GRAW 2 (Xbox 360) - New Pics and Video

I wonder to what extent.
From this generation i expect mostly scripted stuff for destructive environments.
I mean either pre-directed explosions/collapses without any interaction on your side or scripted/fixed blow-ups/collapses who get activated when you shoot some predefined spots of the scenery , like those in Full Auto.
But i dont have any crazy dreams for massive destructive environments where i will be able to randomly change the morphology of the map and open new roots , esspecially for games like GRAW who have to render whole urban areas.
BTW some times i read interviews where the developers try to land the crazy expectations of gamers , like this one with a developer of COD3.:smile:
Just how destructible are the environments? Are you going to be tearing down walls to make a new path?
Jeremy Luyties: It's mainly cover points. We'd love to blow up the whole damn world but it gets pretty expensive on the processor. So it's going to be crates, boxes, cover, and elements like that.
Bad_Boy said:
That Battlefield bad company game is probably what I'm looking most forward to with destructive environments right now.
Why specifically Battlefield ?
Why specifically Battlefield ?

Try to find the scans for Battlefield Bad Company, or locate the issue of Game Informer it was in. The destruction looks pretty amazing. Theres a frame by frame set of pictures where the player is shooting a random place on a building and it explodes and breaks apart very realistically. Kind of stuff you see in tech demos, so I'm not sure how much of it will make it in the game.

According to this interview, it might not be scripted at all. But I'm not 100% sure.

Anyways, sorry for derailing. Looking forward to GRAW2. :)
To me those pictures look the same as GRAW 1 really. Doesn't matter, GRAW 1 was pretty kickass game, though I never bothered to finish it.
This look like only a small update/expansion, I hope that Ubi didnt go EA route with their games.

They've been doing it for years on Xbox...

Ghost Recon -> Ghost Recon Island Thunder
Ghost Recon 2 -> Ghost Recon Summit Strike

Rainbow Six -> Rainbow Six Black Arrow
Rainbow Six Lockdown -> Rainbow Six Critical Hour

Unfortuantely for the R6 series, they got worse with each release after Black Arrow. Vegas on 360 has corrected the trend.
Microsoft sent this single image from Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2, showing some quite interesting things. First, the new class - medic. Second, a new environment setting - desert. And last, the M.U.L.E, a new ground-drone that work as a cover for you and your team, but also as ground reconnaissance and as a mobile weapon station.

So did the PC version if you didn't have an Ageia card, i've still got the Ageia device driver and settings on my control panel even though I don't have the card. However if you Do have an Ageia card the interaction is supposed to take a step up (even if the performance goes down, from what I remember of the reviews).
GRAW 2 Review from IGN (9.1):

9.0 Presentation
Good training sessions, easy to use menus, and the first-person perspectives for ghosts and the cross-com rule.

9.0 Graphics
The smart seamlessness and continuity still exist, but the game doesn't blow one away quite as much as last year. Still, excellent, excellent explosions, lighting, and particle effects.

9.0 Sound
Fantastic character and weapon sounds, lots of chatter, and an overall excellent production.

8.5 Gameplay
Many subtle things, like more vehicle support and better views, have added subtle layers to what is essentially GRAW 1 gameplay. Good but not quite knockout stuff.

9.5 Lasting Appeal
The addition of clan support is great news and so is the improved spawn system. Added MP maps and more co-op missions (Xbox Live, System Link or offline) truly roxors our boxors.

9.1 - very nice.

I guess I should go & finish the first one now... ( I've been dipping in & out of it ever since I got my 360).

that looks really good!!!!!

I'm so happy that the the wheels are really circular now! (a pet peeve of mine)

og yeah, and thanks for the trailer link groper!
Let me start by saying I really liked GRAW1 as I did GR on the Xbox. The SP campaign was good and the few co-op maps were a blast. Now the not so nice stuff...

No only do they want me to pay $10 for a map-pack on Live to extend the lack of content for GRAW1, now they want to sell me a "new" $60 game that looks like GRAW1.5. Let me see, same local and brown textures, check. No co-op campaign, check. This type of release used to be called an expansion. GRAW2 released last year is a 9.1, released a mere year later than GRAW1 and putting it in essentially the same location (Mexico, zzzzz) means it is just a way to extract $60 while doing as little work as possible. GRAW1 + fixes + new maps != $60 game IMO.

That being said if Fry's honors their $35 price in the ad I will buy it :)
This type of release used to be called an expansion.

You must be mistaking PC and Console gaming because "expansions" are a pretty foreign concept on Consoles. There is a reason some of us love the PC!

Well, they used to be, until online networks began allowing downloadable content to expand the game, like the $10 map pack you dislike! :LOL: