Gamecube hardware

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i still wonder how could ms put pentium 733mhz(which is the weakes of all three) into xbox along with a powerful gpu...contradiction to me.
do you know that xbox dev can use only FSAA? cannot do any other form of AA(without radical perfromance hit) in software mode just like ps2,

not sure what you mean by only dev can use only FSAA? the XGPU can perform 2X/4X/Quincux AA with their associated bandwidth requirements (laymens terms it's adjustable and not without cost).

or they can not use it at all. next gen should remedy this.

so do you think these games do not have anti-aliasing?...then why there is a minimal amount of jaggies compared to ps2's custom AA?

because PS2 doesn;t have AA and most games do not have AA. the reason alot of PS2 games have IQ issue (jaggies as it were):

it's not rendering with full height frame buffer (blending the verticle fields together) which only make Aliasing more noticable.

bad MIP-MApping and lack of better texture filtering modes.

early games did not use flicker filter for output.

Xbox has none of the above problems (nor GC although it's a little more complicated in it's case)

EDIT: pls not insulting other ppl. particular since they had not provoked u.

Performance: make tradeoffs in favor of decreased code size, at the expense of a higher CPI.

Performance: make tradeoffs in favor of a lower CPI, at the expense of increased code size.
friedsnake said:
notAFanB said:
friedsnake said:
notAFanB said:
these games do have FSAA...

really? proof pls.

and what about you, man?...

it was a rethorical comment. the point is I can't find the facts supporting your line of though (and I am looking....*sleep*). the best we can come to here is that neither of us know what we are talking about unless of course you are priv to some undisclosed inside source.

regarding the FSAA I do not see it in those titles I'm sorry.what I do see is some noticable aliasing (it's bleeding horrible on PGR). I don't see how this can be settled without some dev chipping in.

i guess youve never played on ps2, you look like a pc gamer, ps2 games(most of them) have much more jaggies compared to xbox games - and thats a current fact that will maybe change in the future(which i doubt)

That's because lots of them use field rendering, loads (I'd be enclined to say most, but I havn't played every XBox..) XBox games don't use FSAA, the reason they look better when compaered to their PS2 counterpart is because they don't use field rendering, and they can use a nice flicker filter.
Proteus said:
friedsnake said:
notAFanB said:
friedsnake said:
notAFanB said:
these games do have FSAA...

really? proof pls.

and what about you, man?...

it was a rethorical comment. the point is I can't find the facts supporting your line of though (and I am looking....*sleep*). the best we can come to here is that neither of us know what we are talking about unless of course you are priv to some undisclosed inside source.

regarding the FSAA I do not see it in those titles I'm sorry.what I do see is some noticable aliasing (it's bleeding horrible on PGR). I don't see how this can be settled without some dev chipping in.

i guess youve never played on ps2, you look like a pc gamer, ps2 games(most of them) have much more jaggies compared to xbox games - and thats a current fact that will maybe change in the future(which i doubt)

That's because lots of them use field rendering, loads (I'd be enclined to say most, but I havn't played every XBox..) XBox games don't use FSAA, the reason they look better when compaered to their PS2 counterpart is because they don't use field rendering, and they can use a nice flicker filter.

so as everyone asks me....give a proof, link aso plz...some good source.
Emphasis on hardware Emphasis on software
Includes multi-clock
complex instructions Single-clock,
reduced instruction only
"LOAD" and "STORE"
incorporated in instructions Register to register:
"LOAD" and "STORE"
are independent instructions
Small code sizes,
high cycles per second Low cycles per second,
large code sizes
Transistors used for storing
complex instructions Spends more transistors
on memory registers

thats why RISC architecture should not be used anymore./..
Next time you try and discuss things beyond your level of comprehension at the current time, don't contradict and laugh at other people who are trying to educate you.

You really have no idea what you are talking about do you?
yeah, CISC is much more effective, did you know?

have a look at that graph you have posted.

so as everyone asks me....give a proof, link aso plz...some good source.

fortunaely u can test this yourself if u have blaze VGA adapter the output is halved for alot of ps2 games.

in short MSAA is a dead givaway as the image is blurred ever so slightly and reduces the egde Aliasing on polygons.

end of discussion

I am sorry to hear that.
yeah, CISC is much more effective, did you know?
That's really swell and all, but how exactly does that help Risc CPUs in our consoles?

Moreover how does that have anything to do with your original argument that low integer performance is a good thing?
Fafalada said:
yeah, CISC is much more effective, did you know?
That's really swell and all, but how exactly does that help Risc CPUs in our consoles?

Moreover how does that have anything to do with your original argument that low integer performance is a good thing?

I was reading this thread from the last pasge and I'm thinking did someone really argue that low integer performance was a good thing?

And no they didn't argue it, like most internet discussions they just stated it as fact. Using the usual internet backwards logic of "I believe that Platform A is the best", and the red bar graph is smaller, so that must be a good thing.

I really have to stop reading these threads when I'm in a bad mood.

:? :? :? :?
Probably not...

Anyways, reading this just left me confused about what the whole point of the thread was... :(
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