Government funding of education in australia


Well I just thought some people might find it interesting that the australian government puts more funding into Private Schools then either public schools or public universities.

It really is a two tier system but the worst part is the government funds the top tier more then the bottom just because their self imposed salaries let them send their own kids to private institutions and pay for their kids tertiary studies.
bloodbob said:
Its all in the news again cause labour says they will stop it if they get into government.
seems like a stupid thing to do. Kids still need to be educated, why not just raise the amount spent on public schools.

Some questions I have:
-are test scores higher at public or private schools?
-how long have private schools received more? Are they trying to remedy a shortage that the public schools have not had over the years?
-are public schools in need of money?

seems like we need more info.

Nearly $5M going into private education?
<-- I think its a joke saying public system gets jack all.

Private schools have been getting more for ages I thought the government would have invested more into universities :/ they keep raising the fees for it most of the politions didn't pay a single cent of university fees because it used to be free.