While I can't tell you how business works in the gaming/3D harware world, I can tell you my advice from an Industrial Engineers perspective. Having the advanced degree does give you an advantage, you should do that no matter what, but there are many pros to working a bit first.
1. It is a resume builder. For many students applying for a job at the Masters level, it is difficult to get hired due to little or no work experience. You need to prove to an employer that you can handle a 40 hour a week job successfully.
2. Money. Continuing your education is great, but doing it with some extra cash in your pocket is better. If you take the job for a few years and save religiously, you can spend your years back at school living the high life (for a college student that is).
3. Perspective. I went to school, spent 6 months working for a company, and then finished. I can not tell you the number of lessons I learned while I worked. When I went back to school to finish my BS I was excited and enthusiastic. I really appreciated my final year at school and understood how to apply what I was learning. Also, I don't know about you, but sometimes you just need a break for your brain.
Well I hope I helped and didn't just confuse you. I thought it might be nice to have someone offer a different option too. Best of luck.