David_South#1 said:
Still what is Gran Turismo labeled as?
The Real Life Driving Simulator? (Sounds right?)
Almost right:
Here is a (guite bad) image of some dash board view in GT4.
It doesn't look very playable. Could be that this is only there in GT Toyota Prius 'freebie' game.

A 'dash board' like that below, seems more likely in final GT4.

The image quality looks very good, very close to the published screenshots.
rabidrabbit said:
Here is a (guite bad) image of some dash board view in GT4.
It doesn't look very playable. Could be that this is only there in GT Toyota Prius 'freebie' game.
A 'dash board' like that below, seems more likely in final GT4.
The image quality looks very good, very close to the published screenshots.

That dash view looks great to me. -->
Suppose you have a check-dash button? That would be awesome!
My complaint about other racing games is the pillar, dash, & hood always block your view.

The second image you posted is not a "dash view". It's just first person.
But that again is great! An un-obstructed view of the road. Awesome!

Man I was nervous. I crossed my fingers and was like, "Have faith in Polyphony Digital."
If this take on what we're seeing is correct, I'll be so happy. :D Happy, Happy! :D
By 'bad picture' I meant that the quality is bad, as you can hardly see much.
A check-dash button would be a good idea. View would remain clean. But in play, it could be a little cumbersome, still better than no dashboard view at all.

By second image dash view I meant that propably the 'dash board' will still be just 'floating' meters on first person bumper view.

Hopefully Polyphony can implement unique dash boards for at least some cars .Though PP being perfectionists, I believe it is all-or-nothing ;)

My expectations for GT4 raised +46%
Now all I need is variable time of day, and variable weather.
rabidrabbit said:
By 'bad picture' I meant that the quality is bad, as you can hardly see much.
A check-dash button would be a good idea. View would remain clean.
But in play, it could be a little cumbersome, still better than no dashboard view at all.

By second image dash view I meant that probably the 'dash board' will still be just 'floating' meters on first person bumper view.

Hopefully Polyphony can implement unique dash boards for at least some cars .Though PP being perfectionists, I believe it is all-or-nothing ;)

My expectations for GT4 raised +46%
Now all I need is variable time of day, and variable weather.

No if, an, or butts, my firend. I know a secret.
For GT4 PD spent a ton of time on audio. Oodles! heh.
Have you ever driven a stick shift? I don't look when driving a manual.
The engine tells me all I need to know. ;)
The only time I check gauges is when approaching a turn.
(Really Bad: In life I coast through corners in neutral / Dangerous Habit.)

I admit to using floating gauges a lot when I started playing GT3.
But now (after getting familiar) I dislike having and floating objects.
PD knows there are people like me and retained a clear view option.

I agree, PD follows a do or die developer philosophy.
That why I'm willing to kick online racing to the curb.
Don't get me wrong. I'd love to have an endless list of competitors.
But if it in any way hinders the gorgeous performance of the game. Hell no. :devilish:

Time for weather? Hmmm. Jin what do you know? Jin says, "Let there be time!"
hehe. I know for a fact that at least some course with have different times of day you can select.
And following the large number of track options with the fact of weather existing.
I don't see why some of those tracts can't be raced without weather too. 8) Cool?

PS: Oh yeah. We already have rear view, I wonder if the added side glances too?
BTW - Thanks Chryz. Do you have any opinions on this? If so join in and share.
David_South#1 said:
Do you have any opinions on this? If so join in and share.
Well, I would say PD is on the right track. They are paying so much attention to detail, it's almost insane. I wouldn't be suprised to see full modeled dashboards in the future and I wouldn't even mind a helmet view ... as long as I am not forced to use it :D
Helmet view? Hmmmm.
Would you like a microphone with that too?

Radio your pit crew and get driving updates.
Or talk to team-mates in an indy online competition. :?:

Neat. Not sure I want a helmet framing my view.
Maybe they need to add an extra button for that too?
Click for the view and then you can talk?

What do you think?
Wow I hadn't even noticed it has tires!

No damage seems to be shown.
Don't know how to read that fact for ya.
Either it's genral car data or it will include imagined damage.

PD did say they were working on handicap system.
Where you would be penalized for crashing or useing walls.
No visible damage is possible. But you may have notice what will happen instead.

Cool mang! ;)
zurich said:
Makes you wonder what they can do to revolutionize the graphics genre next gen...
That's what I've been asking myself, the leap to next gen will propably be less noticeable (for common eye) than leap from say PSOne to PS2.
There are genres where visible improvements will be big, but if you think only the GT series, it's hard to imagine, unless the next step is virtually photorealistic graphics.
They'll add more polygons to the cars and environments, maybe even cities a'la Getaway, where a big part of a city is free to be explored with traffic etc...
But GT4 (ant GT:Concept) already fools the eye so well, that it is occasionally easy to forget that you are looking at a videogame.
zurich said:
Makes you wonder what they can do to revolutionize the graphics genre next gen...
car damage = realtime deformation *pdcoderbreakingintocoldsweatofpanic* :D

Serious! No doubt, PD will be one of that studios, that will release a photorealistic game some day ... I am mean even GT on PS2 got this moments, like marconelly! mentioned

perhaps not in screenshots, but in motion, I expect a lot out of next gen. While the cars and tracks are already pretty good - think about what impact it would have on graphics and realism if you had the same setting with rain/wind effects blazing over the tracks. Imagine MGS2 intense rain effects in a night track such as GT3. Or weather that changes in real time along with lightning as realistic as in SH3...

I don't think realtime damage will ever be on GT series.
To do it, it would have to be on the same level of standard as other parts of the game, esp. physics.
I can only imagine the difficulty the devs face when you start to make physics calculations for 100+ cars with varying degrees of damage.
Also, GT emphasizing so heavily on 'real driving', a half assed damage model (like in every current racing game that has it) would feel so out of place with rest of the game.
I hope they never make damage part of GT series, that would ruin it.

A penalty system without visible damage (money penalty, or maybe even performance penalty, if one dares to go that far) would just barely be accceptable (IMO)
Phil said:

perhaps not in screenshots, but in motion, I expect a lot out of next gen. While the cars and tracks are already pretty good - think about what impact it would have on graphics and realism if you had the same setting with rain/wind effects blazing over the tracks. Imagine MGS2 intense rain effects in a night track such as GT3. Or weather that changes in real time along with lightning as realistic as in SH3...

Well yes, that would be great! My imagination just didn't stretch that far ;)
zurich said:
I always thought PD didn't put car damage into GT because the licensors would have their heads..?
I think, that was correct for a few versions, but it was also the time when PD had to ask for licenses ... now the car manufacturers ask PD to include their cars :D

There was a nice interview at CVG:

CVG said:
Will there be any car damage in Gran Turismo 4? Surely the more realistic the game gets the more a lack of damage sticks out like a sore thumb, undermining this realism?

Kazunori: The simple answer to your question is: no. We are not planning to include any visual car damage. However, we are considering something, although we are not 100 percent sure... For instance, you saw the Grand Canyon course with the car running close to the ridges of the canyon?

If the driver messes up and misses the course, we might show the car jumping off the cliff, but we won't show it falling into pieces at the bottom. We're still considering that and we don't know how far we can go with it.

Instead of visual damage, we are considering some kind of a penalty system in which players will be penalised for trying to run corners along a wall, as they did in Gran Turismo 3 for instance. Also, pushing against opponents' cars, again seen in previous GT titles, will be penalised. We're currently trying to find the best solution.

Do you foresee a time when you will be able to include car damage in a GT game?

Kazunori: One of the reasons it would be difficult to include damage is that, because Gran Turismo is a real driving simulator, we would have to consider damage to be real. I have dome experiments, and a very high percentage - maybe 80 percent - of crashes in Gran Tursimo will cause the car to fall into pieces maybe two inches big.

Current specifications of the hardware will not allow us to represent this fully. If the specs are higher, then maybe, but then again, there are also other issues with manufacturers, licence issues and so forth, which keep us from doing this. There are many hurdles we must jump over.

It's not all manufacturers, but there is a trend generally speaking that manufacturers have become a little bit more lenient towards the direction we would like to head, in terms of allowing for damage on cars in games.

You do see that in other games - there are ways - it's just that with the range of cars we have, it's more difficult.
Also nice:

Kazunori Yamauchi Video Interview

In our video interview, Kaz discusses a number of topics on a comfy sofa in Los Angeles, including the following:

* Why he started GT, and which titles inspired him.
* Extensive discussion regarding car damage in Gran Turismo 4 - what it is likely to entail along with some technical explanation.
* Online gaming - what form will online take in GT4? What's the deal with latency in network play?
* Kazunori's other ideas for what might be included in GT4
* The possibility of commercial uses for Gran Turismo, given it's so realistic...
* And is this his last PS2 title? Hmmm.
A friend of mine (a non-tech person) wouldn't believe when I told him this was from the video game :p
And he was right. The most technically impressive characteristics of that shot are its outstanding definition and smoothness, neither of which were rendered in the game. There's also a rather pronounced bitmap in that scene, Resident Turismo style. What aspects of that shot were the real hook in making it hard-to-believe for your friend... would a real GT4 screenshot still have seemed unbelievable to them?

Of course it also took vastly more processing resources to add those enhancements over the actual rendering than were used to render the actual scene in the first place. Hardly a fair representation to use for getting feedback on how far videogame graphics seem to have come.