Gods help me, I bought a Wii.

In terms of what these gamers are getting from Wii games and how they enjoy it and play sociably, I think PS2 is a viable alternative. EyeToy covers the motion gaming very well, even four players without a need for lots of controllers, plus the RealPlay games have launched for exactly that Wii experience (in hardware interactivity terms, though not sure it RealPlay allows two player Tennis for example), and at a lower price, while offering a huge variety of both social and party games and the other usual games.

However, PS2 won't be a suitable alternative for Wii due to brand image, just as 'an MP3 player' isn't a suitable alternative for someone who's set their heart on an iPod. PS2 hasn't managed to hold onto that mainstream fun box image, and now the public is educated that 'Wii = Fun' it'll be hard to re-educate them; which is something Sony isn't really seriously pursuing either.

I understand what you mean but I dont agree with it. Lets forget about brand for a moment. Singstar and eyetoy (dont no for real play, havnt played it) are extremely shallow, alot more than your average wii party game. Those games are really ment to entertain you and your mates for a short while, some wii games do the same, but offer alot more depth if needed. Given how Digi's kids already seem to be ''real'' gamers I think they'll get bored pretty fast with something like eyetoy for ps2 but even something like wii sports already offers a reasonable amount of depth and need for skill and practice for good results.
A grown man should not buy a Wii for himself.

Actually most people buying a Wii apperantly are grown ups.

He said the Wii has increased the gaming audience but, "Our research shows that the average age of all Wii players is 29 years old. The vast majority of people who've purchased the system are active or core players. They're the ones willing to wait in line outside of retailers before dawn, so we're only seeing a small tip of the iceberg in terms of actually selling to those expanded players. ... We won't know the extent of demand until we reach it."
Or maybe the Wii will continue to get new games based heavily on the aspects that are important to Digi's children? Personally I thought the suggestion of Playstation already after the purchase and for clear reasons was a bit... well... "PS in your blood" is a nice way of putting it.

Yes, well, pardon me for questioning someone on spending $490 on a Wii ... It's three times the PS2, so I wanted to know why, especially as I just had the discussion with a colleague in seemingly the exact same position last week. And now I do, so discussion closed as far as I am concerned.

You may well think I have too much PS in my blood, but even now a lot of games for Wii also release on PS2 and the PS2 has an enormous back catalogue of fantastic games for kids (I've tested this personally when we had visitors over ;) ), as well as some great peripherals and so on. So just in terms of business sense, I wanted to know his motives.

I do now, and I both understand and respect them.
A PS2 wouldn't do it, hell a PS3 or an X360 wouldn't have done it; I know, I asked 'em!

They wanted a Wii and nothing else, whatever magical attraction it has got has got its claws in them solid. They want the wave around controllers and the known Nintendo characters, believe me I tried like hell to find some substitute before I got desperate enough to reach this point. :LOL:

The only thing I could have talked them into instead would have been a puppy or kitten, but we have 3 dogs and 2 cats already so I figured the Wii was easier. ;)

Besides, my son needs to get out from his PC from time to time. At least with the Wii it seems a bit more active. :)
I was in birmingham over the last few days and took my fiancee out for a bite to eat at the mailbox..

Anyways we walked past this bar/restaurant & saw the funniest thing.. At the side of the bar they had on the projector screen (which is usually used for watching football matches) they had Wii sports up & I saw a group of middle-aged men & women dressed in suits (probably just come from work) playing it..

Seriously! If the Wii isn't broadening the market for video games then I really don't know what can..

Absolutely amazing stuff!
I'm almost excited about it, I have no doubts my kids will absolutely love it.

My only remaining concern is telling the wife what I've done... :rolleyes:
I'm almost excited about it, I have no doubts my kids will absolutely love it.

My only remaining concern is telling the wife what I've done... :rolleyes:

Dont say anything about the price. Just say that you got them a present. Hopefully she wont ask you.

But first, go with her to the shops, and try to find a place that shows Wii's real price. Make sure she would see it so once she sees Wii at home she would think you pay that much.
i guess I just dont get the culture of buying kids whatever they want at any cost... i dont know, maybe is just me i guess.
In terms of what these gamers are getting from Wii games and how they enjoy it and play sociably, I think PS2 is a viable alternative. EyeToy covers the motion gaming very well, even four players without a need for lots of controllers, plus the RealPlay games have launched for exactly that Wii experience (in hardware interactivity terms, though not sure it RealPlay allows two player Tennis for example), and at a lower price, while offering a huge variety of both social and party games and the other usual games.

However, PS2 won't be a suitable alternative for Wii due to brand image, just as 'an MP3 player' isn't a suitable alternative for someone who's set their heart on an iPod. PS2 hasn't managed to hold onto that mainstream fun box image, and now the public is educated that 'Wii = Fun' it'll be hard to re-educate them; which is something Sony isn't really seriously pursuing either.

I am in line with Tongue-of-C here. The PS2 is a diminishing platform in terms of software production and has a very limited library of games you mention.

The Wii install base is clearly on pace to be the market leader (hence large software support) and every game on the Wii is targets at the core elements that make the Wii exciting. The EyeToy library has *nothing* on the Wii's library at this point in time. You have your classic apps that define a platform like Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Resident Evil 4, Zelda, SSB Brawl, Mario Kart, Mario Party, etc and so forth--all using the Wii mote and in many cases focusing on the unique social elements and design features of the Wii--as well as a slew of "alternative" titles like Wii Play, Wii Sports, and the like.

The iPod is a good example though--but not the iPod/iTunes of today, but of yesteryears. Notibly when iTunes had the largest library of MP3s and had more accessories that focused on the platform than all other MP3s aside.

The PS2 and other traditional consoles would be like CD players. Sure, they have a larger library and more accessories, but in the digital market it was all iPod.

The Wii cannot compete with the classical consoles on their own turf. But what the Wii does well, stuff like the EyeToy, Scene it, Guitar Hero, etc just scratch the surface compared to a platform where everything revolves around this culture.

I wouldn't pick up a PS2 to get a Wii experience as much as I wouldn't pick up a Wii to get an Xbox Live experience. There is some overlap, but it is very shallow and superficial.
The Wii install base is clearly on pace to be the market leader (hence large software support) and every game on the Wii is targets at the core elements that make the Wii exciting. The EyeToy library has *nothing* on the Wii's library at this point in time. You have your classic apps that define a platform like Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Resident Evil 4, Zelda, SSB Brawl, Mario Kart, Mario Party, etc and so forth--all using the Wii mote and in many cases focusing on the unique social elements and design features of the Wii--as well as a slew of "alternative" titles like Wii Play, Wii Sports, and the like.
I was talking only about the 'alternative' titles though as the draw for Wii. IMO, for lots of people who are newly excited for Wii and its games, looking at Wii Sports and Wii Play and thinking how much fun they'd be for all the family, they'd get the same fun from EyeToy. Racing cows is hardly any deeper an experience than anything the first EyeToy Play offered! So yes, if people are buying Wii for the MP3's and uniquely Wii-ified conventional games (as Digi's kids probably are), there's no alternative. But for those being swept up in the rush of the new, exciting experience of Wii Sports and Wii Play and a truckload of minigames, I think they've missed a trick (both the consumers and Sony). And it's these minigames, and not the MP3s and Mario Galaxies, that the masses are talking about when they say they want a Wii.
Looking at the software lineup (breadth and depth) of the EyeToy, I think I speak for most when I say it is a vastly under-supported gimmick intended to appeal to a niche market.

The Wii/Wii-mote isn't niche (it is mainstream) and has a breadth and depth of software the EyeToy cannot even touch.

Put another way, just because people are drawn to the general category of "intuitive / social" gaming, doesn't mean the Eyetoy has 1) killer apps or 2) a breadth of appealing software to connect with consumers.

It isn't enough to have a "similar" experience. Most consoles are similar (see Xbox, GCN, and PS2!) It really comes down to the focus of the platform and the software that connects with consumers.

While we can appeal to similar software genres, the reality is EyeToy hasn't produced a Wii Sports like title. Sure, if you are happy with 2-3 PS2/Eyetoy titles out of a meager total selection that will work, but I think the market is speaking: they want selection and choice like anyone else. And only the Wii offers a full library of software in this culture/style of gaming.

To me it is akin to suggesting a PS2 or GCN to an "online gamer" over an Xbox because, indeed, the PS2 and GCN have some online games. Suggesting a PS2/Eyetoy to a consumer over the Wii to this market is like suggesting a PS2 over a 360 to an online gamer.

As for what the masses are talking about, I wouldn't disagree that Wii Sports is a success (duh), but looking at the sales data games like Zelda, Paper Mario, Mario Galaxy, Mario Party, and Wario Ware have resonated well with consumers. Indeed only Wii Sports (packin) and Wii Play (bundled controller) have sold better. The first three games are very traditional Nintendo franchises. The balance on the Wii is definately "Nintendo Franchises + New Fangled Wii-mote Social Games". Based on sales and the evolutionary history of those titles from 2D to 3D, and their current iterations, I think these extremely popular titles are resonating with the Wii masses.

It is not like you can pick up a PS2 and play GT4, GTA3, MGS3, FFX, etc and play them with the Eyetoy.

Unless people believe Wii Sports is the only reason the majority of consumers are buying a Wii I just don't see how the EyeToy et al can even compete in this market. It just doesn't have the software to compete or satisfy the market.
Looking at the software lineup (breadth and depth) of the EyeToy, I think I speak for most when I say it is a vastly under-supported gimmick intended to appeal to a niche market.

The Wii/Wii-mote isn't niche (it is mainstream) and has a breadth and depth of software the EyeToy cannot even touch.
Unless people believe Wii Sports is the only reason the majority of consumers are buying a Wii I just don't see how the EyeToy et al can even compete in this market. It just doesn't have the software to compete or satisfy the market.
There's the rub. From the 'casuals' I know interested in the Wii, it is only Wii Sports and Wii Play and the like that captivates them, although pretty much Wii Sports because that comes with every console is the title they've all experienced. Perhaps they have one eye on future titles, but I've not picked up that vibe. Obviously 'gamers' are interested in Wii's broader depth, but if we accept Nintendo's comments that they're reaching a new audience of 'casual' gamers, the question of 'why are these casuals buying Wii instead of PS2 or XB360?' is in my mind answered with 'they see Wii as the social console that everyone plays together in party games' and that's Wii's USP. It's not 'because Wii offers a unique control scheme to play all those console games which a traditional controller was too scary to use. Now I can play those FPSes I've also wanted to play but lacked the independent thumb control needed on traditional consoles.' If you didn't have a big push for those mini-game collections, and you only had a couple of (non-bundled) party games available and the rest of Wii's library was RE4 and Zelda and MP3, it wouldn't be selling to the masses and wouldn't be making newspaper reports of how grandpa's now gaming.
i guess I just dont get the culture of buying kids whatever they want at any cost... i dont know, maybe is just me i guess.
I don't like that culture either, but I don't see buying them a Wii for xmas as getting them "whatever they want at any cost". They've known for most of the year on what they wanted, I should have picked up one earlier and just sat on it...but couldn't due to me not controlling the finances and the wife figuring Wii stocks would improve on the run-up to xmas.

I don't think buying them what they've asked for all year for xmas is really all that extreme, I guess I don't see your point.
I've known people who give their kids cars for xmas, this doesn't seem too extravagant to me for a combined gift for two kids..IMHO.

It's really dependent on what's normal for your family. Judging by the number of people buying consoles over the holidays, I don't think its unusual for people to get or give them as gifts.

I personally would have a problem paying that much of a premium for a product, not the amount of money, just that you are paying a lot more than its retail value. I have a 'friend' who buys up stock of hot items and ebays them for profit. I always laugh at him when he gets burned, sadly its not that often.
I picked one up for my nephews but only found one used. This one cost $300 shipped and was only 3 months old. It came with the console with a extra controller and nuncuck with extra cables for HDTV. It came with 3 games to, Wii sports, Wii play, and Call of Duty 3. It even had 1500 wii points. They been wanting one all year too but the bundle package of $475 and up was crazy.
I've known people who give their kids cars for xmas, this doesn't seem too extravagant to me for a combined gift for two kids..IMHO.

I suppose its not very expensive given how it seems to be normal to buy gifts that cost hundreds of dollars in the US but here in the Netherlands people dont give expensive gifts in most cases, usually its 100 dollars at best in normal family's.
They've known for most of the year on what they wanted, I should have picked up one earlier and just sat on it...but couldn't due to me not controlling the finances and the wife figuring Wii stocks would improve on the run-up to xmas.

Your financial adviser knew what product to get for that long of a time and figured things would get better when the demand for the product increases and with the shopping frenzy insanity thrown into the mix? Personally, I'd look into a wiser adviser. ;)

That was one hell of a financial raping you took to obtain one.