For me the most interesting thing is the geometry performance of the 16 (14/15) polymorph engines.
It boost performance in low resolutions, where the GTX480 beats HD5870 by 1/3, but it doesn't help to higher resolutions, where geometry isn't limiting factor... GTX480 beats HD5870 in this situation by 10% at best...
(not a cherry-picked result, many reviews show it clearly)
Is THIS the best feature of Fermi, which delayed the product by 6 months? Seems to me, that nVidia tried to beat ATi on their own ground and failed... > meh for both
It boost performance in low resolutions, where the GTX480 beats HD5870 by 1/3, but it doesn't help to higher resolutions, where geometry isn't limiting factor... GTX480 beats HD5870 in this situation by 10% at best...
(not a cherry-picked result, many reviews show it clearly)
Is THIS the best feature of Fermi, which delayed the product by 6 months? Seems to me, that nVidia tried to beat ATi on their own ground and failed... > meh for both