LBP gets my vote too. The lighting and shadowing has no equal that I've seen, combined with fantastic and original art and design. And the optival effects are perfect too. It doesn't have the biggest draw-distance, or most objects on screen, or wildest particle effects, but no other game in 7 years or so has made me really go 'wow!'. It's the first title to look convincingly real.
Obviously ...
there's obvious computer-graphic-isms, such as flat textures where there shouldn't be, texture blurring due to lack of AF, shadows that aren't realistic, shaders that aren't convincing, pixelated foliage, aspects of the game that don't move properly, motion-captured animation that jumps from motion to motion, shimmer and jaggies, pop-in, phoney looking particle effects like smoke and clouds. Crysis has it's fair share of faults.
Little Big Planet. Nothing else looks as photorealistic except cars from GTHD.
shimmer and jaggies...Of course LBP doesn't have the same scope, which is how can they manage this.
Exaggerated lighting with exaggerated bloom. Weird expressions (guy doesn't know where he's looking). Then add the weird animations when the Xbox360 game is in motion which were partly fixed in the PS3 version but not fully. Part of it could also be the uncanny valley though. I don't think this game comes close.
To me the more impressive titles in this same train of thought that use todays tech to the limit but also work around todays limitations to mask "graphicisms" are: Trusty Bell and Team Fortress2. BlueDragon also gets a nod for working within the confines of the system to produce an excellent result.
Animation for sure killed this game. Expression was another downfall. But then look at what they were recreating ... in contrast to Little Planet. It's nice that they have recreated limited assets in a limited scope and returned favorable results, but how quickly can your machine render a teapot?
LP will be a nice accessory title. I don't think they will win Graphics of the year with it though.![]()
well if by similar you mean a lot worse then yes i agreeNone of these titles are replicating reality, but all of them are recreating a larger more detailed and varied world than LBP with similar image quality.
followed by a picture of a very obviously CG picture of two boxers.Little Big Planet. Nothing else looks as photorealistic except cars from GTHD.