Vince said:Guys start caring more about how they look, many such as myself were afraid to speak-up in discussions for fear of how you'd be percieved because no matter the school your at there will allways be stigmas attached. Not to mention the constant note passing, showing off, blatant hittin-on that we did, et al.
And I would say that is more about the transition than the destination. If you felt awkward and unsure of yourself in the classroom it was because you weren't used to the girls being there, which is exactly my point. Stilted behaviour like that is the result of keeping kids isolated from each other.
I went the opposite way, I was in mixed classes for the first 3 grades then got put into an all guy school in a new town. It was like going from something natural to some prison where the rule was who was the strongest or toughest, who was the best at sports, who could drink the most, who was the most popular with girls, etc, lots of macho bullshit going on, how to be a pig 101. In other words it's not the presence of females causing that. Politics and popularity crap is going to happen regardless, ditto with note passing and all the other things that go along with being teenagers. I got pretty much disgusted with my own sex and tended to idealise females. There were maybe 3 or 4 girls my age in my new neighborhood and I didn't know them, I spend a lot of time hanging out with other guys who lived across town, drinking and getting into trouble. There were all female school nearby and there were regular expeditions at lunch hour to go see the girls, and in high school there were dances, which lead to girlfriends, which is pretty much the extent of my association with females growing up outside of random family associations.
And that's in a school that had and still has a stict and conservative dress code. Going by my friends whose children attend public schools and seeing the things kids wear to school (lets not forget, this is school) is just unbelievable. Especially the girls of today, I'm sometimes amazed that the girls are going to school and not a strip-club. But, that's another story.
From what I see of US schools on TV, I would agree, kids seem a bit more sane here in Canada. Then again, people here seem a lot more sane in general.
Last time I checked, you attended to school to gain knowledge and refinement - not get a lesson in social aspect with the opposite sex that shouldn't even be entered into the classroom... stupid liberals.
You go to schools to learn, learning is learning whether it's in classroom or not, fact is, the number one asset for employment is developed social skills. Refinement where you think of all women as potential mates and nothing else is not so refined.
The usual BS artsy fartsy topics in schools like religion, French/Spanish, sex education, culture, drama, art class, family values, etc, are just substitutes for parents doing their job and are a waste of public money, IMO. It should be about practical stuff, not what hobbies you might want to have to become a well rounded person. I'd like to see proper job search skills taught, public speaking, accounting and tax preparation, general law, basic crap you will actually need. This elective thing where you choose what you want to learn, aka avoid anything you think is hard has got to go as well. Elective studies should be on your own dime.
You can call me a stupid liberal if you want, but I'm not even an American, and I don't share many of the same views as your liberals anyway. Closest would probably be libertarian, if you are anal about having a label for everybody like a proper redneck.
I think the ideal compromise would be same sex classrooms but coed schools.