Very good article, kudos to gamespy.
Its true on many points, that the core of gamers that will buy metroid, mario and zelda are mostly die hard nintendo fans from the NES/SNES era who grew up with these franchises, they're now in their twenties or more. Problem is they're hardcore gamers and likely have a nice job making cash, so they can also buy the competing console and the competing game like GTA, cause they likely like every genres. The problem is with the kids, and the age group of kids wanting to play violent games is constantly dropping, no longer will you hear fiascos about a 10 year old boy playing DOOM (well unless he pop out in school with a gun). Its part of the pre-teen/teen age where they sorta have to prove their maturity, that they're adults. These kids dont make much cash, even if he's interested in mario because he liked playing mario64 back when he was around 6, he'll put cash on the GTA type of game.
Like the gamespy article says, THQ totally shot themselves in the foot by creating such a large lineup of kiddy games such as rugrats, scooby doo and others, because they sold like shit, proving that gamecube being the kiddy console is simply not exactly true, the demographic of the gamecube like i said earlier, fans of NES/SNES, these guys arent kids anymore and they're VERY picky when it comes to quality, which might explain why shovelware developers like THQ are bitting the dust on gamecube, while other 3rd parties like sega are seeing their games sold quite well on the platform.
The toy-like looking of gamecube is also a problem. Normally, you would hear "who cares about the look, its about the games" well thats not exactly true. GBA SP proved this theory, a large part of the adult gamers from the mainstream thought that GBA is for kids, ever played your gameboy in a metro and look for a moment around you who is watching you in a bizarre way? GBA SP with its sleek look changed that though, it looks more of a palm than a toy. If nintendo would of designed the GC like something that would fit in someone's home theater look, i think the image would be a bit different now.
The problem is peoples want to play games they can relate to in a way, not playing a furry animal, an oversized italian midget in a mushroom kingdom. GTA, splinter cell, gateaway all have a bit of reality in them, even halo, even if its based heavily on sci-fi, you're still part of the earth's marine corps, the soldiers around you are human, behave like humans and will talk smack like humans.
I'll post problems within nintendo itself, some of their mistakes and then i'll post some positive things that nintendo has done since Satoru Iwata took the president position at NCL.
-Miyamoto. He is a problem just like he's an important asset. He controls too much of NCL, too much influence. He does not want to create games that his children wouldnt play, and since miyamoto controls pretty much what they play.. isnt that a bit of a vicious circle? Im not expecting miyamoto to go all out with a GTA type of game, he should continue to do what he's good at, its not like nintendo has to drop completely what they've been good at so far, making games for everyone. BUT, miyamoto controlling NCL's biggest studio that eats the most budget is a bit problematic. There's
TONS of talented directors at EAD (to be expected with 2 decades of existence and over 200 employees), but they're at the mercy of miyamoto. They're stuck in an endless loop of mario/zelda titles, which is not even their OWN franchise, its another director's franchise. I believe that directors should stick with their franchise and let others do whatever they want, rather than shoving your ideas in their throats. Get miyamoto out of the studio manager position and let him direct games once again, let the other directors have some creativity freedom.
-Intelligent system. Highly underrated, under fund and under the radar studio from NCL. I mean, its not that they arent producing games, because they are. Its just that their stuffs is still based on the SNES' technology, aka GBA. Somehow these guys must of missed the plane when going for training at SGI on how to make 3d games back when the n64 was still a project. Seems like nintendo never bothered to train them either. They have the franchises to change nintendo's overall image when it comes to 1st party titles. Franchises such as
Fire emblem with its kickass art style have a huge fanbase in japan, just never marketed correctly and never brought to the US or anything like that. Its an example of what nintendo can do for adult gamers, a serious style, yet not over the top in terms of violence. Plus its the KING of SRPG, that franchise on console + good marketing would destroy Dynasty warriors, yet nintendo does nothing with the franchise other than making SNES based sequels on the GBA and not bringing it in the US. Intelligent system is also behind Advance wars and Super metroid, so these guys rarely go for the puffy animals with big puppy eyes. They're the most "serious" studio from NCL.
-Hal labs, much like intelligent system, these guys missed the plane to SGI back in the days. I mean, Mother 3 (earthbound2) was in development for n64 for something like 4 years and then it was canned, because the studio was about to make a mass suicide ritual if they continued with it, they had tons and tons of problems by bringing the franchise to 3d. The only decent thing they've done in 3d is super smash bro on n64 and SSBM on gamecube, but a fighter in a 2d view, with so so graphics, is it really that complex?
-Racing, RPG, fighter, shooter and action, genres nintendo has to start looking for when they buy or invest in a 2nd party/3rd party developer.
-mistake, gamecube as a purple lunch box, if GBA SP is a look of things to come from Satoru Iwata, then there's a mistake already out of the way for gamecube2 ( i said IF though )
-Stubborn about online. OK, it
is understandable that nintendo is not seeing a big deal about it, especially when it comes to profit. Many studios have said no to online, but nintendo cant let 3rd parties lead the way for online gamecube by themselves, PSO wont cut it, nintendo has to show that they're taking the modem add-ons a bit seriously. It doesnt need much investments, i mean they have the most mainstream franchises that could make tsunamis in the console online world, think a pokemon online RPG ala PSO, think mario kart online, Fzero online, mario golf, mario tennis online.. Its not like its risky to make these since they always have the single player to fall on. Plus these games would only require IP browsers ala quake3 at best, and since nintendo is a partner with gamespy for the networking tools, it would be quite simple to setup.
I'll post a list of positive things from nintendo that they've done since a while, sorta as if they're finally waking up (likely due to the new NCL president, changing a company that was run by yamauchi for decades likely takes time)
1- Zelda preorder deal has tremendous success.
2- Get one game free with a new gamecube deal.
3- Amazingly slick looking, heavily marketed Platinum GC.
4- Amazingly slick looking, heavily marketed and very successful GBA SP launched.
5- Much better PAL conversions and great Zelda, Metroid bundles given to Europe.
6- Zelda added to free deal in US.
7- royalty fees lowered to encourage third-party support
8- Splinter Cell - among others - pushed forth to be released at the same time as the PS2 version!
9- Namco's Soul Calibur performs brilliantly in Japan.
10- Relationship with EA strengthened that means a whole lot to people like me.
11- Metal Gear Solid GC finally mentioned.
12- Actual Nintendo officials finally recognizing how important 3rd-party support is to survive the console wars.
13- No more SMS or Mario Party ads, thank the Lord.
14- Nintendo Gamecube logo for demos, promos and stuff , appears in a less 'cute' way than earlier ads. Even Zelda ads don't have that 'cutesy' look Nintendo usually gives out.
15- 80% of future titles in store for the GC are more adult-oriented.
16- Game demos including footage to be available starting in may
17- Q fund, trying to find japanese studios with potential and getting exclusive titles
18- Shake hands with Square once again
We might aswell add the n64 mistakes that nintendo fixed by having a friendly oriented hardware, good development tools, cheaper dev kits, lower licensing fees than cartridges, less obvious bottlenecks. Things that wont make developers run away from the console.
This year's E3 will be the first nintendo show under Iwata's control, i think it could be very different, by that i mean that nintendo will show and hype more 3rd party titles then their own internal ones.
Geez, i type so much, i doubt anyone will read all that. I guess thats what happen when you finally open your heart about your worries of a company you love. I do love nintendo games, but then again, i fit in the catergory i posted above, im an hardcore gamer who grew up on NES/snes, and i have the money to own all consoles and play all titles that interest me, so its not like nintendo is gaining an important gamer by making games that i love, since im also interested in other titles on other platforms.