Is this novel? I'm kinda struggling to see how this could be patented.
System and method for creating motion blur
It just seems to me that GS in D3D10 (or OGL) supports the data types and provides the performance to make this technique viable.
System and method for creating motion blur
An embedded, programmable motion blur system and method is described herein. Embodiments include applying displacement on a vertex level and amplification on a primitive level within a graphics pipeline. Embodiments include receiving a plurality of vertices in a first component of a graphics processing unit (GPU), displacing each of the plurality of vertices, receiving a primitive that includes at least one of the displaced vertices in a second component of the GPU, and transforming the primitive. In one embodiment, transforming comprises at least one of translation, scaling, and rotation. Further included are generating a plurality of primitive samples over a time aperture, and outputting the plurality of primitive samples to further components of the GPU for further processing for display of the scene with motion blur.
It just seems to me that GS in D3D10 (or OGL) supports the data types and provides the performance to make this technique viable.