Well, I can't tell if the choppiness/framerate problem is the vid or my PoS computer (I'm putting my $ on the computer), but that is pretty damn impressive (when they move fast it looks like superman coming out of the phonebooth). Even though I have been planning on buying the 360 to tide me over until PS3 anyway, that's a pretty big leap ahead in my book, and now I know which launch title to pick up first. This game does not look like it will disappoint. Particularly the smoke, fire and particle effects. Sound even sounded good on my puny little speakers. It looks like there is quite a bit of readily destructible stuff built in to the environment too.
I liked the little flip the gun over the shoulder/over the car move he had there. Anyway the main criteria I give a hoot about is that, my God, it actually looks...fun! Hallelujah.
Thanks for the link jvd. IMHO Motorstorm and Mobile Suit Gundam still look like they pack the most fun in all of the trailers I've seen, but this one looks like a real pleaser to me, especially for FPS fans (and I'm not generally one of them).
Anyway, it looks like I'll wind up owning two kick butt machines. I still think PS3 will pack plenty of oomph but for my purposes, that'll work and I'll gladly part with my 359.99 or whatever it is. Btw, after looking at this, I don't really have any doubts that most of the Killzone demo is doable in real time game play. I don't think these two games are really all that far apart--the characters in the KZ screens are actually pretty fuzzy, and the flame/particle effects to me (not an expert) don't seem that much more elaborate in the KZ demo vs. this one. I think much of what was so amazing in that demo was the opening sequence and the scripted fast paced action/direction, but in terms of gameplay, the graphics/overall experience I would expect will be fairly similar. Probably somewhat better in Killzone2, but not so much that it really matters-- the real distinguishing factor between the two (and most major titles) will probably be story line and gameplay mechanics, and not so much graphics. Looks like Epic has a pretty good handle on that side of things for this game. Good on them.