Don't know if this is of interest to anyone, but I just found a list of DirectX class feature usage in HL2 kicking around on my had drive - I forgot I had it from one of the interviews:
- Feature: radiosity-based diffuse bump mapping, Location: techdemo_5 (cave walls, bricks)[list:b6f652c5d8]
- DX6 - no
- DX7 - no
- DX8 - world, viewmodel, static props, dynamic props, displacements
- DX9 - world, viewmodel, static props, dynamic props, displacements, NPCs
- Feature: specular bump mapping, Location: c17_02 (shiny ground)[list:b6f652c5d8]
- DX6 - no
- DX7 - no
- DX8 - world, viewmodel, static props, dynamic props, displacements, NPCs
- DX9 - world, viewmodel, static props, dynamic props, displacements, NPCs
- Feature: detail props (procedurally placed grass, rocks, etc based on material), Location: seafloor grass (get this in the water)[list:b6f652c5d8]
- DX6 - No
- DX7 - No
- DX8 - Only Near
- DX9 - Out Further
- Feature: dynamic shadows, Location: phystown swinging I-beam/dock with zombie[list:b6f652c5d8]
- DX6 - None
- DX7 - Blobby
- DX8 - sharp render-to-texture
- DX9 - soft render-to-texture
- Feature: static props (instanced models), Location: c17_01/dock/seafloor[list:b6f652c5d8]
- DX6 - low-lod, non-essential removed, no decals
- DX7 - mod-LOD, some removed, few decals (?)
- DX8 - high-lod
- DX9 - high-lod
- Feature: specularity, Location: groundin c17_02[list:b6f652c5d8]
- DX6 - no
- DX7 - important things
- DX8 - yes + bumped + fresnel
- DX9 - yes + bumped + fresnel
- Feature: dynamic refraction, Location: techdemo_5 (stained glass)[list:b6f652c5d8]
- DX6 - no
- DX7 - no
- DX8 - yes (limited usage)
- DX9 - yes
- Feature: 3d skybox, Location: c17_02/seafloor[list:b6f652c5d8]
- DX6 - no
- DX7 - yes
- DX8 - yes
- DX9 - yes
- Feature: water, Location: seafloor/docks (techdemo_6)[list:b6f652c5d8]
- DX6 - ugly
- DX7 - a little less ugly
- DX8 - pretty nice (with volumetric fog)
- DX9 - damn nice (with volumetric fog)
- Feature: cameras/monitors, Location: gman (techdemo_5)[list:b6f652c5d8]
- DX6 - 2d overlay
- DX7 - in scene (if render-targets are supported)
- DX8 - in scene
- DX9 - in scene
- Feature: volumetric effects (any smoke or fog), Location: c17_02[list:b6f652c5d8]
- DX6 - no
- DX7 - sparse
- DX8 - yes (per-pixel lit)
- DX9 - yes (per-pixel lit)
- Feature: shader model[list:b6f652c5d8]
- DX6 - fixed-function (software T&L)
- DX7 - fixed-function (hardware T&L)
- DX8 - assembly vertex/pixel shaders (vs1.1, ps1.1-ps1.4)
- DX9 - DX9 HLSL vertex/pixel shaders (vs2.0, ps2.0)
- Feature: displacement maps (terrain, cave-walls, etc), Location: seafloor, anything w/terrain[list:b6f652c5d8]
- DX6 - low-res
- DX7 - medium-res
- DX8 - mid to hi-res (with diffuse and specular bump mapping)
- DX9 - full res (with bump diffuse and specular bump mapping)
- Feature: texture resolution[list:b6f652c5d8]
- DX6 - low (128x128 and 256x256)
- DX7 - med (256x256)
- DX8 - hi (512x512)
- DX9 - hi (512x512)
- Feature: texture variety[list:b6f652c5d8]
- DX6 - none
- DX7 - low
- DX8 - full
- DX9 - full