Gamescom 2009 : Sony conference discussion

I don't think firmware 3.0 will remove "Install OtherOS" (and "Set Default OS to Linux") on older PS3s. It'd be suicidal.
I don't think the backup option backs up the Linux portion of your PS3, if that's what you mean.
Which makes me think, Sony should make it easier to transfer your existing setup to a new PS3. Buying a large external HDD for backup is just too expensive.
IMHO it is epic failure in the longer terms, think PS4 and the wonders of continued open source...with new hardware...that is not happening with Kaz team....look at PS3..some of the cool tech features like standard devices, swappable HDD, BC, Install Other OS, Folding, SACD...these arent really needed for a game console...but the vision..the vision to build a computer entertainment changed now...
Who says they removed hard drive upgrades? Underneath the BD slot there's a panel with silkscreen logos on it, which looks to be removeable. I'd bet that's where the hard drive is now, and it's likely just as user-accessible and swappable.
I believe its a bad move launching at $299, I would of gone now $349 + then $299 in november.
Yes it looks better than it did, but I still prefer the look of the xbox360, Though my ideal style would be a squarish unit with slightly rounded corners, why on earth they stick curves on these machines I dont understand
It will be quiet interesting to see how MS will react to this price cut. I do not think making Elite 300$ will be enough. It is good that Sony will finally put some pressure on them :)
Well I think that in US Ms most likely won't move a finger for a while. They have a Halo coming and with their usual Christmas rebate they should do OK. They are not in danger in anyway in US, Sony may have a big month after the price cut and then ps360 could go more or less hand to hand till this fall.
There is no threat on them (/ a huge burst in ps3 sales).
In Europe well, I bet they will wait a little but do something before OSDT launch. Here the pro is 240euros and every falls so far they have offer a 40 euros rebate => 200 euros.
I think that they will make the 200 euros price official/definitive and maintain a 100euros gap between systems. Europe is clearly Ms fighting ground for this gen.
Great little conference, with only two bummers, one big (for me, not for the PS3 in general):

- no install Other OS? I hate that. It's what makes Cell development accessible. It's ok as long as my current one keeps working of course, and I'm sure it will remain fairly easy to get one but still. And how will they reliably be able to continue with their cooperation with universities, which they only just announced? Use much more expensive devkits there? Hmm.
- the new Firmware 3.0 doesn't fully convince me. The general idea is good (different stores under the different headings is fine and fairly straightforward - if I want to buy video, go to the video store, if I want to buy games, go to the games store, etc.). The what's new and recently played shouldn't be mixed however. Also, the look of the additional icons is too flat. It needs to be visually more integrated. It looks decent when the icons are connected, but when they separate they should have something, not sure yet what. Maybe a shadow, maybe a border.

As a gaming device though, the PS3 is hitting its stride and is finally reaching the casual market, and this is great. Things are looking much brighter for its future now.

Now all we need is TGS, and the picture will be complete.
I believe its a bad move launching at $299, I would of gone now $349 + then $299 in november.
Yes it looks better than it did, but I still prefer the look of the xbox360, Though my ideal style would be a squarish unit with slightly rounded corners, why on earth they stick curves on these machines I dont understand

Doing that would be a bad idea. What would be the point?
I am NOT a fan of the overly pushy insertion of the store icon into every bloody sub-menu, especially the game sub-menu. It is already annoying enough how Home was the default under the network menu as I always hit that by accident when going to log in. If they do what they say and make some of the tiles launch the web browser then it will get even more obtrusive IMHO.

Also no word on an updated web browser that does not utterly suck.

So far version 3.0 looks like upsell marketting stuff for Sony, one long overdue bug fix for the clock and a bunch of surface flotsam I don't care about (microtransactions are out of hand).

Any word on whether the video store is coming to Canada?

I don't think firmware 3.0 will remove "Install OtherOS" (and "Set Default OS to Linux") on older PS3s. It'd be suicidal.

It doesn't... I've been running 3.0 for a couple of months now and OtherOS support is still there. It's just not supported in the Slims.

obonicus said:
Firmware 3.0 with animated themes, some video system and uh, interface changes. Guess that's it?

There's a few more small things other than that... The significance depends on your needs.
I am NOT a fan of the overly pushy insertion of the store icon into every bloody sub-menu, especially the game sub-menu. It is already annoying enough how Home was the default under the network menu as I always hit that by accident when going to log in. If they do what they say and make some of the tiles launch the web browser then it will get even more obtrusive IMHO.

Based on Eric's video, the "What's New" pane will also automatically cache your most recently played games. If you accidentally trigger the Info Board, all you should see is your last played games, plus the news icons.

It doesn't... I've been running 3.0 for a couple of months now and OtherOS support is still there. It's just not supported in the Slims.

There you are. Wanted to ask you if your marketing/planner colleagues are able to say more about removing OtherOS :(

There's a few more small things other than that... The significance depends on your needs.

Any hints ?
I am a bit surprised that they didn't mention that 3.0 gives you the option to have all the audio outputs hot...
It doesn't... I've been running 3.0 for a couple of months now and OtherOS support is still there. It's just not supported in the Slims.
I'm confused. Why leave out what is basically a software feature, unless it isn't a software feature and there's hardware involved?

Regardless, this is the death knell for Cell. Rather than pushing for PS3 indie development and home-brewed developer skillzorz, it's a dead-end. Fixstar's PS3 encoder (which was a bit pants anyway) is now a wasted effort. It's another bitter, failed opportunity for the PlayStation crew. :(
Yes, I was wondering if Sony is open to keep the Linux option open if FixStar can resell it at a higher price to cover Sony's per unit loss.