Full Auto 2: Battlelines Interview

*GASP* Gamespot said they think it looks sharper? Well gosh darn! I guess my very own eyes must be lying to me when I can clearly see appreciably lower resolution textures in the PS3 game!

Fine, take a look at other shots:

Read it again, sharper and more detailed and considering they have played BOTH versions and you havent id say gamespot have more right to comment on the games look's then you.
No the ones dated December 12th (2 months before the game was released on Feb. 15th) have noticably superior textures and lighting compared to the PS3 version at roughly the same point in development.

So if we completely ignore the two different development platforms and the maturity of their toolchains, and focus on development time to launch, then yeah I'd say the 360 version ones look better in a heartbeat. Of course, we're also ignoring that the PS3 version is a launch title, and only just received final hardware, whereas Full Auto came out in Feb and the December screenshots were with having final SDK's for 3 months. Such comparisons are worthless. You're better off saving your vitriol for when the game comes out ;)
Hehe when the PS3 version is released we'll be able to judge the differences ourselves by comparing the same levels and cars (just like RE4 on PS2/GC). Now there's a reason to bookmark this discussion! :smile:

Still, it doesn't matter that much imo. The game got mediocre reviews and I doubt the PS3 version will suddenly become a triple A game after tweaking the gameplay a little bit.
Read it again, sharper and more detailed and considering they have played BOTH versions and you havent id say gamespot have more right to comment on the games look's then you.
Even though Gamespot's claim is in complete conflict with what the actual evidence shows?
Can't do. I can only offer you to compare the shit 360 vids with the shit ps3 version vids.
The compression from web vids elliminates most texture quality, so all textures look equally fuzzed out. If you want to compare image quality you need to look at comparable screenshots. From those linked to, it definitely looks like PS3 has weaker texturing on the ground as the the ground texture are 1/4 the size of XB360's. And the lack of AF is painful. The road markings in this pic are something of an embarrassment IMO...
They ought to go with something like geometry if they're not going to enable proper filtering, or even a procedural pixel shader that ups the brightness within a repeating band of UV coords.
All this arguing about a shitty game.

Believe me, PS3 fans will be dissappointed with this game just as 360 fans were.
The compression from web vids elliminates most texture quality, so all textures look equally fuzzed out. If you want to compare image quality you need to look at comparable screenshots. From those linked to, it definitely looks like PS3 has weaker texturing on the ground as the the ground texture are 1/4 the size of XB360's. And the lack of AF is painful. The road markings in this pic are something of an embarrassment IMO...
They ought to go with something like geometry if they're not going to enable proper filtering, or even a procedural pixel shader that ups the brightness within a repeating band of UV coords.
I dunno now. When I first played NFSMW on the 360 (at IGN Live a while before it was released), I was shocked at how blurry the ground textures were, until I stopped the car and realized it was just motion blur. PGR3 has a similar effect on textures in motion, which I happen to think sucks. I wanna see detail where I'm looking, just as I do in real life. But the blurriness in the screen you posted could well be (at least partly) attributed to some newly introduced motion blur. Ignoring the apparent lack of AF further in, there's an unnatural blockiness to the ground texture up close, which shouldn't be there if they even have bilinear filtering on. It could be coming from a jittered accumulation buffer motion blur.
Even though Gamespot's claim is in complete conflict with what the actual evidence shows?

Its not just gamespot though is it? You count how many site's have previewed the game, then you think of how many have reported or even hinted of a downgarde to anything. There has'nt been any reports of a downgrade because there's no downgrade to report.
Its not just gamespot though is it? You count how many site's have previewed the game, then you think of how many have reported or even hinted of a downgarde to anything. There has'nt been any reports of a downgrade because there's no downgrade to report.

:LOL: Just like several sites that claimed COD2 ran at a rock solid 60fps and looked better than the PC version? Or that Oblivion looks better on the 360 than the PC? Those same sites??

Look at the evidence before you! You can't go by what these people say all the time.
To be fair you shouldn't be judging anything through PR-bullshots. Comparing framebuffer grabs of the ingame view would be real evidence.
But the blurriness in the screen you posted could well be (at least partly) attributed to some newly introduced motion blur.
I think not. Motion blur would be exaggerated from the centre of the screen outwards as the degree of motion increases. But the fuzz on these road markings is non-existent on the near-side edge but extreme in the middle. Plus the blurring would only be in the direction of motion, along the length of the road markings, whereas these are fuzzed at on both sides. Adding the total absence of any blurring on the vehicles or buildings, I see no evidence of motion blur at all, and the lack of quality in the road textures matches precisely non-AF mipmapping.
Only if 360 shots were even near in-game..

But i would take lower textures with playable framerate anytime. The framerate in 360 retail is horrible.
Only if 360 shots were even near in-game..

But i would take lower textures with playable framerate anytime. The framerate in 360 retail is horrible.
New trailer. Motion blur is evident, and at the end of the trailer we see a shot similar to the discussed screen. The camera is moving laterally in relation to the wrecked car, so motion blurring would go in the same direction.
ok thanks again Stillmatic, it just finished a few minutes ago. (was going kinda slow for a few hours like 15kb) From what I can see, I dont really see what the complaints are about the textures, it looks the exact same as the 360 version. If not better. Same for the reflections on the cars. There might be some AF needed, but considering they are now going into nothing but polishing for about 2 more months I think it will be ok. Hardknock, you really should watch the HD 150mb version Stillmatic provided.

That said, I'm not sure this will be my type of game, I think I'll wait for reviews first. At the moment, motorstorm and fatal inertia looks more appealing to me for a launch title racer. But that's just my opinion.