I'm almost at the end of act 2. Is this the best Gears? I have pretty good memories of clearing the palace at the end of Gears 3, but so far I think this one is on track to be the best of the series. Gears 4 was a solid game, but I wouldn't have put it ahead of the originals. This one is surprising me.
Gears 3 was more
Idk, I just liked the game more in most ways.
Jack upgrades just feel tacked on, and the glitches in co-op aren't helping it as well. In some ways, the RPG aspects of Gears 5 reminds me of some rookie mistakes and typical trigger bugs you'd find in certain RPGs a decade ago (cookie cutter assets, map issues, event trigger issues, no new game+ etc). Feels like they're just reinventing the
wheel cog, and I'm not sure if it's particularly impactful. It's different, which I can appreciate. It just feels like there are a lot of improvements left lying on the feature table to make it a much more solid experience when taking into consideration the number of other games released that did similar things but better.
That said, I'm sure they were crunching hard to do things, so perhaps even more time would have been good for them... Oh well.
The main thing that I get out of the skiff is allowing more time for squad banter as a means of character development & exposition for the player. The skiff is otherwise kind of boring, and there's no photomode to even take advantage of that. In co-op. the implementation is not as polished as I'd have liked to see.
Otherwise, the best thing about the ice area is destroying the ice. The combat is pretty much as good as it can get with waist-high cover, and I hope they can further evolve the dynamism with more environmental triggers in the future.