... all impressive and all 100% realtime according to bungie (bungie even mentioned demo-ing it to a couple of reporters after the conference, hopefully we'll get some detailed impressions from them soon)

all the more impressive given that this isn't even out till sometime in 2007

(and i'm not even a huge fan of halo - i prefer the ghost recon/rainbow six side of shooters)
Platon said:
I got abot more Halo1 vibe out of it rather than Halo2, maybe due to the really huge open area, which you had quite a bit of in H1 but not H2 in the same extent...
Heh, I got the same feeling, MC is even boasting the MA5B Rifle from Halo: CE. The music was what really drove the point though, it was so epic. It was a nice teaser especially for those who keep up with all the Halo games and lore.
I know they were going for an epic feel with the broad scope of the teaser, but I would have preferred to see some more detail up close where they could really show off the environments and models.

It looks much better (I see way more detail) on my HDTV than the online movies but still I wanted more. :smile:

I guess we'll see later.
nAo said:
Graphics is ok, but I expected more. Music is AWESOME!!!!

I actually expected something pretty close to this. Bungie's strength is game design and engineering, it's more logical to push those fields and go for some epic battles with large squad AI, instead of close quarter stuff that'd be too similar to GOW.
I expected more too. Although it had lots of detail it felt like something was missing :???:

It was like watching an XBOX game with improved graphics next gen visuals. The PS3 games impressed me more. They felt more......alive..... FF12, HS and MGS4 had a next gen vibe. But Halo3 seemed stiff compared to these :???:

I dont know if you get what I mean

Perhaps gameplay footage will be better
Maybe because everything in that Halo3 trailer was dead except for Master Chief?

I thought it had some nice wind effects, the broken sign moving around, the snapped wires floating in the wind, to give the impression that the world was alive.. despite the fact it was essentially a wasteland.
What's up with the resolution in the trailer? It's not 16:9 , right? Or do I have a wonky version? 2.35 aspect ratio while 16:9 is 1.77. Perhaps, for cutscenes or perhaps FoV? HUUUUGE battles, perhaps?
mckmas8808 said:
Man guys is it that bad? I'm still waiting for it to load for me.

no, it looks great it's just a very distant view of a dead world. the up close view of MC looks superb (especialy in HD) the sign and the desert landscape is sweet.

I think Laa-Yosh is right

they are building a pretty massive battle world for the next online installment.

this is just a very small teaser
mckmas8808 said:
Man guys is it that bad? I'm still waiting for it to load for me.

lol It's not bad at all.

It's amazing..The fact that its only an announcement trailer is what is leaving some people unfulfilled. I'm sure we'll see some action later in the year.
For me, the main appeal of Halo 3 will be online gameplay. The greatest strength of Halo 2 is in blending online FPS combat with with lots of different vehicles better than any other game. The experience of coordinating an attack on a enemy base with two warthogs, stealing the flag, and then trying to get the flag carrier into the warhog and drive away is organized chaos most of the time and a lot of fun.
mckmas8808 said:
Man guys is it that bad? I'm still waiting for it to load for me.

Oh it looks pretty that's for sure. But it's pretty in the same way that highres antialiased raytraced metallic objects are pretty. Halo3 doesn't do anything new. It all looks very nice, and it's very cinematic, but it doesn't bring anything new to the table. I think the things that make heavenly sword, FFXIII, and MGS4 feel so impressive is that they are solving problems that typically have been very difficult to solve. Making humans that move correctly and actually have believable facial expressions is imho, much more impressive than making a cinematic landscape with a bunch of ships flying around.

Brimstone said:
For me, the main appeal of Halo 3 will be online gameplay. The greatest strength of Halo 2 is in blending online FPS combat with with lots of different vehicles better than any other game. The experience of coordinating an attack on a enemy base with two warthogs, stealing the flag, and then trying to get the flag carrier into the warhog and drive away is organized chaos most of the time and a lot of fun.

true... the game shines in its SP AI and the MP physics, map designs and combat.
Christo...where's everyone's priorities at? :rolleyes: He's holding a freakin' ASSAULT RIFLE! :LOL:

I think it looked great, and O'Donnell did a great job with the music. Fingers crossed on graphics engine not being cut back. ;)

Cortana...Cortana.... what's happening to you....
I for one was impressed with the trailer the frame rate is a little suspect. I will be very very impressed it they can keep the frame rate of that trailer.
Overall, very impressed if they can deliver what this trailer is showing. I have a feeling they can't. Because at the end of the day, Bungie rather tone down the graphics if it means better game play. Now, Halo...it's all about the game. It's the balance. It's the control. It's maps. It's right balance between damage and fun. And if the trailer is a hint of returning to Halo 1 style, I'm all for that.

I wasn't really impressed with Halo 2 single player, but multiplayer is where it's at. I haven't seen anything on the console that can touch Halo 2 MP. Graphically, it's not the best, but it's not a dog. Now, if they come out and say that they can deliver this in Halo 3 mp, I'll be having wet dreams from now to 2007.