Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. is Playstation. It was announced that the software for two "the GURANTSURISUMO 4 "prologue" version" will be put on the market in December. A price is undecided. It corresponds to the steering controller "GT FORCE" of ROJIKURU, Inc., and "GT FORCE Pro."
PS2 "the GURANTSURISUMO 4 "prologue" version" is released as a precedence single cut version this winter with development period extension of "GURANTSURISUMO 4 (GT4)" of a sale schedule. Although the number of inclusion, the number of courses, etc. are extracted, all the game modes that can be offered at present are presupposing that a race, a time attack, a license examination, etc. are covered. In addition, "GURANTSURISUMO 4" of this editing serves as a sale schedule 2004.
Supposing Mr. Kazunori Yamauchi who are incorporated company polyphony and a digital president compares "GURANTSURISUMO 4" put on the market during a release in the future [ "] to a set of two great work albums, the "GURANTSURISUMO 4 "prologue" version" will become positioning called the precedence single cut version. When "GT4" was announced to this spring, it was thought from the past law learned by experience whether completion of "GT4" was close. It is commented that however, I decided that "GT4" could not be on [untranslated kanji] of evolution of type conventionally to the change in the world involving the game of these days."
Furthermore, does " "GT4" challenge game experience with "unimaginable wonderfulness" of a new time? In the development room, various technical challenges, such as development of the component which is not in a work conventionally, have been held in the portion non-opened to the public. The reason of development extension is explained that it is also a fact that a perfect figure does not become and they judged it that time is still required for work of "GT4" immediately although they were becoming fruitful gradually."
Although sale adjournment of this editing is regrettable, if it thinks that "2003 The year-end newest version" can be played as the by-product, for the fan who cannot keep waiting for sale of this editing, it will be able to be called a delightful present. In addition, being put on the market in accordance with the prologue version in December determined the steering controller "GT FORCE Pro" of ROJIKURU, Inc. where simultaneous sale with "GT4" was announced. A price is 19,800 yen.
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