Okay, totally non-console orientated, but to run Crysis with MAX settings, 16x Supersampling AA at 1600 x 1200 (rendering 30 million pixels per frame), you think that'll run on a midrange engine?
Is it possible to use 16x SSAA on a single GPU? Im guessing the most you could get would be 8x SSAA depending on how it works.
Putting aside G80's 16xCSAA, how does SS Transparency AA work on a G80? I.e. is it 4x SSAA when you have 4x MSAA turned on and 8X SSAA when you have 8x MSAA on? And does Transparency SSAA cover the whole screen or does it work on only selected parts of the scene (while MSAA works on others)?
Either way I tend to agree that maxxed out with max AA/AF and 1920x1200 resolution you might struggle with even 2 G80's in Crysis.